Newest Watchtower revelations from heaven indicate the importance of color in teaching The Truth about God.
The Governing Body has prayed fervently over this new teaching and Jehovah's Witnesses the world around receive it gratefully as "food at the proper time".
In view of the importance placed on color, as found in God's Holy Word the Bible, the Governing Body has deemed it necessary for a new understanding on important spiritual matters. (see link)...
We can see from the aforementioned information that color in the Scriptures should not be neglected, as it plays a vital role in understanding God's plan for mankind. The Governing Body is pleased to release this new information to God's people, especially so close to the end.
As is clear, with this "increased light", specific colors in the Bible have important meaning.
For instance,
- "White is the color most often mentioned in the Scriptures. Besides its descriptive use, it also serves as a symbol of righteousness and spiritual cleanness. (Re 3:4; 7:9, 13, 14) The white horse, as portrayed at Revelation 6:2 and 19:11, symbolizes clean, righteous warfare under Jesus Christ’s direction."
Yes white is so very important. However,
- "Purple and reddish purple are often referred to in the Scriptures, although there are no distinctions drawn between the many varieties of purple shades produced by the different dyes or dye methods used. (Ex 25:4; Nu 4:13; Eze 27:7, 16; Da 5:7, 29; Mr 15:17, 20; Lu 16:19; Re 17:4) Because of its costliness, this color often was associated with or symbolized riches, honor, and royal majesty."
Purple, therefore correctly represents our King's "royal majesty"and hence clearly, and unquestionably "the thousand years" when Jesus sets all matters straight on the Earth. Therefore, the Governing Body has determined that it is, without question highly important that Jehovah's people on earth recognize things according to their color. Such being the case, the color "purple" correctly designates the 1000 years of Christ's rule.
Hence, "we must advertise, advertise, advertise" Jesus' Purple Reign.