I read alot of the posts here. It's obvios to me that edward gentry is jealous of Ray Franz.
Sorry, it's that Foydian in me. Gotta tellitlikeitis.
If gentry would sit down and start writing today, then one day, maybe, somebody would love him too!
went over to a disassociated witnesses house the other night,.
former org hatchet man,now as violently opposed to the org as he was, once, enslaved by them.. hes talkin "raymond franz says this...franz says that" all night.. it made me sick to my guts.. franz was pure borg heirachy, born and bred to power.. now hes opposed (if he aint dead by now)and these ex borg mind slaves are still listening to the guy like hes a repository of truth.. im not attacking ray franz,hes probably a nice guy,im just floating an idea.
what is a free mind?.
I read alot of the posts here. It's obvios to me that edward gentry is jealous of Ray Franz.
Sorry, it's that Foydian in me. Gotta tellitlikeitis.
If gentry would sit down and start writing today, then one day, maybe, somebody would love him too!
this thread is for the serious soldier.
those who get involved here must mean business.. the link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere.
it is the community conscious international newsletter informing all clerical persons of the latest watchtower scandal.
OK. I emailed you if you need me.
this thread is for the serious soldier.
those who get involved here must mean business.. the link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere.
it is the community conscious international newsletter informing all clerical persons of the latest watchtower scandal.
I understand what you have written.
I have taken into account that many clergy today do not understand the WTS message, and hence feel empathy toward the WTS and JWs. I wrote this in this way, in an effort to make this look general. I don't want it to take off, looking like a hack at the WTS.
At the same time, although I may have been influenced by the WTS writing committee, (chuckle) you need to take into account that they are not the worst writers in the world. In fact, that's the problem.
To Sam Beli
People actually read their rags and get hooked.
In the end, after 40 years pounding doors, I know a little, anyway, about how people react. My writing style resulted in many JWs reading right till the third page (in my general mailout), and was discussed at the Kingdom halls. It brought shock and outrage.
Are you mailing anything?
this is the text of the cci letter to all churches.
it's going out this and next week by the thousands.. the link to it is available under the scandals & cover-up area under the thread "this post for real soldiers".
This is the text of the CCI letter to all churches. It's going out this and next week by the thousands.
The link to it is available under the Scandals & Cover-up area under the thread "This Post For Real Soldiers"
If ever there was a need, and an opportunity, to express to those under your pastoral care the importance of being informed, it is now. Community Conscious International takes this opportunity to provide you with privileged information, which can be put to good use in this regard.
Many in your care have surely been approached by various recruiting cults. These can be difficult to deal with, as these groups can be rather crafty. Surely you would not want to be found lax in your duty to educate those in your care, providing them with vital information that will help them avoid being caught up in the recruitment techniques of secretive organized cults.
One such organization, and the most active in our community, is the Watchtower movement, the leaders of which are known to be dishonest, fostering ignorance among their adherents in order to keep them 'in line' and providing false information to the press. But, as with all such impostors, they are eventually exposed for their activities.
This past month has been a time of such exposure for the Watchtower leaders, and the information documented herein is demonstrative in toto, showing them to be charlatans participating in religious quackery. Failing to share this information with your flock would be doing them a disservice, as many persons would not be provided this vital information without the local representation of the volunteer members of Community Conscious International.
Although the information given here was partly published this past month in the United Kingdom's best read newspaper, The Guardian, and also The Tablet, newspapers in North America have been slow to respond. It would seem that the news agencies here feel that it's not important enough, or perhaps they fear the Watchtower's legal prowess. Whatever the reason for their failure, CCI attempts to contact the press with things of this nature. Unfortunately, if you are receiving this communication, then the newspaper in your area has failed to respond to this documentation.
Please take the time to circulate this information among your members.
Community Conscious International
The Watchtower Inc. recruiters continually canvas the city in a door to door manner. Beginning on November 15, 2001, formally known as Jehovah's Witnesses, they will be attempting to contact every individual in our community, in the hope that some will accept and read the Watchtower's propaganda.
This is not out of character for them, yet the particular magazine that they will use for this campaign contains an article entitled "How Do You Handle Hypocrisy", and it is not any wonder, at whom the Watchtower's propaganda is directed. After one hundred and twenty years of maligning the clergy, it is without question another gibe directed at those caring for the spiritual needs of the community. With statements such as the below italicized, the Watchtower has continually derided our pastoral caregivers.
