My wife left me 5 years ago when I left the Jehovah's Witnesses. She got remarried Saturday to one of "our" old Jehovah's Witness friends Jay . Jay's wife, Judy died 6 months ago of cancer. At her funeral, Jay came up to by X wife and told her they should "get together" some time soon. The had there first date the very NEXT day on Monday.
Well, the got married yesterday April 14. It was a private ceremony with 11 people there. Including my DAed son and his family and my Daughter who just faded from the JWs ............They both believe that Jehovah's Witness NOT "the truth" in anyway. My son's choice was to make a stand against it, by DAing himself.......My Daughter decided to just fade away...They believe the SAME THINGS about this cult! ........It was a private wedding because of my son's stand against the cult.
So today is the big wedding reception, over 200 people going ..........."everyone" is invited...JWs and non JWs...........everyone that is except my son and his family...........My daughter was not going, out of respect for her in "if my brother is not welcome..... I'm not going either"............But last night she called me, crying........she really wants to go to it and see all of her family and "old friends"...........I tolded her to "do what her heart tells her to do" and I bless her either way. Poor thing was crying her eyes out.
So today when she is there with all of her old JWs "friends" .......and their worldy relatives.....I wonder if any of the non JWs will come up to her....... and ask her "Why her bother and his family were not invited?"..............I guess she would have to say "Because he has a different Faith then them now!"
But wouldn't the the non Jehovah's Witnesses have different "Faiths".....too?
How can anyone rationalize this Bull their right minds!