Yeah, but the connections might get you a nice spot in Legoland.
Posts by Kaput
Watchtower and the Masons - part 1
by truth_about_the_truth ini will be posting contents of the book "watchtower and the masons" by fritz springmeier.
this is an extremely rare book that is currently out of print.
the information contained here is extremely important in determining what this organization is all about.
Watchtower and the Masons - part 1
by truth_about_the_truth ini will be posting contents of the book "watchtower and the masons" by fritz springmeier.
this is an extremely rare book that is currently out of print.
the information contained here is extremely important in determining what this organization is all about.
32nd would be a bit much, though
C'mon LittleToe! You're being a bit too modest!
Who has the ugliest avatar???
by SWALKER inmy vote goes to daystar!!!
i jump everytime i see his pic!!!.
stillajwexelder---if i wanted to see your avatar in my face, i'd just go look in the mirror!!!
Swalker (of the beautiful class...I do look better without the disguise, though!) can lose the hat but keep the shades on.
Tactic to bring it down, get people in.
by jwfacts ini was just eatting breakfast and thought of an idea to make the congregations less desirable to be in.
if jws can not/don't want to see through the doctrine, maybe filling the congregations with undesirables will make them think twice about going to meetings.
maybe we should do an advertising campaign to the mentally ill, tell them that meetings are filled with people longing to be their friends.. advertise to the cleptomaniacs that there are plenty of trusting people that leave their bags around.. tell young men that there are plenty of gullible virgins that still have a 1950's view of male superiority and headship.. and all they have to do to become a member is pretend to go preaching 10 hours a month for 6 months.
Thanks guys, this was supposed to be a serious thread of strategy
This is serious?
Maybe we should do an advertising campaign to the mentally ill, tell them that meetings are filled with people longing to be their friends.
Advertise to the cleptomaniacs that there are plenty of trusting people that leave their bags around.
Tell young men that there are plenty of gullible virgins that still have a 1950's view of male superiority and headship.
And all they have to do to become a member is pretend to go preaching 10 hours a month for 6 months.
Their "BIG" news 'KNOCKING' documentary
by DannyHaszard inknocking documentary newsletter #1 summer 2005. .
stories of real families to humanize jehovah's witnesses.
All this was instigated by a jealous MS from the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts.-Danny Haszard
We all know that the poor guy is just following the example of his heavenly father! You DO remember ol' Exodus 34:14, don't ya? The part where it says "because Jehovah, whose name is Jealous, he is a jealous God"? (NWT, of course!)
Watchtower and the Masons - part 1
by truth_about_the_truth ini will be posting contents of the book "watchtower and the masons" by fritz springmeier.
this is an extremely rare book that is currently out of print.
the information contained here is extremely important in determining what this organization is all about.
I'd have to have been busy, though, given that I've only been out of the JWs for four years...
I think you could probably get to 32nd degree in that time, LittleToe.
Watchtower and the Masons - part 1
by truth_about_the_truth ini will be posting contents of the book "watchtower and the masons" by fritz springmeier.
this is an extremely rare book that is currently out of print.
the information contained here is extremely important in determining what this organization is all about.
Is that book copyrighted? And what was the publication date?
Copyright symbol followed by 1990, 1992 along with following info on copyright page: First edition - 1990
First edition, 2nd release - 1990
First edition, 3rd release - 1992 -
by PMJ inthe general feeling on this website is that all religions have gods people in why does it matter to you all.that you believe you were lied too?you show me a religion that is with out fault?show me a religion that has the total truth from the bible?
with out doubt despite what people say the jehovahs wittnesses.have the closest to the truth
PMJ, how are your Apostate Studies in the Rand Cam issue coming along?
Or the Philip Morris stock. Have they sold it yet?
Their "BIG" news 'KNOCKING' documentary
by DannyHaszard inknocking documentary newsletter #1 summer 2005. .
stories of real families to humanize jehovah's witnesses.
the best strategy would be to ignore it completely
Like the JWs do with apostates. Hmmmmm. I guess turnabout is fair play. Let's see if that works.
Sunday drive
by cyd0099 inreally quick, .
my g/f and i took a day trip back to the 'land where i once was a dub' .
i showed her where i lived and worked.
Now my head is racing, I'm a little freaked out,and I cannot sleep.
Here. Count these...... .........