Gotta make our part. Brazil is one of the few countries that offer good conditions for dub growth (many poor people, many without internet access, catholic country, and the inland is little explored by the dubs).
i have an elderly relative that's a faithful witness.
she has attempted to take her own life on one or more occasions.. i avoid controversies with her because she is seriously ill and is totally dependent on the organization's existence.
for emotional stability.
Gotta make our part. Brazil is one of the few countries that offer good conditions for dub growth (many poor people, many without internet access, catholic country, and the inland is little explored by the dubs).
a few days ago there was a thread in which we were discussing the blood issue and jehovah's witnesses.
someone brought up pets and blood.
i was curious at that point if there was blood in our dogs food and were my wife to find out, i wondered how she would respond.. i did a little re-search on pet food and it's ingredience and here is a little what i found.. .........the protein used in pet food comes from a variety of sources.
Can you be DF'ed for drinking Bloody Mary?
many of you already know my real name.i'm the one whose experience was published in the sep 8 1994 awake mag.
i would like to stress that although i have good reason to be angry and bitter, nothing i say here is said in anger but only in sadness.
i write this to say that if i could take back many of my words i said in that experience , i would.
Our sentiments to you, Elon! Welcome to the board.
okay how many times do you think of them during the day (and night)?
how much time does this thought consume you?
this should be interesting
One for each time they made a wrong prediction... which is a lot!
i have an elderly relative that's a faithful witness.
she has attempted to take her own life on one or more occasions.. i avoid controversies with her because she is seriously ill and is totally dependent on the organization's existence.
for emotional stability.
I must have missed the plot line somewhere...
Thanks for the advice, anyway.
yes, i tolerated a secret fault concerning blood.
i have never told anyone about it until this day.
now i am telling you.. as i recall, sometime in the 80's (or maybe late 70's) we were told to check our pet's food for animal by-products.
Do they mean that animals that eat blood are not candidates for a future ressurrection?
Do Not Go Beyond What is Written. 1 Corinthians 4:6
i have found some adorable santa images on the internet and i'd love it if everyone shared their favorite santas!
(please no naked santas!).
No naked Santas?
What's the fun in spoiling all the fun?
so, my friend works for ny1 newschannel and knows the editor at latina magazine.
she likes the way i write so she asked me to write a short story cuz the magazine might feature it!
i wanted to post it to get everyones opinion on it.
Anyone can try their luck at the Ig Nobel Prize:
Some of last year's winners:
Steven Stack of Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA and James Gundlach of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA, for their published report "The Effect of Country Music on Suicide."
Ramesh Balasubramaniam of the University of Ottawa, and Michael Turvey of the University of Connecticut and Haskins Laboratory, for exploring and explaining the dynamics of hula-hooping.
Jillian Clarke of the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences, and then Howard University, for investigating the scientific validity of the Five-Second Rule about whether it's safe to eat food that's been dropped on the floor.
Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Christopher Chabris of Harvard University, for demonstrating that when people pay close attention to something, it's all too easy to overlook anything else -- even a woman in a gorilla suit.
Daisuke Inoue of Hyogo, Japan, for inventing karaoke, thereby providing an entirely new way for people to learn to tolerate each other.
etc. etc.
hello my brothers and sisters.
may god be with you this fine and lovely day.
i wanted to share something close to my heart this day and i've chosen genesis 4:14. this text shows the danger of being cast off by god if you disobey him and really get him mad.
Also: If humans were not allowed to eat animals at that time, how did Abel conclude that killing animals and offering their fat to God would somehow please him??? And how was Cain supposed to know that his offerings displeased God? Can we blame him on that?
And how would God punish "sevefold" someone who eventually killed Cain ? By killing said murderer seven times? By killing six more people of his family? Anyway, didn't everyone back then know that killing was not allowed? Or did they need some special prohibition from God (who didn't care to inform them what pleased or displeased Him)?
There's also the fact that the ALL animals in the garden of Eden supposedly had vegetation for their food!
I wish the WTS "really" used that text for the daily study!!
there's an article at the official wastetower, entitled "did god condone the slave trade?".
the article tries to justify slavery in the bible by saying that it was different from slavery among other people (non-jews and non-christians).
There's an article at the official Wastetower, entitled "did God condone the slave trade?". The article tries to justify slavery in the bible by saying that it was different from slavery among other people (non-jews and non-christians). It brings the following "pearl" (as a footnote):
Similarly, some Christians today are employers; others are employees. Just as a Christian employer would not abuse those working under him, disciples of Jesus in the first century would have treated servants according to Christian principles.?Matthew 7:12.
Yeah... right!
The last paragraph goes:
Clearly, the Bible does not condone the ill-treatment of others in any form. On the contrary, it encourages respect and equality among men. (Acts 10:34, 35) It exhorts humans to treat others the way that they would like to be treated. (Luke 6:31) Moreover, the Bible encourages Christians humbly to view others as superior, regardless of their social standing. (Philippians 2:3) These principles are totally incongruous with abusive forms of slavery practiced by many nations, especially in recent centuries.
I'd like to know:
- Why equality and respect only among MEN?
- Would anyone "like to be treated" as a slave?
- "View others as superiors"? On which basis? On the basis that they're wicked, for they have not "accepted the Lord"?
- Is there any sort of slavery that is not "abusive"?
Awww, come on!