Why don't the couch potatoes go out and get a new remote control and stay the hell out of the way.
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Stratton Ohio letter to public.
by biblexaminer insome have read a rough draft of a letter being prepared for the townsfolk of stratton ohio.
some couche potatoes commented on how it'll never work.. the point is, it is not intended to have an effect on the supreme court descicion in a few weeks.
it is intended to get the word out by attaching itself to any publicity associated with the stratton case, as well as having the effect of causing grief to both the wellsville congo who preaches there and the governing baffoons.. here it is, but more revised and going to be revised yet further.
Stratton Ohio letter to public.
by biblexaminer insome have read a rough draft of a letter being prepared for the townsfolk of stratton ohio.
some couche potatoes commented on how it'll never work.. the point is, it is not intended to have an effect on the supreme court descicion in a few weeks.
it is intended to get the word out by attaching itself to any publicity associated with the stratton case, as well as having the effect of causing grief to both the wellsville congo who preaches there and the governing baffoons.. here it is, but more revised and going to be revised yet further.
If any wish to participate in any way, then email [email protected]
Phone calls after the mailing would be effective. Also, we need to contact the Mayor of Stratton to urge him to effect a public information campaign which will chase the Secretive Society out of town.
Stratton Ohio letter to public.
by biblexaminer insome have read a rough draft of a letter being prepared for the townsfolk of stratton ohio.
some couche potatoes commented on how it'll never work.. the point is, it is not intended to have an effect on the supreme court descicion in a few weeks.
it is intended to get the word out by attaching itself to any publicity associated with the stratton case, as well as having the effect of causing grief to both the wellsville congo who preaches there and the governing baffoons.. here it is, but more revised and going to be revised yet further.
Ok! I'd like that. I will email you.
Stratton Ohio letter to public.
by biblexaminer insome have read a rough draft of a letter being prepared for the townsfolk of stratton ohio.
some couche potatoes commented on how it'll never work.. the point is, it is not intended to have an effect on the supreme court descicion in a few weeks.
it is intended to get the word out by attaching itself to any publicity associated with the stratton case, as well as having the effect of causing grief to both the wellsville congo who preaches there and the governing baffoons.. here it is, but more revised and going to be revised yet further.
Some have read a rough draft of a letter being prepared for the townsfolk of Stratton Ohio. Some couche potatoes commented on how it'll never work.
The point is, it is not intended to have an effect on the Supreme Court descicion in a few weeks. It is intended to get the word out by attaching itself to any publicity associated with the Stratton case, as well as having the effect of causing grief to both the Wellsville congo who preaches there and the governing baffoons.
Here it is, but more revised and going to be revised yet further. It goes out next week.Community Conscious International
Dear resident of Stratton Ohio
The world is watching you. In a short while, your community will conclude its legal battle for the freedom to have a community absent of an organization so bent on pressing its twisted dogma into your psyche, that they are willing to sue you to make you listen to it. We all await the outcome.
The Watchtower Inc., who now litigates against Stratton, has become adept at exploiting the legal system for their ends. Stratton has obviously elected officials who are show concern for your interests, but you must be warned that as good as the legal firm representing you is, the Watchtower has already won this type of lawsuit many times before. You stand at the threshold of loss and the Watchtower will be coming to your home. You should also understand that, in the unlikely event Stratton should prevail at the Supreme Court, Stratton would still be the loser, as The Watchtower Inc. does not respect the law. The leadership will direct the rank & file members to continue recruiting in your community regardless of the law. Members are so controlled, that they will willingly endure arrest and imprisonment for their leaders as they nurture a martyr complex. You cannot win -not this way. The Watchtower though, has an Achilles' heel, and you can take advantage of it and win! Read the remainder of this communication to see how.
Jehovah's Witnesses do whatever their leadership decrees. Only a Watchtower ukase would cause them to avoid your home or community. There are many homes and some entire communities even now that the Watchtower leadership will not allow their members to preach in, and yours can also become one. Your home or even the entire community can be listed on their secret Do-Not-Do card. That's correct. While the Watchtower publicly sues Stratton to keep city officials from making a Do-Not-Call list, privately, hypocritically and by Watchtower decree all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses must keep a secret list of homes not to be called on! You can get on this secret list permanently!
