Not an easy thing right now. If you are really desperate, I will phone him for you, but it's gotta be important.
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Need to contact Hawkaw.. Thanks
by Pathofthorns inwould it be possible please to contact me at - at your earliest convenience please?
if anyone can contact him and pass this message on, it would also be appreciated.
thanks.. path
How long have we waited? DATELINE
by biblexaminer inwe have been hearing about dateline nbc since, what, last july?.
anyone have any clue how long it's been?
i mean, after a while, it seems pointless.. is dateline backing out?
So... nobody knows anything ...
How long have we waited? DATELINE
by biblexaminer inwe have been hearing about dateline nbc since, what, last july?.
anyone have any clue how long it's been?
i mean, after a while, it seems pointless.. is dateline backing out?
We have been hearing about DATELINE NBC since, what, last JULY?
Anyone have any clue how long it's been? I mean, after a while, it seems pointless.
Is Dateline backing out? Was there ever a program? I am calling 1-313-555-1212 to get the NBC tele.# today. I want to call and find out something... anything.
I've been studying for about a year now...
by Meow921 ini've been studying with the jw's for about a year now.
i know that by nature (or nurture!
) i have an addictive personality so i have tried to be real careful that i'm doing the right thing by getting involved with them.
I am an active JW. This week, I will have opportunity to teach the congregation. It will be very hard for me, because after 40 years in the "Organization", I now know the truth.
You see, it's this way. If you are at all interested in the "truth", ("truth" as opposed to the "lie") then you will probably study with us. And after a long while, the "truth"("truth" as opposed to the "lie") will start to matter to you. But alas, you will be stuck in "the truth" (JW "organization") and you will suddenly see the difference between "truth" ("truth" as opposed to the "lie") and "the truth" (JW "organization") and you will begin to understand what everyone was talking about when they were telling you to learn the "truth" about "the truth".
Now.... I am trying desperately to get out. But they don't make it easy. You will lose everyone and everything you have.
Don't believe it?? Then join! And we'll see you back here in about 15-20 years, lamenting about your wasted years.
If you care about "truth", then stay away from my religion.
PS. Compare Romans 14:7-9 in the New WOrld Translation to other bibles, say for instance the Living English Trans. See if you can pick it out. See if it matters.
After all, if it doesn't matter, then join the Catholic church. They have some "the truth" too. But cover your ass either way...
YoYO Mama a Hypocrite?
by JT inone of the most interesting thing that seems to happen to a loyal jw who comes onto a site like this is that by default they become hypocrites.. now for many of us we were at least willing to "concede" that we were hypocrites for being here, but then you go those "others" who just can't admit it about themselves>.
i thought this post by yoyo mama is very interesting as he resoundly dogs a person, yet this poster does the very thing that he condemns.
only a jw could do this and think everything is ok:.
I would ask all these GB defenders this question.
Do you think that these religious fanatics whom you defend, will give you life?
Yes, O wise GB defenders, do you perceive that the ones who hate you, whom you defend, will grant you life? Do you think that your precious GB, 'once they ascend to God's right hand' will suddenly change their point of view and find you righteous?
You GB defenders are self deluded, for you have convinced yourselves that your leaders are misguided and YOU have made the wiser decision to come here to defend "Christ's brothers". But you ARE deluded, for those whom you defend would slit your throat and leave you to die in your own vomit.
If you, on the one hand, are more righteous to defend them, even though they tell you NOT to, then how are you wise to defend those whom you, on the other hand, believe are in need of correction in their view of YOU?
You are fools. The blind will lead the blind and both shall fall into the pit.
STRATTON Mayor Pissed Off
by MadApostate inmarch 23, 2002. town take its no-door-to-door pitch to the top.
by francis x. clines.
stratton, ohio this village's wariness of the door-to-door solicitors denounced locally as "flim-flam men" has drawn the scrutiny of the u.s. supreme court, a fact that turns out to be a cause of local pride rivaling the steak dinners at abdalla's tavern.. "but we'll have even more pride if the court finally agrees with us," said john m. abdalla, the mayor, magistrate, steakhouse host and tireless factotum in this village of 277 residents.
Why don't they just open their mail and READ.
The Letter To Stratton
SHUNNING- Oregonian Article-HUGE!
by messenger in
shunning in spotlight .
wendy y. lawton .
Yadorf You are such a goof. Everyone here is laughing at you. You stick up for the Governing Bastards, but here you are, posting away, a standing example of "unfaithfulness".
As others have amply explained youdorf, yougoof, you are in violation of your stupid leaders' rules by being here. If you were busy kissing the GB's buttocks like you should be, Mr goodie-2-shoues dubb, then you wouldn't have time to practice hypocrisy here.
by biblexaminer inthe letter is on the way.
it will arrive at every home in stratton oh about midweek next.. fyi ...use this link to view..
Header with deacal [B]Community Conscious International
Dear resident of Stratton Ohio
The world is watching you. In a short while, your community will conclude its legal struggle against an organization so bent on pressing its twisted creed into your psyche that they are willing to sue you to make you listen to it.
