Show him the budget.
How 'bout show him the door.
the owners of my business cannot meet payroll and have not paid a lot of bills.. the owner of the place i used to manage wants me back at twice the salary i make now but doesn't want jake there.
i accepted and jake is very upset.
he wants me to look for something we can both work together and i really don't want to.
Show him the budget.
How 'bout show him the door.
i realize the publication is biased toward the jw doctrines, but is it accurate on the noncontroversial topics.
i spent good $ on it when it came out, and i wondered if anyone had opinions.
The Watchtower Society has no scholars. They have liars and thieves.
Amen to that.
i realize the publication is biased toward the jw doctrines, but is it accurate on the noncontroversial topics.
i spent good $ on it when it came out, and i wondered if anyone had opinions.
I spent good $ on it when it came out
Excellent example of good money after bad. On the plus side, the spelling and grammar are superb. Nice pics, too.
here's a strange one.
i found this book online, a free to download pdf copy of .
"the tetragrammaton.
Howdy, Pard!
The author is Lynn Lundquist from Portland, Oregon. Latest address is P.O. Box 301294. Zip is 97294-9294. Don't know if he's still studying or not.
someone had done a review and posted all the info.
one of the main ways the watchtower is able to mislead people is by impressing them that they actually fortold the events of 1914. they point to magazine articles and simply make stuff up in order to 'prove' that years in advance they announced that christ would return in 1914. typical is this quote: why, then, do the nations not realize and accept the approach of this climax of judgment?
it is because they have not heeded the world wide advertising of christs return and his second presence.
since long before world war i jehovahs witnesses pointed to 1914 as the time for this great event to occur.
Here's a buncha goodies:
i have been doing a lot of collecting lately i have been through reexaminer's website and collecting the pdf files that atlantis (thanks to both of you for making this available) has been posting.
plus i had quite a few books in pdf form from a while ago.. on freeminds there is a list ( of watchtoweer publications but it stops with the following.
1990 all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial 352 pages, revised [si] 1990 mankind's search for god 384 pages [sh] 1991 the greatest man who ever lived 452 pages.
From our "buddy" Oroborus21:
interesting topic from beliefnet.
12/14/2006 11:54 pm .
taking the position that jesus christ is, in fact, the son of god who paid the price for our sins, i dont believe our affiliation with any christian religion "gives a person an 'an edge'" in their approval by god and christ.
If there is a God is up to Him to reveal His organisation if He has one but for Him to do that we'd need to be looking for it or at least willing to accept His will should He make it known.
?!?!?! Sooooo I guess you won't be telling me where the one true religion is, huh?
interesting topic from beliefnet.
12/14/2006 11:54 pm .
taking the position that jesus christ is, in fact, the son of god who paid the price for our sins, i dont believe our affiliation with any christian religion "gives a person an 'an edge'" in their approval by god and christ.
Obviously I do think there is one true religion but not to get too caught up in semantics I suggest most disagreement for christians would be on what religion means.
Skip the semantics then. Where's the one true religion?
interesting topic from beliefnet.
12/14/2006 11:54 pm .
taking the position that jesus christ is, in fact, the son of god who paid the price for our sins, i dont believe our affiliation with any christian religion "gives a person an 'an edge'" in their approval by god and christ.
Stunned by the posts here.. surely the whole OT is very specific about how there is only ONE true religion.
Where is it?