unclebruce (or anyone else who knows) --- which publication is that pic from?
Posts by Kaput
A question on " 1975 "
by The ini was reading some of the first " topics " on this db and i noticed that a few former elders and publishers .
were stumbled by this date.... i was born after 1975 and i'd really appreciate any comments from brothers and sisters who were around .
what i've noticed from personal experience is that many brothers and sisters feel that only " a few " were stumbeled .
I can't understand why they would bring this much money?
by Gary1914 ini just noticed that the bound volumes of the watchtower and awake magazines for the year 2004 are now up to $80.00 and $70.00, respectively.
the beginning bid was $8.00.
why would these bound volumes be going for so much?
I think the WT's got a picture of "da Judge" with his "buddy" Jack Daniels, and the Awake shows an interior pic of the UN Kingdom Hall. -
Calling all activists
by LennyinBluemont inhi, boys and girls!
and all you wicked, naughty apostates out there!
have been lurking for several weeks and posted once on freewilly's excellent thread about witnessing for newbies.
I don't know if public demonstrating is the way to go. It hasn't seemed to generate a mass exodus of JW's from the Borg as far as I can tell. Considering the mindset of the R&F JW, I would think that a more non-confrontational approach would work better. After all, weren't we taught to walk by the picketing apostates outside our assemblies with up-turned noses and blocked ears? I think informational discussions/seminars at bookstores, colleges, etc. on a local level which are advertised in the media, as well as a hot-line set up specifically to allow for anonymous inquiries, would at least provide an approach more amenable to the inquisitive JW. In addition, links to various informational websites can be posted on handouts/mailouts (excluding the WBTS website, naturally). Just my 2 cents.
Another Martyr on the Watchtower alter........
by Gill inevery so often, i think, perhaps i'm starting to let go of any interest in the wtbts and what it's poor deluded followers continue to do, or to suffer because of their misguided interpretation of the bible and, well....life in general.
however, my mum called me the other evening to tell me about a former jw 'friend'.
she is 48 and has just been diagnosed with a blood cancer.
But with die hard JWs it is impossible to reason. What do you think of tactics?
Send 'em to alternative therapy. The body's ph has to be almost 8 to work against the cancer. http://w3.bluegrass.net/%7Ejclark/alkaline_foods.htm
A Babe in the Woods ~ Mormons meet Sue
by unclebruce inseveral weeks ago i posted about a client of mine named sue.
well today i was back at her place completing all the cold water and sanitary plumbing to the railway carriage.
while i was there sue came running out several times with more questions about the bible and i was able to help her with information about the old books origins the sumerian epics, egyptian military code, persian dualism, torah, hebrew, nazarite / aramaic, paulian greek, catholic latin leading to the modern english translations we are so blessed with today.
Hey unclebruce! Is that a pic of your place?
WT celebrates the birthday of the World Health Organization and NGOs
by Dogpatch incelebrating a birthday with who!
jehovah's witnesses participated in celebrating the birthday of world health day 2000, with representatives of the world health organization, ngos, and other high ranking government officials.
what is world health day?
This is an excerpt from the "About this website" part of the OSCE website:
Information collected - During a visit to the website, the following types of information are collected: browsing patterns, website preferences, location of the user. This information is only used in aggregate forms: statistical reports on number of monthly visits, typical user paths, etc. These reports are used:
- to monitor the use of the website;
- to identify audience profiles;
- to support strategic planning.
Happy "visiting", folks!
The cancer has changed my wife
by outoftheorg inwe found out that she has pancreatic cancer that has spread to the liver and blood vessels.
she opted for chemo.
although we have good insurance, we still have to pay quite a bit towards the $17000.00 bill every three weeks for treatment.
Check out the alternative therapies utilizing Bloodroot, Laetrile, Hydrazine Sulfate. Also, try calling Bob Ginsberg (Levashov practitioner) at 310-473-8262.
"Do not go gentle into that good night."
Welllllll....if they made me a 33rd degree Mason, I might.
Sorry,but I´d like you to ask for you . What is this ?
by boby willians inthe book the nations shall know that i am jehovahhow?.
in the chapter 12 9 .
theme jehovahs sword against all those of flesh.
Siwwy Wabbit.
I try to run from the 80's as much as possible.
You can run but you cannot hide, Sparkplug! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA ! ! !