To stillanexjwexelder,
In what way was it more strict? Thanks for your reply.
it was announced that for the 2006 int'l convention overseas, only pioneers for at least 15 years or elders for atleast 15 years are allowed to be delegates.
has there always been restrictions on who can attend?
i can't remember as it's been so long ago.
To stillanexjwexelder,
In what way was it more strict? Thanks for your reply.
it was announced that for the 2006 int'l convention overseas, only pioneers for at least 15 years or elders for atleast 15 years are allowed to be delegates.
has there always been restrictions on who can attend?
i can't remember as it's been so long ago.
It was announced that for the 2006 Int'l Convention overseas, ONLY pioneers for at least 15 years or elders for atleast 15 years are allowed to be delegates. Has there always been restrictions on who can attend? I can't remember as it's been so long ago. As a friend said, "This smacks of favoritism". I agree. Could it be for crowd control? And what about those ones that qualify, but their spouses are gossipers, backstabbers, or don't do the 10 hr. thing a month? Do they get to go too? What a crock.
first, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us.
they took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.. .
then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints.. .
Hi Brenda!
Thanks too for taking us down memory lane. Isn't that the truth? How did we survive? And how did our kids survive? My oldest is 37 and youngest 28. Does anyone else here remember pop beads - girls made necklaces out of them, they came in different light colors, and you could CHEW on them when you were bored?
Yep. Kids then knew how to play imaginary games. Do kids now play hide and seek at night? Ride bikes to the nearest creek and pick up all kinds of gross creatures?
i hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject.
i would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because i could fly and be free.
U/D Your little monkey looks like George Burns the old comedian!!
i hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject.
i would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because i could fly and be free.
Thanks Nathan for the picture - how unusual ! Very ferret looking w/cat eyes. All of the animals down under are so different!! Thanks for the information. juni
Tapeworm? uckers! Disgusting. Isn't that other "worm" REALLY BIG? juni
i hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject.
i would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because i could fly and be free.
Thanks Legolas. I love to read and I tried the Potter books, I just couldn't get into it. My husband and daughter love the series and movies. Thanks for your explanation!! I did though enjoy the first movie. I should give it another go, heh?
i hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject.
i would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because i could fly and be free.
We wouldn't need any protection sonnyboy as our flock includes an eagle (LittleToe). We'd be a "congregation" of all kinds of birds who don't have any pecking order like at the Hall. We'd be flying high - us little songbirds though may need to cling on to you bigger guy's backs at times though for a rest. O.K.?
Hi Legolas! Wolf - cool. Beautiful animal. Is the anamagus related to the fossa? Have to Google unless you want to explain. Thanks.
i hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject.
i would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because i could fly and be free.
Heh sonnyboy!
You'll have to join the flock!! As FlyingHigh said in her post, "we could tour the world".
i hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject.
i would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because i could fly and be free.
That's right. Rocky. Thanks Flying High.
Paul, hi! Bear is cool - polar bear??
i snitched on a sister who used to spend a lot of supposed field service time in a local cafe, but she still counted the time.
she was spoken to by a couple of elders and was never seen in that cafe again.
of all the things i did as a "loyal" jw, i feel worst about my snooping on this really nice lady.