Yup - the Knights Templar are not exclusively Masonic, either.
LT --
Are you referring to the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem?
That having been said he showed ignorance and avoidance of Freemasonry, for whatever reason.
I don't think ol' Charlie T. was ignorant of Freemasonry because he states in his sermon "Who May Know God's Secrets" the following: "As in some secret societies there are different steps or grades---for instance, all Masons are familiar with the secrets pertaining to the first degree yet not all Masons are familiar with the secrets, etc., pertaining to the thirty-second degree, so in God's Secret Order there are first principles of the doctrines of Christ which must be known to all who belong to the order, and are also "deep things of God," which may be known only to those who have made advancement by growth in grace and knowledge and love."