Lee Elder. Like most here, I agree with your sentiments, up until the last paragraph.
You mention Ray Franz and his feelings. You would be incorrect in what you say there. Firstly, Ray was explicit in that there is no "organization" as a separate entity from the people "of" the organization. The "organization" IS the people.
Such that it is, the fact the leaders are corrupt and the organization is corrupt is not a strange concept. The organization did NOT victimize the leaders. The leaders are they who caused, using the organization, the victims to be victimized.
Further on Ray. I had opportunity, both in letters and on the telephone, to discuss this topic with Ray. From my personal experience I can tell you that you have not reflected the man or his evolved beliefs in what you say.
For example, Ray, in the beginning, as is demonstrated in his writings, felt that the organization could be saved. He even intimated that anyone involved with the organization was a victim in a broad sense, thus it could be said that he felt, early on, that even the top brass were victims.
However, if you watch the videos of Ray later on, you see that he changed this opinion greatly.
I saw it personally. I wrote him almost 20 years ago and told him of what I was doing locally. He wrote me back and objected, "why would you want to do that" (I don't disclose what IT is). What I was doing was anti-watchtower activity.
However, as time went by, I found that Ray put the whole UN affair in CofC. I contacted him about this.
The UN affair was not his experience. It was not his crisis of conscience. It was mine, it was others, it was not his.
He had come full circle, as is demonstrated in this act, and in his later videos. His interest eventually became the exposing of watchtower leading to its distruction.
Thus, he pointed the finger squarely at the governing body from whom he sprung. They are NOT victims. They are the victimizers.