The Watchtower Inc., who presently litigates against Stratton for the "right" to trespass on your properties, even against your express wishes, has become adept at exploiting the legal system for their ends. As good as the legal firm representing you is, the Watchtower has won this type of lawsuit many times before. You stand at the threshold of loss and the Watchtower will be coming to your home whether you like it or not. You should also understand that, in the unlikely event Stratton should prevail at the Supreme Court, Stratton would still be the loser, as The Watchtower Inc. does not respect the law. The leadership will direct rank & file members to continue recruiting in your community regardless of the law. Members are so controlled, that they will willingly endure arrest and imprisonment for their leaders as they nurture a martyr complex. You cannot win -not this way. The Watchtower though, has an Achilles' heel, and you can take advantage of it and win! Read the remainder of this communication to see how.
Jehovah's Witnesses do whatever their leadership decrees. Only a Watchtower ukase would cause them to avoid your home or community. There are many homes and some entire communities even now that the Watchtower leadership will not allow their members to preach in, and yours can also become one. Your home or even the entire community can be listed on their secret Do-Not-Do card. That's correct. While publicly the Watchtower sues Stratton to keep city officials from making a Do-Not-Call list, -privately, hypocritically and by Watchtower decree all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses must keep a secret list of homes not to be called on! You can get on this secret list permanently!
In city after city, people are learning how to keep sanctimonious Jehovah's Witnesses away from their front door, by confronting them with the scandals spilling out their back door. By exposing a Witness to the truth about their organization, which they know absolutely nothing of and believe is "righteous", you cause an awakening in them, having the effect of causing them to quit the Watchtower in disgust. When news gets back to Watchtower headquarters that a Witness found out the truth from a person in your community, the Watchtower will move quickly to prevent any other members from finding out about the Watchtower's dark secrets. If the newly enlightened Witness does not quit on their own, then the Watchtower will excommunicate them and announce at their Kingdom Hall that this person should be shunned! Not even family members will ever be allowed to talk to them again because the truth could spread. As for the offending home, it will be listed as Do-Not-Do henceforth so that no more Witnesses will hear the truth. If all in your community are ready to offer Witnesses this prohibited information, which would destroy their life fantasy, then the Watchtower leadership will dictate that your entire community should be boycotted.
Thousands of now enlightened, former Witnesses are publishing the ugly truths that the Watchtower leadership struggles to hide from the rank and file members, truths that cause Witnesses to quit the Watchtower. You are most likely not aware of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to choose their own reading material. The Watchtower Inc. dictates what members can and cannot read, so that they can continue to shield members from the truth, keeping them blind, ignorant and in line. While the law will not deter the Watchtower Inc., the leaders will blacklist a home or community themselves if it’s the only way to keep their members ignorant. Watchtower fears the truth, now abundant on the INTERNET, because it is causing their mind control to fail.
If your community were to be fully individually informed about the soiled truth of the Watchtower Inc., then the Watchtower will issue a self-imposed ban on Stratton. The Watchtower only prospers where they can foster ignorance. Each year, thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses quit the Watchtower movement when they go to a home thinking that they might make a convert, but instead get an earful from someone who has researched the Watchtower movement on the internet. When the Watchtower sees that they have lost members because of informed Stratton dwellers, they will quickly move to stem the bleeding and boycott Stratton.
Arm yourself with the truth about the dirty Watchtower secrets and be willing to share it with the deluded Witness that comes to your home. In short order, there will be no more calls to your home and fewer Witnesses to make them.
Make Stratton an informed community and be free of the Watchtower Inc. Here are a few of the burgeoning number of web sites to inform you, which present documented facts. The truth about the Watchtower is spilling out everywhere! or or (information-documents-personal experiences) (you can ask for help from concerned present and former members) (information on JW child molestation issue) (expository books)Example: Watchtower Inc. whitewashes their history to appear 'righteous'. 2'nd President JF Rutherford (1917-1942) viewed like a 'saint', tried to protect the Watchtower's profitable operations in Germany in WW2 by secretly writing to Adolf Hitler, denouncing the Jews, the USA and Great Britain. Witnesses don't know this. When they realize they've been lied to they quit.
Tell the next JW at you door how the Watchtower hypocritically, secretly joined the UN, was caught and quit. (JWs hate the UN)
NBC Dateline soon to air, Richard Greenburg will expose how the Watchtower conceals child molestation among its membership -to whitewash the organization. You will be reminded just why you desire a Watchtower-free community.
If you got this in the mail, then what would you..
by biblexaminer inread this document and answer the following questions.
I will find out tomorrow, just what is happening in JW homes around here. I will hear if somebody got vexed. I will hear about any tears.
OH! I am so looking forward to it.
If you got this in the mail, then what would you..
by biblexaminer inread this document and answer the following questions.
Thanks. I always accept constructive criticism. In coming days, I am preparing something along those lines.
I do know this, though, that if more people would spend less time surfing and more time licking stamps, then the world would be a better place.