Thanks wolfman for that link. I did see that awhile back. It's a fine effort. However, it foments the same old superstitions that I have sought to get away from.
The idea that God is behind natural disasters has proven harmful to mankind and beneficial to insurance companies who seek to de-risk themselves, relegating more and more to "acts of God". They get rich of this superstition. I received another such letter this year as my insurance company further de-risked, assigning local flooding to "acts of God". So I will not be covered.
Jesus did not say that 'earthquakes and the like' were signs. Rather they were anti-signs. "Be not terrified" for "the end is not yet" as "these things are but the beginning of pangs of distress" ( an idiom )
He was pointing out to superstitious listeners that natural calamities were no reason for fear, and certainly no reason to take flight, prematurely.
The article you linked to says that "earthquakes" are "the beginning of sorrows". This is from only one version of the bible, an incorrect translation. The literal translation is "beginning of birth pangs" and that is not sorrowful. My wife's first birth pangs were an exciting event for us both, the start to the best day of our lives.
Hardly sorrow.
Thanks again, but that interpretation is very incorrect. Been there, done that.