Cold & Nicholaus... I love how you both write.
I don't need to explain.
jesus said that of all those born of women, none were greater than john the baptist.
nevertheless, he added, he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
universally nearly all scholars have taken this to mean that because jesus had taken upon himself the sins of the world, he had the last claim upon the kingdom of heaven.
Cold & Nicholaus... I love how you both write.
I don't need to explain.
as a jehovah's witness:.
two things finally struck me:.
1. i was really in a grown up kindergarten and .
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
I just thought I'd add that I have been telling my in laws for at least two years now, probably longer, that elders are going to 'come knocking for dollars'.
Going back even longer, I told them that Watchtower would start offering direct deposits so WT could extract guaranteed monthly stipends. That eventually became the case.
I told them that WT would set up on-line payment options. That too became the case.
I've warned them that as the WT cash cow heads to the slaughterhouse, WT would become desperate.
I've told them that I'm of the strict opinion that shepherding visits will be instituted for the purpose of extracting money. Elders will come and get the fuzzy stuff out of the way first as a matter of protocol, and then they would take out the WT forms for setting up monthly donations right from their bank account.
Its all quite predictable.
ok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
I love this thread. Super. And 'POPS' asking why the damned elders can't kick in the cash.
Like the Old MasterCard commercial.
A Bible from Watchtower ... Twenty bucks
A monthly payment for Kingdom Hall $300
An older man tellin elders to pound salt PRICELESS
just as i think my loathing for the jw cult has peaked, it goes higher and higher.
i wish this cult would just go away.
i wish my wife would just wake up.
How I helped my wife out.
I put "red pill" in her cereal. I put "red pill" in her coffee. I put "red pill" in her pasta.
I put it in everything. But instead of one whole "red pill", I used the cheese grater so she would hardly notice.
Every conversation we had was laced with "red pill".
For instance.
Me: "Honey, so... the '1000yr reign is 1000 years right?"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "So the Kingdom began in 1914... right?"
Her: "Yes..."
Me: "So there's only 900 years left... I hope Jesus does something soon!"
Her: "SHARP BURST OF ANGER" (you have to have a strong stomach)
And I could hear one of the tentacles detach. "PhSttt"
This is an example. I did so many I lost track.
She posts here now. Maybe she remembers some.
Like the time we went for a walk down to our local park. He honey. Help this guy out.
so im at my moms the other day, and there lay the latest january study issue has an article about the whole made up silly story of the upper room and the holy spirit.
[ how hard it is to be quiet....] .
i have never read acts, and saw that story happen.
Luke wrote Acts. Luke also wrote Luke.
Read Luke 25:50-53 and it tells you that when they left the Ascension they were "continually in the Temple blessing God" From day 40 on...
This means that the "house" they were in was God's house, one of the buildings on the Temple grounds, when this event took place.
And why should they be anywhere else? Jesus gave instructions as seen in Acts 1:4 to "stay in Jerusalem" and wait for the outpouring.
And read Acts carefully.
Only Gallileans were speaking in tongues. Acts 2:7
And why only Galilleans? Acts 1:11
It was only the Apostles speaking in multiple languages, 19 mentioned there. And the miracle was they, the Apostles, were speaking and being understood in these 19 various languages SIMULTANEOUSLY.
The ones spoken of as being "drunk" were not the apostles, but rather the listeners that were saying they were understanding the speech in their mother tongue. After all, all these who were speaking were Galilleans. How could they possibly be speaking the language where 19 different languages grew up from youth.
If you plot the events by date on the calendar, best if you use the Jewish calendar but ok if you use the Gregorian, the events of Iyar and Sivan come to life and demonstrate that the Pentecost that really happened is nothing like the fictitious Pentecost of Watchtower. It's also nothing like the Pentecost of the Pentecostal church from whom they borrowed it.
If you calculate 120 persons with an average weight of 125 lbs, you have 15,000 lbs of weight. No Jewish structure of the time would have tolerated that kind of stress. That's almost 8 tons. Could you put an 8 ton truck on the roof of your residential home? How many modern balconies have fallen because there were 20 smokers out there having a cigarette? No archeologist or engineer would suggest the Pentecost bologna offered by Watchtower or the Pentecostal Church.
Furthermore, 3000 persons were baptized at this event. Where could they be baptized but in the bathing pools at the Temple, below Solomon's Portico??
