I'm sure my wife will love this one.She'll try to find something she can share with me.
I like how they equate leaving the cult with leaving God as though they were equal to God.
this just in for your reading displeasure......enjoy
I'm sure my wife will love this one.She'll try to find something she can share with me.
I like how they equate leaving the cult with leaving God as though they were equal to God.
haven't been to one in a couple of years.
i know they just finished the daniel book.
what are they studying now?
A new Revelation book?
In hardcover or softcover?
This will be what,the fourth revised book the WTS has written about Revelation?
If they had the truth in 1879,why does everything keep changing?
Nothing like "present truth"!
ive been a member of this board for just over four years, and i have never posted an introduction.
i mostly stick to the "fluff" threads, because they are safe.
i wont be attacked for an unpopular point of view, or hurt anyone elses feelings.
there was an announcement at the alaskan district assembly last week that the alaskan branch will now be integrated into the us branch.
prior to this alaska's number were always counted separately.
i wonder what this means?
Yeah,it means the US year-end numbers will show a positive increase,which will falsely encourage the jw's in denial into leading them to think that there was actual growth in the US in 2006.All smoke and mirrors,a play with numbers.
My wife has actually printed some of this websites poor arguments to try and prove 607 to me.She especially liked the one that said the Jews returned in 537 therefore you count back 70 years and you get to 607.That's when I tell her that nowhere in the article does it quote Jeremiah 25:12:" And it must occur that when seventy years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation..."
It clearly shows that the seventy years had to end in 539 bce.So if you want to count back 70 years you end up in 609 bce.It's a very poor argument but a lot jw's in denial will readily accept it.If it was that simple the WT would be promoting it left and right but they know it doesn't agree with the scriptures.
hello to all im new to the site i have been looking for about two weeks now .i was at brooklyn bethel from 1994 -1999 and i worked in the barber shop office blgd.
(25 columbia heights ) .i just wanted to say hi and that many of your post have really been helpful to me as i have gone though some tough times on all levels .
thanks for letting me just state that .
By the sounds of it a lot of people leave the Tower after their tour of duty at bethel.Maybe more people should put time in at the head offices.Sounds like a real eye-opener.
having cooled down a bit in the garden i got to thinking about what this board has given me and wondered what anyone else feels they have gained from it.. for me its been invaluable and even life changing:.
1) freedom from the brainwashing - when i came here i had already read ray franz's books and still believed it jws had the truth - hat i was basically worthless and that i would die at armageddon.
the reasoned conversations and help of the posters from all over the world has enabled me to have freedom of thought - something i didnt even know i didnt have until i spent time here.. 2) friends who empathise and know from an experience what i have been through in a way outsiders can never possiby understand.. 3) entertainment - unbelievable laughs and moments of humour that have cheered me up so many times.. 4) association - via the aposta bbqs and telephone chats i can now have so i don't feel so isolated and to some extent alleviates the awful pain of separation from my loved family.. 5) information - from this board and posters here i have found out things that were my right to know but would never have learnt otherwise - my sisters marriage, my aunts tragic death.. 6) reunions - i have now met at least one person who knows me from my childhood and has grown into a man of such kindness and patience that i would have missed out on completely had he not been here and been kind enough to hold my hand - even when i've been an irritating totured little idiot!.
The main thing this board has given me is the oportunity to vent my feelings that had been bottled in for 6 years when I signed up here.Now that I've let most of those feelings out I feel much better.I don't post as much as I used to but I visit often and read the threads and keep up on the latest news.
I also find it very entertaining at times and I'm also impressed at how many intelligent people there are here who willingly share their thoughts,feelings and WTS information freely.
Thank you all.
i don't know why, but for a fraction of a second this morning, i said to myself, "wouldn't it be funny if i just walked into the kingdom hall for a meeting" .
*slapped myself repeatedly and came back to my senses*
I can learn a lot more in 30 minutes here than I will in 2 hours at the kingdom hall.
every where you live, the local area has something about it that is either famous for something good or something bad.
as an example, you go to one town and it may have the historial site of a famous war battle.
you go to another an it might be the place something was invented, or the birthplace of someone famous.
for those that don't know, my wife and i moved away from our family and friends to fade away.
my mom and her new uber-elder husband with gb connections have been spreading it around where we are from that he is going to send a couple of elders to my house for spiritual "assistance".
so, everytime an unfamiliar car comes up my driveway a small wave of dread comes over me as the car gets closer.
I've been thinking for a while what I would do if some elders came back and asked me if I believe the WTS is God's organization.
This is how I would deal with it:
Goldminer:"That's a very good question"
Elder: "Well,what do YOU think,tell us,is the WTS Jehovah's earthly organization????"
Goldminer: " I assume you brought your bible with you?"
Elder: "Well of course"
Goldminer: " Why don't you pull it out and show me from the bible where it says God has an earthly organization and uses a governing body to direct it"
If you're dealing with an elder you have to be tougher.if you're dealing with a r&f you have to plant some kind of seed to make them wonder.It's really hard to say if one thing works the best.I believe everybody is different and it's hard to figure out what comment can have the best on a jw.
Just play it cool and yes,it's like dealing with the mafia.If they find out you snuck into the witness protection program and they've located you they'll definitely want to know if you're still loyal to the org or if you have to be taken down.