Providence, Rhode Island area. Four distinct seasons along with Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design, a performing arts center and Johnson & Wales Culinary School. Good restaurants, interesting museums, home of the Pawtucket Red Sox, Providence Bruins and 30 minutes from the New England Patriots. Like a mini-Boston but affordable and w/o all the people.
Posts by Kaput
I Need Moderate Seasons
by YoursChelbie ini want a place to call home that doesn't have winter almost half of the year.
it would be nice for the seasons to actually stay within their designated three months.
any suggestions?.
An Especially Stupid Watchtower Issue (Mar 15, 06)
by metatron inwhat makes this latest watchtower particularily dumb?
well, let's see.. take a look at this gem:.
" ...would a christian who is a self employed contractor bid on a job that involves painting one of the churches of christendom and thereby.
Nice one Danny!
Jehovah's Witnesses sell out to cash in
by Frannie Banannie in
jehovahs witnesses sell out to cash in
posted in jehovah's witnesses at 1:56 pm by rick ross | link
Don't know if this one's been posted already, but I got it off of the "cultnews" link on Frannie Bannanie's post:
Missing Light
by proplog2 inthe february 15 watchtower article "walking in the path of increasing light" reviews what they consider evidence that they are directed by holy spirit.
sometimes it's what isn't said that speaks the loudest.
the article tries to highlight what they consider significant events.
As IP_SEC stated:
Its a very long piece. It has 22 views.
If you just highlighted one item for discussion, you'd get the hits. For example, a topic entitled "Rutherford's naming of the religion" would certainly get some posts (don't ask me how many, I'm not a prophet). The synopsis you've provided, although "on the money", leaves one wondering if their response would be "lost in the shuffle". Anyway, that's how I felt...
An Especially Stupid Watchtower Issue (Mar 15, 06)
by metatron inwhat makes this latest watchtower particularily dumb?
well, let's see.. take a look at this gem:.
" ...would a christian who is a self employed contractor bid on a job that involves painting one of the churches of christendom and thereby.
Was the WT ever the truth? I don't think so.
Give it a little while, then you'll KNOW it never was.
An Especially Stupid Watchtower Issue (Mar 15, 06)
by metatron inwhat makes this latest watchtower particularily dumb?
well, let's see.. take a look at this gem:.
" ...would a christian who is a self employed contractor bid on a job that involves painting one of the churches of christendom and thereby.
Their synapses have ceased firing.
When were they EVER firing?
Believers, please define your 'God' if you are able to.
by nicolaou indo you still believe in the god of the bible or some vague supreme being?
do you believe in god and still consider yourself christian?
do you believe that jesus is part of some godhead?
Is this an annual thing?
To DA or not to DA that is the question
by lola28 inhi guys, as most of you know i have been inactive for a bit ( august of 2004 was the last time i turned in time) i changed congregations in december and have pretty much faded.
last night i had a talk with someone and he asked me why i was still in, why not just da?.
my answer ?.
so my question for those of you that have DAed is, do you regret it ?
Not a bit. But that's me and some of the others here. Everyone's different, so do what's best for you. I will say this...unless you truly disconnect from this religion, you will always have questions, concerns, doubts, etc. You will never really leave. And know this -- if you DO leave, it will involve creating an entirely different life, with a completely different view of the world. That's why some of those on this forum sound harsh with their comments, but it is because they have made the disconnect and have begun their new lives apart from Jehovah's Witnesses. However, they are here to help others see the REAL "light" about this religion. This is genuine altruism which the WBTS never had nor will have. -
Michael Jackson to sell Neverland to the WT?
by moshe inrumors are flying that michael jackson will soon close the deal on the sale of his vacated neverland ranch to the watchtower society.
they are selling their ny city bethel properties and moving to a nicer climate due to the poor health of the aging bethel staff.
the ranch seems to be an ideal fit for for them.
They already HAVE those rides at HQ!