Luke wrote Acts. Luke also wrote Luke.
Read Luke 25:50-53 and it tells you that when they left the Ascension they were "continually in the Temple blessing God" From day 40 on...
This means that the "house" they were in was God's house, one of the buildings on the Temple grounds, when this event took place.
And why should they be anywhere else? Jesus gave instructions as seen in Acts 1:4 to "stay in Jerusalem" and wait for the outpouring.
And read Acts carefully.
Only Gallileans were speaking in tongues. Acts 2:7
And why only Galilleans? Acts 1:11
It was only the Apostles speaking in multiple languages, 19 mentioned there. And the miracle was they, the Apostles, were speaking and being understood in these 19 various languages SIMULTANEOUSLY.
The ones spoken of as being "drunk" were not the apostles, but rather the listeners that were saying they were understanding the speech in their mother tongue. After all, all these who were speaking were Galilleans. How could they possibly be speaking the language where 19 different languages grew up from youth.
If you plot the events by date on the calendar, best if you use the Jewish calendar but ok if you use the Gregorian, the events of Iyar and Sivan come to life and demonstrate that the Pentecost that really happened is nothing like the fictitious Pentecost of Watchtower. It's also nothing like the Pentecost of the Pentecostal church from whom they borrowed it.
If you calculate 120 persons with an average weight of 125 lbs, you have 15,000 lbs of weight. No Jewish structure of the time would have tolerated that kind of stress. That's almost 8 tons. Could you put an 8 ton truck on the roof of your residential home? How many modern balconies have fallen because there were 20 smokers out there having a cigarette? No archeologist or engineer would suggest the Pentecost bologna offered by Watchtower or the Pentecostal Church.
Furthermore, 3000 persons were baptized at this event. Where could they be baptized but in the bathing pools at the Temple, below Solomon's Portico??
In an effort to address the fact that Acts tells of thousands of persons hearing Peter's speech on this day, Watchtower offered nothing in print, but rather placed, within the article on this years ago, an artist conception of Peter on a balcony. Unholy mother of the devil! Where did they get the idea of Peter on a balcony speaking to the throngs down below?