*** w90 1/15 18 "…the clergy of Christendom, who are more interested in politics than in declaring the good news of God’s righteous Kingdom. Hypocrisy abounds in their ranks…"
Today, however, it's a different tale. In the biggest scandal since their failed Armageddon prophecy of 1975, Jehovah's Witnesses are going from door to door, pointing the finger of hypocrisy at others. Meanwhile, the Watchtower has been caught with their knickers down and their own incredible hypocrisy is exposed for all the world too see, and this coupled with documented Watchtower falsehoods given to the press. ( http://www.freeminds.org/ for more)
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, corporate authoritarian kingpin of Jehovah's Witnesses, had a secret ten-year political affiliation with the United Nations Organization, agreeing to support and uphold the UN Charter, in exchange for status as a registered NGO. Within days of being exposed by the article of Monday October 8, 2001 in The Guardian (a major UK newspaper), Watchtower leaders quietly disassociated from the UN to avoid being investigated. Their attempt to quit the UN secretly was also exposed in a follow-up article.
Exposed: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,565005,00.html/religion/Story/0,2763,559537,00.html
Follow-up: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4277197,00.html
Tablet: http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/archive_db.cgi?tablet-00577
This is the pinnacle of hypocrisy, since the Watchtower, in hundreds of their publications, has actively preached against the UN since it's inception, calling it a "counterfeit peace organization"…"a disgusting thing in the sight of God" and the "beast" of the Apocalypse. (equal to the Christian Antichrist in their dogma and soon to meet a violent destruction at God's hand) UN officials commented "I guess we didn’t know what they really thought of us" in that the Watchtower vilified the UN in all its publications. (see Watchtower May 1, 1999 p16,17)
The Watchtower demands absolute obedience from its followers, instructing them that any such affiliation would be transgression, rebellion against Christ and a violation for which they should suffer the ultimate punishment of absolute shunning by family and friends now, and death on judgement day.
The Watchtower could never allow the average door-knocking member to find out about their 'secret sin', so in an attempt to cover over their hypocrisy, they quickly quit their secret affiliation. In the aftermath, the Watchtower issued a damage control statement to The Guardian, for publishing. In it, Watchtower public relations man Paul Gillies attempted to deceive the editor into publishing false information designed to play down the Watchtower's secret connection. The Guardian refused to print their statement, as they already knew the truth from documents obtained from the UN. The Guardian saw through the Watchtower's attempt to lie their way out of the predicament.
As the news reached the public, the phone in the NGO department at the UN began ringing off the hook. Jehovah's Witnesses from all over the world were demanding proof. The head of that department at UN headquarters, Mr. Paul Hoffel, provided a letter, upon request from a member, detailing the Watchtower's link. Mr. Hoffel requested that this be posted on the internet, in an effort to quell the surge of phone calls, emails and post cards. The letter both confirmed the Watchtower's involvement and it's subsequent disassociation.
Watchtower dogma denies members the right to vote or join a simple community effort like the YMCA, as, according to the Watchtower, this would be practicing hypocrisy and is punishable in the harshest way. Yet Watchtower leaders themselves secretly joined the UN, their "beast" of the Apocalypse, their Antichrist!
Does it matter? Is the Watchtower harmless? Take into account the fact that during Adolf Hitler's time in power, J.F.Rutherford, the Watchtower Society's second president, wrote Adolf Hitler a secret letter hoping to curry favor with Hitler and the Nazi regime. In it, Rutherford derided the Jews, Great Britain, and the United States and made clear that the Watchtower was in favor of the same ideals as the Nazi party. To drive home the point, he made reference to the "Declaration Of Facts" made public at a large convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany. This "Declaration", while documented in the 1934 Yearbook Of Jehovah's Witnesses, is unavailable to Jehovah's Witnesses in the spirit of ignorance fostered by the Watchtower organization. It is, however, available for inspection at http://watchtower.observer.org/ [-JW And Hitler]
Rutherford more than once claimed to be God's mouthpiece, as does the Watchtower today. It was all that the madman Hitler needed, but to receive tacit encouragement from the self-proclaimed "God's servant", to continue on his campaign of slaughtering 6 million Jews. Rutherford also made clear in this letter, that he and his minions were imprisoned in the US for this pro-German stance.
Pastor, should your members be subjected to the Watchtower's propaganda? Is it safe? As will be revealed on an upcoming edition of NBC Dateline this fall, there is yet another insidious danger associated with the Watchtower. Another dirty fact, which the Watchtower had hoped would never come to light, is their secret policy of concealing child molesters. When one of their deacons is found to be a child molester, the victim and family is threatened into silence, and the molester given sanctuary. They whitewash themselves. The Watchtower deems itself the authority on these matters, prescribing as therapy to both the molester and victim, more "field service" (door knocking) But this too will be exposed, and some communities are already taking action to limit the activity of the Watchtower. (Ohio USA/Quebec,Canada)
YES, it does matter. Perhaps at some point, the news agencies in your area will accept their responsibility to convey this vital information to the public. Perhaps at some point, they will want to talk about the incredible hypocrisy of 6 million persons going from door to door, deriding a peace institution, slandering the Clergy for any involvement with it, and all the while secretly making full use of this same organization.