In city after city, people are finding out how to keep self-righteous Jehovah's Witnesses from their front door by being listed as Do-Not-Do. Simply put, by confronting them with the lies and scandals spilling out their back door, you cause an awakening in them. Exposing a Witness to the truth, which they know absolutely nothing about, will have the effect of causing them to quit the Watchtower in disgust. Thousands of former Witnesses are now publishing the ugly truths that the Watchtower leadership struggles to hide from the rank and file members, truths that cause Witnesses to quit the Watchtower. You are most likely not aware of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to choose their own reading material. The Watchtower Inc. dictates what members can and cannot read, so that they can continue to shield members from the truth, keeping them ignorant and blindly wasting their lives selling their books.
The Watchtower will move quickly to prevent any other members from finding out about the Watchtower. If the newly enlightened Witness does not quit on their own, then the Watchtower will excommunicate them and announce at their Kingdom Hall that this person should be shunned! Not even family members will ever talk to them again because the truth could spread. As for your house, it will be listed as Do-Not-Do henceforth. If all in your community are ready to offer Witnesses this prohibited information, which would destroy their life fantasy, then the Watchtower leadership will dictate that your entire community should be boycotted.
While the law will not deter the Watchtower Inc., the leaders will blacklist a home or community themselves if it’s the only way to keep their members ignorant. They fear the INTERNET, because it is causing their mind control to fail. If your community were to be fully individually informed about the truth of the Watchtower Inc., then the Watchtower will issue a self-imposed ban on Stratton. The Watchtower only prospers where they can foster ignorance.
Each year, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses quit the Watchtower movement when they go to a home thinking that they might make a convert, but instead get an earful from someone who has researched the Watchtower movement on the internet. When the Watchtower finds out that they have lost members to the truth, they quickly move to stem the bleeding.
Arm yourself with the truth about the Watchtower Inc. and be willing to share it with the deluded Witness that comes to your home. In short order, there will be no more calls to your home and fewer Witnesses to make them.When the Watchtower Inc. realizes that Stratton is an informed community, the Watchtower will boycott Stratton, and be happy that they lost few paying members to the truth. The Watchtower leadership cannot take the chance that a member might be enlightened by people who know. Inform yourself and Stratton will be free of the Watchtower Inc. Here are a few of the burgeoning number of web sites to inform you which present only documented facts. The truth about the Watchtower is spilling out everywhere!
http://watchtower.observer.org/ (information-documents-personal experiences)
http://www.silentlambs.org/ (information on JW child molestation issue)
http://www.freeminds.org/ (information-documents-personal experiences)
http://www.jwfiles.com/ (information-documents-personal experiences)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/ (you can ask for help from concerned present and former members)Example: Watchtower Inc. whitewashes their history. 2'nd President JF Rutherford (1917-1942) viewed like a saint, tried to protect the Watchtower's profitable operations in Germany by secretly writing to Adolf Hitler, denouncing the Jews, the USA and Great Britain. Witnesses don't know this. When they realize they've been lied to they quit.
Tell the next JW at you door how the Watchtower hypocritically, secretly joined the UN, was caught and quit. (JWs hate the UN)
Pay attention to NBC Dateline. Soon to air, Richard Greenburg will expose how the Watchtower conceals child molestation among its membership -to whitewash the organization. You will be reminded just why you desire a Watchtower-free community.
Need Help FAST!
by TweetieBird inmy son (who's 15) came home from the meeting last night (he thinks he wants to be a witness, but that's in another thread) and said that his grandmother (my mother-in-law) told him my reason for not going to meetings (the un thing, also discussed in another thread).
he told me that i need to talk to the po about it as he had heard about it a while back and has some information.. hmmmm, me thinks the mom-in-law has been talking to the po about what i told her last week.
i'm sure that i will be getting a shepherding call (a drop-by, unscheduled visit) by him this weekend.