In an effort to address the fact that Acts tells of thousands of persons hearing Peter's speech on this day, Watchtower offered nothing in print, but rather placed, within the article on this years ago, an artist conception of Peter on a balcony. Unholy mother of the devil! Where did they get the idea of Peter on a balcony speaking to the throngs down below?
the gb bit off more than they can chew.
they promised that the nwt revised would be available in so many languages by now, and they have failed miserably.. english stands alone.
as a result, they are in damage control mode.
It's a few years off, but once the land transaction goes through and the GB fat asses actually move out of NY, then the 'talking' will commence.
Where'd the money go?
Down the rabbit hole.
And the governing bastards will still be asking, DEMANDING, more $$$$$
That will be the turning point.
Whatever gravitational forces are at play, sucking the $$$$ down the rabbit hole, that gravitational force will make the final move to scoop everything up as the black hole of Watchtower collapses in on itself.
Then it's
i have successfully deprogrammed my first dub.. my very good friend has finally seen the light.
i am so happy that the shackles have come off.
she is in the process of reading coc and has stopped going to meetings.. i have made my first apostate disciple.. wannaexit
Amazing sweetie! Who is it? If it's your good friend, then I should know her too!
I can't imagine. Really. I've asked you about "EmmDee" on several occasions.
But you said no. She hasn't read CofC or anything like that.
And I trust you.....
I'm really in a quandary. It was... 12 years ago! Holy Moses. And I am just learning today...
Well, I guess I'm "going off the deep end" thinking that I haven't been told the truth about stuff.
But since I trust you sweetie, I'm going to try to stay in the 'shallow end' of the pool.
After all, if it was "EmmDee" ...then the copy of CofC she read was ... my copy???
But alas. I'm going off the deep end again.
I guess you have another good friend, one I don't know about. And the CofC copy you gave her bought somewhere?
Geez, I had to get mine from Ray Franz ...ordered anonymously to a post office box on the other side of town. I wish I had your connections.
And neither you, nor your close friend -that I don't know about- can trust me because I'm so prone to the "deep end" of the pool.
I guess I should be happy for 'what's her name'. Probably she made you swear an oath that you shouldn't tell me. I understand that fear. After all, I snuck around my own home for a decade, for fear that my wife would fry my butt 'cause the GB told her to.
I'm not mad sweetie. No... And I am in the shallow end. Yup yup.
You could post it on the internet, but you couldn't tell me.
yes both my parents are jws.
few in the congregation knew about it.
what would you change in your life if you could go back and talk to yourself?.
After being on this forum for 15 years, on H2O from inception prior to that, and struggling for more than 10 years of that in secret in my war against Watchtower's evil, unable to speak to my wife about anything, I am today reading (on the evil Internet) for the first time, my wife's perspective on her journey through her JW life and her awakening.
Sure we talk at home. I was speaking to her on the phone from work when I was typing here. LOL. But reading her post here was enlightening all the same. I was able to see her experience through her eyes. I'm glad I factored in there a little somewhere.
For the men in the org out there who might stumble here and read my wife's experience, perhaps you are suffering in a marriage that would explode if your wife discovered you, you lurk on your laptop in the furnace room at home, fake service and meetings, literally beat your chest because of the anxiety it causes you, perhaps you pray for your son at his bedside, secretly mail letters all over town trying to help other families out of the org, while you can't help your own wife get free of the GB's mental grip on her mind, and you would like to free her, don't just hand her Crisis of Conscience. It'll take more. My copy sat in my toolbox at work for many years before I gave it to my wife.
I don't know if my wife will be back to this post for a while. I may explain the red and blue pills to her one day. I'm sure if I mention it, she will connect the dots, that I came here to read her post. She's getting real sharp these days.
I'm not sure I want her to read what I wrote. I find that my wife, whom I love dearly, with whom I stuck through the most difficult time in my life, while I suffered immensely in secret, thinks little of me.
Perhaps, one day, I will post my perspective on those years. Perhaps my wife read it. And perhaps she can start to see how it happened through my eyes, and I won't be such a fool any more.
i see the watchtower are getting extremely desperate now. out the professionally edited video, using professional equipment!
It suddenly occurred to me that it would be a good way to convince the world of the Governing Body's intentions if they renamed the title the Kindly Governing Body.
Can we make an acronym from that?