what was the maximum I could get away without breaking board rules.
stillajwexelder --- I think 90 ZZZZZZ is the maximum.
'Kaput' is the state of my relationship with Joe Hovah & his miscreant borganization. The lone wolf symbolizes individualism.
new boy.
it is what they call new guys at bethel.
its a way the guys, who have been there awile (like over a year) to put you down.................if you are a new boy you don't know how the organization really works.. one of my favorite new boy stories is about lyman swingle gb.. lunch in the 124 lower dining room 1973. lyman swingle table head said to a new black bethelite........"boy would you pass me the potatos?
what was the maximum I could get away without breaking board rules.
stillajwexelder --- I think 90 ZZZZZZ is the maximum.
'Kaput' is the state of my relationship with Joe Hovah & his miscreant borganization. The lone wolf symbolizes individualism.
if this is the real power in the watchtower who are they.
The Shadow knows.
Wonder if they got the Society's permission.
i was just wondering how many ex-jws still read wt literature and if so why.
i have noticed alot of posters here know what the lastest wt or awake magazines are talking about and i was just wondering why do you bother to read that stuff since you left the wt?
I enjoy the UN articles.
our kingdom hall was started in 1973 with only 3 families totaling 13 people.it grew to 85 members in the early 90's and that's because many were related to these 3 families.with older members dying,the young leaving when they reach 18, 5 divorces and many disfellowshipped,the congregation is down to 26 members.talk about low morale.
where is jehovah's blessing now?
Of course it took a "Worldly" to point out to me that it is the good stuff that falls thru and moves on while the crap gets stuck in the sifter.
Nice work. I'm going to mark you "GOOD" on "Fitting Illustrations" and ask you to move on to your next point of counsel.
i was baptised in a freewill baptist church about 15 years ago, and then i became a witness and was baptised about 11 years ago.
what my experience has taught me having delved deeply in both (served as a servant and later an elder in wts) is that i don't really believe that there is a god.
why won't he answer me?
That's easy. "Norwood - Wide Right!"
<!-- .style1 { font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-size: 16px} --> skeptical of the apostates motivationmy best friend presented a hard-hitting question about former jehovahs.
he believes that many individuals leave the truth because it is hard; and they look for any miscue to escape the organization and their responsibility to god.
People may "leave" the organization for various reasons e.g. pressure to conform, injustice, molestation/abuse issues, humiliation from reproof/scandal etc. The list goes on......
However, I would say most of these people never really "leave" in the sense that they have not de-programmed themselves from the JW mindset. For one to truly "leave", the de-construction of their "pyramid" belief system must take place. Major doctrinal points must be examined against the Bible/logic/conscience/facts and then rejected as erroneous/unacceptable. It really is a major project, but only then can a person be on the way to true freedom from the Borg. Those (such as myself) who have always wanted the "truth", were shocked and shaken after finding out about the UN/NGO affair. This was enough to send a wake-up call to my brain. At that point, you either take the red pill or the blue one. "Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more."
our kingdom hall was started in 1973 with only 3 families totaling 13 people.it grew to 85 members in the early 90's and that's because many were related to these 3 families.with older members dying,the young leaving when they reach 18, 5 divorces and many disfellowshipped,the congregation is down to 26 members.talk about low morale.
where is jehovah's blessing now?
To remedy this I suggest that hustler magazines be put in the KH bathrooms, that will get the attendance back to normal.
What you mean is, that will get the normal ones back to attend. BTW, what reading material are you recommending for the ladies room?
i was baptised in a freewill baptist church about 15 years ago, and then i became a witness and was baptised about 11 years ago.
what my experience has taught me having delved deeply in both (served as a servant and later an elder in wts) is that i don't really believe that there is a god.
why won't he answer me?
Am I a total loser who God just doesn't have time for?
As long as you're a Billzfan.
just wondering if anyone here was from ma.
when i was involved with jws, that's where i was, near boston.
Me too.