Bill Bowen.... please note that most news investigators will provide you with a "wire" if you are willing to wear it.
Then we could all sit back and enjoy the JC (if it ever happens) in real-time
well we did it, 45 people were present for the first candle light vigil for silentlambs around the world.
holly and heather berry were there along with many other victims who told stories, sung songs, and recited poems that were self composed to help them deal with abuse issues.
there were many touching moments where you could feel the heartbreak and pain suffered by the expressions made.
Bill Bowen.... please note that most news investigators will provide you with a "wire" if you are willing to wear it.
Then we could all sit back and enjoy the JC (if it ever happens) in real-time
my jw daughter came over monday to tell me all about her visit to bethel!.
first, she said how happy she felt and so very emotional when they took them, (a group of 8) to where the "twelve goberning body" held their meetings.
she said: "mom, i got to see where they sit!".
Yes, yes. Every Dub should make the pilgrimage to the WT mecca.
You must take off your sandals when you walk near the holy fathers's inner sanctum. That's holy ground.
I have heard that some who even approach the door to the inner sanctum have broken into a cold sweat, fallen to the ground and had visions, rolling their eyes.
Who was telling that they now have a cardiac recuss unit on the wall there??
Ahh... the mecca
VISIT IT SOON CAUSE IT WON"T BE THERE MUCH LONGER.... just a big 'ol radioactive lake where ground-zero was.
this afternoon while wasting time at the promenade mall, in temecula, ca (southern cal) i had a hard time containing my laughter.
just in front of me were two women behind a table full of wbts literature.
what caught my eye was a young people ask sign.
My JW bros' used to visit the laundrymats around town. Till one night, somebody put a few stickers up on the doors of a few shops.
These sickers had the official WTS logo and said "JOIN OR DIE" in red followed by a choice WT quote to the effect that "Only JWs will be saved" at "ARMAGEDDON"
The owner of a few shops called the local KH, LIVID, and not a few times I might add. Caused quite a stir.
In fact, they threatened lawsuit. So the Cicuit Overdood decreed that no JW should "witness" at any laundrymat in town. No mags to be left.
I live in a city of 200,000+
The BAN stands till this day.
the following, from the watchtower magazine of january 1, 1997, does not support the idea that the wts is a "pedophile's paradise.
" the wts also pointedly spoke out against pedophilia over 9 years ago in the awake!
magazine of october 8, 1993. for the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation.
Hey Watchtower defenders...the Watchtower also says that LYING is wrong. Correct?
But do they do as they say?
These hypocrites lie like a rug. They lie about everything. LIE LIE LIE.
For example, they tell their own version about the WTS history, yet they aren't willing to put pre-1950 Watchtower writings on the damned CDROM.
Pick up an old Watchtower bound volume from the early years and READ.
Is what you are reading consistant with what the WTS tells about itself.
DAMNED LIARS. Proven and stamped!
Now, becasue they say LYING is bad, that means what?
So, if they print "child molestaion is bad", does that mean it doesn't happen?
Does printing "child molestaion is bad" mean that they don't cover it up?
Does printing "child molestaion is bad" mean that they won't excommunicate those who go to the public to tell the truth about what's really going on?
Defending the Watchtower Society in all this proves the defender to be a stupid, insensitve, deluded braindead dub. Nothing less.
i must say that as a neutral scientific observer of this site--it seems that things are kind of one-sided here.
i thought this was a board with both devout jws and ex-jws on it.
on further reflection it appears that this medium of communication should probably be called
Some of these guys write so much, and yet say so little.
How's this.... The critical old blind man said "Why is everyone wearing glasses, doesn't anyone here have good vision?"
some of us are showing support for dateline by changing our profile pics..... come join us!!!!.
here is one:.
before you try and remove the stick from my arse, remove the telephone pole from your own arse..
Ok. I am all for it!!
the wheels of the watchtower termination squad grind on.
at 4:45 p.m. today barbara anderson was contacted by the chairman of her previous judicial committee from last week.
barb was asked to meet with a new judicial hearing to face new charges which are adjusted as follows:.
The WTS is not concerned with "cleanliness", but rather "the outward appearance of cleanliness"
To be concerned with "cleanliness", they would have to rid the organization of it's child molestors... but that would tarnish their image.
Instead, they concern themselves with their "outward appearance". They brag about how "clean" they are, and revelations of otherwise would harm their outward appearance.
This is called being a "whitewashed grave" full of "dead men's bones" (Jesus Christ)AD30
The Governing Body will perish, all together in one day.
has anyone seen or heard of any letters going out from headquarters to the body of elders directing them to inform the congregations not to watch dateline?
i was wondering if this is really true or just a rumor.
if it is true, this is terrible that they can actually deny members freedom of press or punishment.
I wonder what field service (aka doorbanggin) will be like ...
below is a link to a site by who i believe to be along time jw and an article he has written basically justifying the watchtowers stance on the pedophile issue.
the gist of it i got was that since there is so much more of it in other religions, it isn't all that bad within the jws.
what a pity they won't open their eyes;.
The bottom line is this. Last weeks Watchtower said that the Governing Body is "under the direct control of Jesus Christ".
Now, there are pedo's all over, but do the other religions mak this same BOLD claim.
And how does the 'we are no different from the other religions' claim hold up when such statements are made???
this morning we got a phone call to ask us if they could come and interview us this morning.
they will be here in about 1 hour.
Channel 9 where???