Hypocrisy is indicative of a dirty organization, which, eventually has to resort to lies in an attempt to extricate itself from its own excrement. The Watchtower is presently engaging in further lies, providing all of their "Branches" worldwide, with false information in the event the media contacts them.
Until such a time as other news agencies choose to enlighten the public about the activities of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc. of New York, please make good use of this information and inform all under your care. Help limit the number lives negatively affected by contact with The Watchtower.
Should the larger portion of the rank & file Jehovah's Witnesses find out that…
1) their leaders had secretly joined the UN, repudiating their published dogma
2) that their leaders initiated a cover-up with a speedy disassociation letter to the UN
3) that Watchtower leaders provided false information to the press in a further bid to cover up the truth
4) that the Watchtower of NY is presently disseminating false information to its branches
…then there is a good chance that the Watchtower society could disintegrate.
well, how about it?
if you answered yes to the question, then see the post this post for serious soldiers under the scandals & un/wts header.
Well, how about it?
If you answered YES to the question, then see the post THIS POST FOR SERIOUS SOLDIERS under the Scandals & UN/WTS header.
this thread is for the serious soldier.
those who get involved here must mean business.. the link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere.
it is the community conscious international newsletter informing all clerical persons of the latest watchtower scandal.
This thread is for the serious soldier. Those who get involved here must mean business.
The link provided at bottom is to a three page letter, meant for all clergy everywhere. It is the Community Conscious International newsletter informing all Clerical persons of the latest Watchtower scandal. It is now complete, and will start going into the mail tomorrow.
If you want to say 'you were there' and participated when the TOWER came down, then put your money where your mouth is.
Print out the three pages, photocopy, and distribute to every church in your area.
Of course, as you read the letter, you will see that you need to have made an attempt to contact the press. DO SO.
Do not fool around. This letter WILL hurt, and if you sit on your duff, then your area won't be on the list of fun places to have been when it all happened.
If you want to mail, then strip the header off the first page and print it on the upper left of your envelopes.
Start collecting church addresses NOW.
250 chrches in my city will have this arrive in their mail within the next seven days. Will any churches in your area receive it? It's up to YOU.
If you want to print the CCI header in COLOR on your front page, then strip the header off the front page before you print it. Then photocopy, and re-insert photocopies of front page back into printer to print the color CCI header.
Any questions, email [email protected]
Anything that can advance this project, please post.
CCI letter to Churches.doc
i heard from someone that the wts was going to or had already announced something about the un involvement at an assembly.
anyone else heard of this or is it a local thing ?.
i would guess they may have only done this because of the coverage in the uk national newspaper which they know they have to counter.
This is a work in progress of course. I want to make it "fit" in the hands of the clergy.
i heard from someone that the wts was going to or had already announced something about the un involvement at an assembly.
anyone else heard of this or is it a local thing ?.
i would guess they may have only done this because of the coverage in the uk national newspaper which they know they have to counter.
I don't know what this will do, but here's my work so far.
I hope to have it done tomorrow.
i heard from someone that the wts was going to or had already announced something about the un involvement at an assembly.
anyone else heard of this or is it a local thing ?.
i would guess they may have only done this because of the coverage in the uk national newspaper which they know they have to counter.
I love this thread.
Hey hawk... I BURST into laughter when it slowly scrolled up like it was coming up the side of the mountain into view.
Hey everybody, the letter to the clerical members of society is almost done. And I have been hogging church addresses of the InfoSpace in preparation.
I will post the letter and also a link to the Word *.doc files for both the letter and the envelope header for CCI.
i heard from someone that the wts was going to or had already announced something about the un involvement at an assembly.
anyone else heard of this or is it a local thing ?.
i would guess they may have only done this because of the coverage in the uk national newspaper which they know they have to counter.
You are all missing the point.
JWs are not affected if you tell them their fly is down.
BUT.... if you stand on your chair and announce to the whole room that a JW's fly is down, then you get a reaction.
The Watchtower for November 15 which we will be placing in 11 days carrys the article on "How Do You Handle HYPOCRISY"
I am sending 250 letters from CCI (Community Conscious International) to every church in town. It discusses both the Watchtower article and the scandal. It also says that the local newspaper is falling down on the job by not printing this very important story.
Of course, you must do as I have done and try contacting the local paper.
I am sure it will be a hit.
It goes out Wednesday.
I will put a link on the board to my box so that anyone who wants to participate can do so.