Yes I'm one
I trust God not men.
iam trying to work out how many of u are proper witnesses?
Yes I'm one
I trust God not men.
kingdom ministry school cancelled.
we have just received a message from the borg to all elder that the kms planed to take place the end of 2001 is cancelled.
i don't know if this is worlwide or only in my country in europe.
To Kent
Sorry, I don't have the letter in English. Only my own language is possible. But my country is to little to take the risk because I’m still in and serve as elder. Why do you want a copy?
kingdom ministry school cancelled.
we have just received a message from the borg to all elder that the kms planed to take place the end of 2001 is cancelled.
i don't know if this is worlwide or only in my country in europe.
Sorry I can't tell for the time being. I'm still in as elder and came from af small country in the north of Europe. To give you the name is to big a risk at the moment.
kingdom ministry school cancelled.
we have just received a message from the borg to all elder that the kms planed to take place the end of 2001 is cancelled.
i don't know if this is worlwide or only in my country in europe.
Kingdom Ministry School cancelled
We have just received a message from the Borg to all elder that the KMS planed to take place the end of 2001 is cancelled. I don't know if this is worlwide or only in my country in Europe.
Explanation in the letter: We are sorry but we are unable in time to have all the lessons finished.
Wonder if that’s the real true.
it is a fact that women generally live longer than men.
the time will soon come when by far the greater part of the 'remnant' on earth will be female.
what will this mean for the role of the governing body?.
Not a chance. Women can be FDS but never GB
i'm new on this board.
i hope to share my own experience on how i'm exiting out of this org.
pls stay tune for more.
Your welcome. Tell you story!!!!!!
the following are excerpts from the offical office of public affaris of jehovah's witnesses website:.
do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?.
many millions who have lived in centuries past and who were not jehovah's witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life.
Very simple. The game is just at matter of not playing with open cards. Try to hide the real statements and doctrines
i received this recently from my mother.
the only contact i've had with any of my family since october has been an occasional email.
you are 28 years old and you made the choice to put yourself, and us, in this position.
Please remember your parents still love you but are under the press of the way JW handle each other. I remember my sister 20 years ago decided to leave the “truth”. I was very angry with her. We were very close connected to each other. I did blame her leaving us. I didn’t do anything wrong!!!!. Today I do know better. I didn’t showed respect for her and my love for her was not an unconditional love. I really regret that today.
But the JW way of thinking is very strong and love between people inside – like my self – are restricted by the loyalty to the society. We forget the love to God and people close – and also fare away – to us.
Try to think that you parents are only victims of the “truth” and they – if they are normal human beings – still loves and cares. But due to circumstances they are unable so show it.
What a pity
the jw box of pandora.
as some of you maybe know i still inside the borg waiting for the right moment: i try to take care of my wife and two children that a love very much and try to do things easy and gentle not harming anyone.
do you remember the story about the box of pandora from the greek mythology?
The JW box of Pandora
As some of you maybe know I still inside the Borg waiting for the right moment: I try to take care of my wife and two children that a love very much and try to do things easy and gentle not harming anyone. Do you remember the story about the box of Pandora from the Greek mythology?
I did have a funny experience the others day. I what at a JW get together with 3 families – two of the men was elder included my self and one MS. I don’t remember what started the whole mess. I think it was something about children not having the possibilities to have ice and other things at the big summer conventions. In about 10 minutes the discussions get very hot and a lot of frustrations about all the rules and binding of the JW was brought to discussion. I didn’t say much trying to see what happen.
After 1 glass or two of the wines it all ended up into a discussion about all the broken promises and even no one dare to say it - they all blame the GB and the society as leader? One said that if something didn’t happen in 10-15 years it would collapse in total. Remember everyone was inside and very active JW and 2 of even elder too. The wife’s was I fact the most talking and angry.
It was a little scaring (by JW terminology). It made me smiled a little bit inside. I think my wife was thinking a lot about “what was that”? She knows a lot of my thoughts but is not ready to handle and I try to show patience about that.
I wonder what will happen next time!
jst2laws is toast!.
after 29 years i am officially no longer serving as an elder.
those who knew i was still serving would only be surprised that i took so long.
You have showed courage to stop. I’m still in and serve as elder in Europe, but waiting for the right moment and the right explanation of why to “step down”.
You’re not facing an easy time I think, but keep up your faith and take good care of your conscience and above all your family.
One question. How did you say you want to step down? Which explanation did you gave the body of elders. Did you tell them the true of just at little bite?
Try to give you self the time needed. Don’t let others bring you in a bad situation you are unable to control. If you don’t take a lot of care you could easy end in a situation of DF and be forced to write a DA letter. So be careful out there. Some will look about a little mistake or a wrong word. Try to control the speed and decisions.
Wish you the best luck.