They were pretty quick with a mailed response...about a week or two.
Posts by Kaput
UN Coverup... Help?
by sandy ini would like to write to the wt and ask them about their former un status.
does anybody out there have a letter that they wrote and that i could kind of use as an outline or even copy, if you don't mind?
you can post it here or pm me or even email me at [email protected].
UN Coverup... Help?
by sandy ini would like to write to the wt and ask them about their former un status.
does anybody out there have a letter that they wrote and that i could kind of use as an outline or even copy, if you don't mind?
you can post it here or pm me or even email me at [email protected].
Dear Brothers;
I am requesting clarification as to the association of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society with the United Nations which occurred over a period of ten years, from 1992-2001.
Anything along those lines is fine because you're only going to get a form letter back anyway. Send it to:
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
2821 Rte. 22
Patterson, NY 12563-2237 -
Cecil Rhodes Scholarship, Rutherford, Franz, and Illuminism
by Rig Boy inmacmillan was a longtime watchtower official and family friend who went by the name "mack" around our house.
he could be trusted.
" franz then admitted that he did not receive the scholarship, but "measured up to the requirements," which is far removed from being "offered the privilege of going to oxford or cambridge in england under the rhodes plan," as macmillan had written.
Rig Boy, ya gotta connect the dots. We've been through this before.
The 144,000 and what makes them tick.
by Clam ini havent been to a kh since i was a teenager and was always intrigued by the 144,000 and that some supposedly resided in my congregation.. questions about them were inevitably met with ambiguous answers.
"they just know they are" was a favourite reply when i asked how these "anointed ones" received their calling.
has anyone known any jws who reckon they're in the 144,000 club, and what makes them think they are?.
Where exactly was this music emanating from?!!
From an elevator that was going up.
If You Were Satan, How Would You Destroy the Watchtower?
by metatron injehovah's witnesses have survived hitler, stalin, and third world dictators too numerous to count.
126 years of false expectations.
have failed to dissuade them.
I don't understand this thread at all. Why on earth would Satan want any harm to come to the Watchtower organisation?
Not to worry. It's just an exercise in rhetoric.
Copy Of Deed for Beth Sarim
by Apostanator inone of my new years resolutions is to be more organized.
as i was going through my papers, i came across a copy of the original deed for beth sarim.
i've had this for about 10 years and it has served its purpose for me.
The satanic god of the Watchtower has no authority or power over me so I am not fearful of posting my name and address here or anywhere else.
Got any credit card numbers you'd like to post?
Do you feel 'Disconnected' since leaving the borg?
by AK - Jeff ini mean - many of us had a history that was exclusively in the 'truth'.
nothing else.. now having left, do you long for a discussion with some who share your past culture, understandings, and lifestyle?.
is that the 'appeal' of this board to many?
Nope...not at all. When I DA'd, I sent out letters to 25 of those JWs I felt closest to over my 30 yrs. in the Borg. In addition to explaining, with the Society's own publications, why I was leaving, I also enclosed the Paul Hoeffel UN/NGO letter. The letters were sent out and received before my disassociation was announced. Never heard a peep from anyone. Without any response, you know they've disconnected with YOU, so that made it easier to disconnect with THEM. I'm now back to being a "normal" person who enjoys rubbing off a scratch ticket, watching R-rated movies, wishing people "happy holidays" and volunteering for local charities. Ain't worryin' about Armageddon anymore, either.
Make your own comic
by misspeaches ini am sure that someone can come up with something hilarious jw related using this tool... please go to
we have the truth there is no doubt
by PMJ injehovahs wittnesses have the truth there is no doubt about i.people can say what they like ut there is no other group of people who bring glory to jehovah
JT, I reply to what's posted. I take no responsibility for other's life choices. Life is too short for all this mind game bs--unless it's to enjoy a bit of a diversion from other things. Bottom line--NO internet forum should be taken seriously. ;-)
Hear, Hear!
If You Were Satan, How Would You Destroy the Watchtower?
by metatron injehovah's witnesses have survived hitler, stalin, and third world dictators too numerous to count.
126 years of false expectations.
have failed to dissuade them.
If I were Satan, I wouldn't change a thing.
And he won't.