Ask them this. Was not Satan the first liar? Are not all those who lie following him?
Show the elders the letter from Paul Gillies. Paul lies like an old oreiental rug. Prove that using the Paul Hoeffel letter establishing the facts. Shoe how the WTS was indeed aware of the CRITERIA, as they submitted those UN ass kissing articles.
Establish that the WTS lies. Establish that they kept it secret. Did the elders know? Guess it was secret after all....
Print out all the stuff. Push it in their faces.
I just told my wife and she was devasted.
What an elder said the other day ...LOL
by biblexaminer inthe other day, i was walking out of the kh with elder x, and elder x said ..."did you hear about this jehovah's witness website they got... they should shut it down".
i acted dumb to it and chuckled.
i said "really...ah yeah... i think i did hear somthing about that...".
The other day, I was walking out of the KH with elder x, and elder x said ..."did you hear about this Jehovah's Witness website they got... they should shut it down"
I acted dumb to it and chuckled. I said "REALLY...ah yeah... I think I did hear somthing about that..."
As I nodded goodbye and moved off to my car, I muttered ..Yeah... I'll just tell Simon to get that terrible thing down right now...
What a lark! I will bet 'ol righteous brother x ain't reading this right now.
Why did Brother x bring this up? Well, seems to be that some of the faithful have been bringing up the UN/WTS stuff to them and they are just a squirmin. The first question asked is always the same... ...have you been reading apostate stuff?"
Well, this is gonna be good.
Is Ray Franz still living?
by hungry4life ina friend of mine has been sharing her doubts about the organization with me for the last year.
she read both of ray franz's books and found that they were interesting and dealt with many of the questions she had.
she then wrote to the society anonymously and explained why she could not in good conscience preach regarding 1914 ( she used my p.o.
Is Ray Franz still living?
by hungry4life ina friend of mine has been sharing her doubts about the organization with me for the last year.
she read both of ray franz's books and found that they were interesting and dealt with many of the questions she had.
she then wrote to the society anonymously and explained why she could not in good conscience preach regarding 1914 ( she used my p.o.
I write him occasionally. He has always responded. I will call him on the telephone next week and ask him if he minds that I share our correspondence.
I am still in the org with responsibilities. I am in a tight spot with my wife, but thank God I made some headway with her this past weekend. Because of my situation, I think he felt the need to offer me some encouraging words, which were and alsways will be much appreciated.
Celia above said correctly about his condition. But he's still full of fire.
The 1914 generation is back for 2002
by Skimmer inthe 1914 generation is back for 2002.. that's right.
some people who were alive in 1914 will still be around to see the big a according to the 2002 theocratic ministry school outline.
i downloaded the 4.8 mbyte zip file the other day and was looking for references to 1914.. from section number four of the june 17, 2002 entry (page 112):.
Weel, I will always be the first to point out the stupidity in NY, but sorry, this is an incorrect reference.
The SCHEDULE says,
No. 4: What Beliefs....
This means that the material stops short of par. 8
(rs p. 199 par. 2-p. 200 par. 7)If anyone wants a scan of the original, I will be happy to put it up.
So, lets keep looking. The stupidity is there, but this ain't it.
DPI PRESS RELEASE on new NGOs for 2001
by hawkaw inthe following press release was issued by the united nations department of public information on december 20 and 21, 2001. the release dealt with new ngos who became "associated" with dpi just like the way the watchtower as an ngo became "associated" with dpi in 1992.. .
i like the part about the 251 organizations who were "disassociated".
Hey Hawk. How's it going? I am gonna phone you in a few hours with a blockbuster idea.
Thanks for the research on this thread BTW. It really shows just how badly the Watchtower lies.
To quote Rod Jung from last weekend at the special meetings for Elders and Servants in Southern Ontario CANADA, he said
"Jehovah views as serious, LYING to those who have a right to know the facts"
Yes ROD, HE does view it as serious. So bend over and kiss your ass GOODBYE!