I went in because at the time what they taught was very logical. They had answers to all the questions (of course, provided you didn't ask the wrong questions :) ).
Of course, we didn't have internet back then... would've put a spanner in the works!
i was brought up in the 'truth' for many years until i was 20 or thereabouts and now being on the outside looking in i see not only jw's for what they really are but i believe i see religion for what it really is too.. consider this point, and this reminds me of a song written by alanis morrisette entitled, forgiven which is a pretty cool stab at religion itself if you read the lyrics closely...one part of the lyrics is 'we all had our reasons to be there'.
if you came into the truth, consider the reasons why, what were the circumstances of your life...were you searching for something.
even if they were brought up in it...consider the reasons why their parents started to believe.
I went in because at the time what they taught was very logical. They had answers to all the questions (of course, provided you didn't ask the wrong questions :) ).
Of course, we didn't have internet back then... would've put a spanner in the works!
if not , when they started with this nit picky time keeping and product placement counts , was that something that was popular in the world at that time ( the stat keeping not the placements)?.
i've thought since childhood if they'd quit worrying about numbers and start worrying about people , it'd be a much better religion.
... especially because we have been awaiting his revisit.
i left about 14 months back and stopped attending meetings cold turkey.
so i haven't seen any jws for ages and for some reason i've never bumped into them at the mall or in town - and i guess that means they haven't seen me either or know what i'm up to.. i was at a cafe with a male friend today, we look like a typical couple that is we're the same age, shop together etc but its purely platonic.
but you know how it is with jw .
Poor guy... you shouldn't torture him like that. Trust me... he wants to get naughty with ya.Now I feel bad!I met him off an internet dating site and we started off as a couple. I think he might still like to be too. But I said I wanted to break it off or just be friends. hmmm life and relationships are so perplexing
When I was a dub I had a platonic friend, too! Only now do I realize that she didn't want to be platonic.
Oh how I wish I could go back in time... I was so dumb as a dub...
post your refutations in this thread.
i'm refuting the un issue.. .
The question is to what extent the Society really supported the charter of the United Nations. We think this is not the case at all. What should have been their actual support then?
Perhaps this is a case of the notorious "small print". The might for instance have been a brother that needed some material that only could be found in the library of the United Nations. What could be more simple than filling out some forms and becoming member of the library without realising this also meant membership of the complete organisation? How often did you read all conditions of insurances or certain purchases?
This is simply absurd!!!
depending on the denomination of their interlocutor the witnesses often claim that their religion is free of a whole bunch of non-sensical doctrines which are so common in other religions.
oftentimes, however, it proves that they have something that i'll call "replacement doctines" - beliefs which which are difficult to figure out for the 'interested ones', but which in the long run prove to be just as bad as the stuff they disclaimed or worse.
example: in a catholic country like poland, jws often boast about the fact that they don't have the confession routine, where a person has his/her sins forgiven by a priest who acts as a representative of god.
Just ask them if only Jdubs will be saved at Armageddon... if you're a non-dub they'll go all the way round what they really believe.
i left a brief message with my # - they actually called me back, in less than 24 hours.. we talked for about 30 minutes.
i laid all my "gripes" right out on the table.
the brother listened only offered me 1 scripture and even dignified me by saying i probably already knew it, but he would like to read it anyway.
We don't have that service here... but it would be fun to call and ask them to explain the "2.520 days"... then wait for their answer and ask: "I missed something here! Can you explain it over again?".. and so on...
if i remember the bible accounts of god's chosen people, the jews, they were always bad, disobedient and up to no good.
because of this they were alway being punished severely for their thoughts and actions.. since this is the case, could it be that the jws really are god's chosen people?
i've never met such a naughty lot!.
I always wondered how Jehoober almost always made a bad choice of servants. Apart from some like Job (and even that is not a very strong example), the ones chosen eventually went astray.
Guess He should've know better that we are "just flesh" (and how about that "Jehoober won't tempt you beyond your capabilities"?).
"worse and worse" - so the witness mantra goes.
are things really worse?.
consider a recent quote (the herald examiner pg.
The WT is going to say that just as the wordlies are saying "peace and security", then Jehoober's day will come as the pains of birth...
You just can't win with those people.
this i took from http://www.humaniststudies.org/~funnies/nearing%20zero/nz20040721.jpg.
christians always tell us how loving, caring and just god is, how he never ?forgets?
they also claim that god is omnipotent and everything that happens is his will and that it has a ?purpose?.
lets pay attention to what the watchtower say next as we will come back to it later:
This bit is taken from http://www.biblicalperspectives.com/endtimeissues/et_124.htm . Although the article presents a lot of BS to justify the Tsunami, some points are interesting:
From a biblical perspective the Tsunami tragedy is purely an act of God, because there are no human factors to blame. There are no loggers to blame for clearing forests, no engineers to fault for poor design or construction, no government planners to call to account for allowing urban development in risky places. The slipping of the tectonic plates on the ocean-bed off Sumatra, cannot be blamed on global warming or on the lack of adequate precautionary measures. What happened is beyond human capacity to influence or control.
Some Christian wish to blame the Devil for such natural disasters, but nowhere the Bible attributes to Satan power over weather, natural phenomena or disastrous events. Satan is sometimes called the prince of this world (2 Cor 4:4, John 12:31, 14:30, Eph 6:12), but his power appears to be limited to tempt and deceive.
For Christians who believe in God as Creator and Controller of this world, there is only the difficult conclusion that the responsibility for the Tsunami disaster rests directly with God. Scripture tells us that God controls the rain (Deut 11:14-17, 28:12, Job 5:10, Matt 5:45, James 5:17-18), lightning (Ps 97:4), thunder, snow, whirlwind, flood, clouds Òto accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world, whether for correction, or for his land, or for love, he causes it to happenÓ (Job 37:12-13; cf. Job 28:10-11, Ps 107:25, 29, Nahum 1:3-4).
God causes earthquakes (Job 9:5, 28:9, Ps 18:7, 77:16-18, 97:3-5, Isa 2:19, 24:20, 29:6, Jer 10:10, Nahum 1:5, Heb 12:26), and the mountains to be thrown down and the valleys to fill (Ezek 38:20). The forces of nature never spiral out of GodÕs control. They are controlled by God who Òshakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars trembleÓ (Job 9:6). God Òlooks on the earth and it trembles, touches the mountains and they smoke!Ó (Ps 104:32).