Just had to have my cat of 16 years put to sleep. He had developed a fibrosarcoma on his back alongside his spine and I was told it was basically inoperable, so I tried improving his quality of life by having him hydrated and getting a steroid shot to encourage eating. Still, he began to lose weight rapidly over the last month or so as the cancer began robbing his body of all the nutrients he was taking in from his food. I wanted to wait until he died in his sleep, but the vet told me there were other possibilities. 1) The tumor could break and at that point he would be in tremendous pain, 2) The cancer could spread to his lungs, at which point he would begin wheezing for breath, 3) In his present state of just drinking water and not eating, he would starve to death. So rather than allow him to suffer any further, I went with the odds and had him put to sleep. Never want to go through this again.
Posts by Kaput
BF's cat has cancer and is dying
by looking_glass ini know that several of you have recently lost a pet (lovelylil, alana & aude).
i have spent the last several days w/ my bf whose cat has cancer.
actually a malignant tumor on his lungs.
Friday 7th July 2006 - My day at the JW conference...*shudders*
by kimoko inok like i said in my little introduction thread on the 7th july i embarked on my amazing day at the jw conference...yea...right!
though it was a scary day i did write lots of notes and i have typed them up really for karl to use but i will put them for everyone else to see also coz it was a interesting day and little nieve me wrote almost all that was said.
i've put all the talksunder sub titles just in case you want to look for a certain thing maybe like there is a talk on angels, older people of the congregation all differnt poop .
Checking out your notes brings back memories of convention imprisonment: keep focused on the speaker, do not allow distractions to impede your concentration, refrain from using the facilities unless necessary (?!?!?), no talking while walking in the corridors during the program, bring your own meals...do not purchase meals from outside vendors/restaurants, return to your seat during the musical interlude, wear your ID badges ALWAYS --- talk about robotic!
I Got The Phone Call Last Night - My Dad Died
by BrendaCloutier inmy mom called last night to tell me he passed on sunday.
he died peacefully and fairly painlessly.
my mom said she was talking with him, went to answer the phone, and 5 minutes later he was gone.
by Jim_TX inthe other day, i was in a local half-price bookstore.
just out of curiosity, i went down the 'religious' isle, and sure enuf, i saw a couple of publications by the witnesses wedged in with the usual other things, bible-related.. i also saw a spanish printed something-or-other... a recent publication (although i don't remember the copyright date).
i was looking at the information, and it said something like.... published by the watchtower bible and trach society and international bible students association ... etc.
Why all the hostility toward WTS?
by hambeak in.
i'm very new to this and please understand, but at one time or another most everyone here was a loyal and faithful witness.. if you disapproove of it or don't fit in as i don't.
why keep pounding at them it is like an obsession.. i would really like to know.
by Jim_TX inthe other day, i was in a local half-price bookstore.
just out of curiosity, i went down the 'religious' isle, and sure enuf, i saw a couple of publications by the witnesses wedged in with the usual other things, bible-related.. i also saw a spanish printed something-or-other... a recent publication (although i don't remember the copyright date).
i was looking at the information, and it said something like.... published by the watchtower bible and trach society and international bible students association ... etc.
Have they (Jehovah's Witnesses, Dawnists, Associated Bible Students, Laymen's Home Missionary Movement) all really "gone their own ways"?
Check this out: http://web.archive.org/web/20020111203908/http://pages.globetrotter.net/mleblank/occulte/xoomjcdsindex.htm
Then click on: "1999 Convention"
See where that takes you. Anyone have any feedback on this?
Why all the hostility toward WTS?
by hambeak in.
i'm very new to this and please understand, but at one time or another most everyone here was a loyal and faithful witness.. if you disapproove of it or don't fit in as i don't.
why keep pounding at them it is like an obsession.. i would really like to know.
Why all the hostility toward WTS?
by hambeak in.
i'm very new to this and please understand, but at one time or another most everyone here was a loyal and faithful witness.. if you disapproove of it or don't fit in as i don't.
why keep pounding at them it is like an obsession.. i would really like to know.
The WBTS has been able to exploit the desire of honest-hearted individuals who seek a better life along with a better future, which in most people's minds can only be provided by God. Hence the need to use the Bible in their schemes (and not the Koran, the Vedas, etc. as this is a Judeo-Christian based religion). To make a bold statement such as claiming that this is "THE truth" will certainly draw those who DO want THE truth, but only as long as it has the backing of the highest authority in the universe. Hence the religious "hook" by the mind control group of miscreants who have always been operative behind the JW religion and who have no desire to swallow this gobble-dee-gook themselves, but instead have built this organization into a billion dollar empire which continues to feed the remoras who are attached to it e.g. legal and accounting firms, financial advisers, etc. The "powers-behind-the-throne" have been well hidden these past hundred+ years, and the WBTS has certainly done a masterful job of employing semantics and rhetoric in their publications over the decades in order to perpetuate this malicious and deceitful hoax. Do you REALLY think that Freddie Franz wrote all those books himself?
When do you put a dog down?
by katiekitten inim at my dads house at the moment and they have this dog thats 14 years old, and apparently this brand of dog has an average life expectancy of 10, so shes had a good innings.. now im not a dog owner, so its pretty easy for me to say i think they should put the dog down.
my dads wife is very sentimental about the dog.
i would say she was very attached to it, but for all her sentimentality, she has never walked the dog (its always been my dad) and she is not the one who gets up in the night with a mop and bucket - that'd be dad too.
by Terry in(pastor russell dot com)in his own words...was pastor russell a freemason?.
"there are certain conditions,the low gate, the narrow way, the difficult path.
although i have never been a mason, i have heard that in masonry they have something which very closely illustrates this" ... "many masons shake hands with me and give me what i know is their grip; they don't know me from a mason.