I don't see gods sitting on throwns.
further to the thread that minimus stated about 'still believing'....what i want to know is do any of you stil believe in jehovah?
that is, the named god of the bible that sanctioned the genocide of millions of unbelievers.
as the israelites came into the 'promised land' god told them to devote to destruction 7 populous nations and not let a breathing thing live, or in other words commit genocide!!!
I don't see gods sitting on throwns.
i think that those here might find this interesting.
i wrote this letter to a jw friend regarding the word jehovah in the new testament.
it is a summary of information that i've collected and some original information.
Can't print it out, either.
have we heard the true story?
my exhaustive research has revealed an unthinkable chapter in jesus ministry.....cannibalism.. john 12:2.
1(a)jesus, therefore, six days before (b)the passover, came to (c)bethany where lazarus was, whom jesus had raised from the dead.
Not to worry, greendawn. Peacefulpete lost his ear trumpet and "heard" the story wrong.
to do or not to do--living donor hepatectomy in jehovah's witnesses: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-6143.2005.00810.x .
living donor liver transplantation has come to be an acceptable alternative to deceased donor transplants.
several ethical issues related to living donation have been raised in the face of reported perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Liver may only be kashered by the broiling method, because it has so much blood in it and such complex blood vessels.
"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a little chianti." I wonder if Hannibal kept kosher?
most of you have seen me post under my alias truthsetsonefree.
some call me "tsof" which is cool too.
one or two of you know me by my real name.
It was my kids who turned me in...
Look at the positive...you taught them well. Too well.
to do or not to do--living donor hepatectomy in jehovah's witnesses: http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-6143.2005.00810.x .
living donor liver transplantation has come to be an acceptable alternative to deceased donor transplants.
several ethical issues related to living donation have been raised in the face of reported perioperative morbidity and mortality.
This article says the blood is flushed out of the donor's liver before transplantation.
most of you have seen me post under my alias truthsetsonefree.
some call me "tsof" which is cool too.
one or two of you know me by my real name.
Further, I feel that good elders are needed who refuse to teach these unloving practices and to advocate for those who are still blinded by this religion. I endeavor in all of my parts, including CA parts, to focus on the Scriptures, mercy, kindness and on love. Any that deal with prophecy, the organization or blood I avoid. I refuse to teach something that is not Scriptural or violates my conscience. It is not a perfect way of resisting this organization, this I realize. But it is a way I am finding effective for the time being.
This subversive "Lone Ranger" stuff isn't gonna last too long. You'll start trippin' yourself up with off-key "Jehovah talk" and pretty soon your fellow elders will want to "speak with you". Mercy, kindness and love have a way of interfering with the policies of the WBTS, if you haven't noticed already.
the rules of this game are that you have to invent a wacky conspiracy theory each go x-files style.
the winner is the first one assassinated for revealing the truth (not much of a prize i know).. i'll start.... blue smarties are filled with toxic e-numbers that mutate sweet kids into chav (trailor trash) like monsters with adhd, brought on by nestle to bring civilisation down to its knees so that they can rule the world
and guarantee the owner of the website a place in Bethel!
Where? In the bindery?
the rules of this game are that you have to invent a wacky conspiracy theory each go x-files style.
the winner is the first one assassinated for revealing the truth (not much of a prize i know).. i'll start.... blue smarties are filled with toxic e-numbers that mutate sweet kids into chav (trailor trash) like monsters with adhd, brought on by nestle to bring civilisation down to its knees so that they can rule the world
Can we keep this goin' or did ballistic kill the thread?
i missed the first half hour of amazing race last night.
any way to catch it somewhere before next week's episode?
and no, i don't have tivo.
I missed the first half hour of Amazing Race last night. Any way to catch it somewhere before next week's episode? And no, I don't have TiVo. Appreciate any help.