Looking over your info Vander, I see you take an opinion that fosters Preterism. I am quite sure it would be incorrect to believe that at Mt. 24:23, Jesus is still talking about Jerusalem. He closed that discussion in verse 22. It was complete.
Indeed, He has changed the focus onto the second question, concerning our day. This is confirmed by Mark and Luke. At Mark 13:21, for instance, Jesus, referring to the last days, warns that "Then also", in the last days, there would come false messiahs.
Luke records this change with more brevity at Lu. 21:25. "Also" and refers to what John recorded in the Apocalypse. (Hence, the Olivet Discourse is also referred to as "The Little Apocalypse".)
By confusing this, one relegates the Second Coming, which Jesus promised "every eye shall see" Rev. 1:7, to a non-event and that gives fuel to Preterism and also detractors.
My Jesus will come. And He will come as He said he will at Luke 21:27 and His Sign, the Sign Of The Son Of Man, is HIS SIGN. As Jonah's sign was named after him, and Christ borrowed it, so Jesus sign belongs to the Christ, the sign of a blackened sky, (Mark 15:33) such as when He expired on our behalf. Mt. 24:29, Mr. 13:24, Lu. 21:25, Rev. 6:12.
I eagerly await The Sixth Seal. Come Lord Jesus.