My Kingdom Hall is near extinction!!

by RULES & REGULATIONS 50 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Our kingdom hall was started in 1973 with only 3 families totaling 13 people.It grew to 85 members in the early 90's and that's because many were related to these 3 families.With older members dying,the young leaving when they reach 18, 5 divorces and many disfellowshipped,the congregation is down to 26 members.Talk about low morale. Where is Jehovah's blessing now?

  • candidlynuts

    the one i grew up in is in the same shape.

    used to be around 100, its down to maybe 50 people now. most of them elderly.

  • avidbiblereader

    Jesus said wisdom is proved by what comes out of it or the results. I think your post says where Jehovah's blessing is, it isnt. I have heard this from quite a few places. Dont worry, they will quote Matt 24:13, the love of the greater number is cooling off to keep any they can.


  • heathen

    It looks like "jehovahs blessings" has moved to other countries where people live in straw huts always looking for handouts , kinda like on southpark where churches won't give them anything to eat unless they show complete obedience to the church . That one about sally struthers .LOL

  • codeblue

    Amazing...can you say where this KH is?

    Wonder if ALL KH are having the same downsizing affect?


  • blondie

    Low meeting attendance can have different implications. In the one case above it seems that people have died, moved away, and not become members when they reach adulthood.

    Then there is the situation where people still live in the area and just no longer attend very often. People like that can still show up on the books since they may put in a time slip with one hour each month. The yearbook statistics don't keep track of meeting attendance except for the memorial.

    So on the surface things may seem all right because the number of publishers may stay the same but meeting attendance on Sunday may only be 50%. That is what I see in this area.




    The Kingdom Hall is in Illinois.

  • avidbiblereader

    The Society has always been about numbers, when things are going good; this is great, but as you know you reap what you sow and the numbers game that they have played for so long may come back to bite them as people start doing the math.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    The kh I attended used to have 120+ regularly in attendance on a Sunday in the 1990's. When I left 15 months ago the average was down to about 80, and from what I hear it's even lower now. Granted, some have died or moved to other areas, but the majority still live in the area and don't attend.

  • candidlynuts

    it's not just kingdom hall attendance.. the past 3 years district and circuit assemblies that my family attended they said attendance was way down as well.

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