I did not even consider anyone's posts before me...
read my words again ..... is your conscience bothering you?
my wife and i were having an interesting discussion about some of the debates that take place on the board here .
now, granted most people , i feel upwards of 90 % on the board maybe higher try to be respectful in their debates or discussions on topics.
i think we all had enough bashing in the witness organization.
I did not even consider anyone's posts before me...
read my words again ..... is your conscience bothering you?
my wife and i were having an interesting discussion about some of the debates that take place on the board here .
now, granted most people , i feel upwards of 90 % on the board maybe higher try to be respectful in their debates or discussions on topics.
i think we all had enough bashing in the witness organization.
god............. too funny HS!! You actually took my words personally. LMAO....
This is Flipper's thread and I was answering his question... I did not even consider anyone's posts before me..... you not playing fair w/others guy? You need to repent? hee heee
my wife and i were having an interesting discussion about some of the debates that take place on the board here .
now, granted most people , i feel upwards of 90 % on the board maybe higher try to be respectful in their debates or discussions on topics.
i think we all had enough bashing in the witness organization.
In a debate you should keep your focus on the moderator and not the other debator, and you should stay on topic. By following the format you don't fall prey to personal attacks.
I believe at this particular forum/discussion board some people get "into" it on a personal level for different reasons. For some they do not know how to debate fairly; others because of their past history w/a high control religion they demand that the other "see" it his/her way; and for many they feel that someone who disagrees w/them equals a personal attack. Lastly, there are those who love to be derisive and use demeaning words towards others ....a form of control I feel to bolster their own low self esteem or................. they're just asshole bullies in life.
hi, everyone ---.
claire asked me to let the board know that ian is back in the hospital and expected to be there for about a week.. those of you who have been following the weekly vigil thread know that his cmv has returned.
the virus is not responding adequately to the tablets, so ian needs to be medicated intravenously.. please keep ian and claire in your prayers.. marjorie.
Best wishes for a quick recovery! (((Ian)))
Sending love to you and your family ... Juni
i started a serious thread on cult mind control- so i figured i'd start a sarcastic funny thread, or serious, your choice how to explore it , on personal study !
i got so sick and tired as a witness with that expression being crammed down my throat !
" personal study " they told us !
along with all my fellow geeks here.... I loved to study! AND using those fun, colorful markers too!
Speaking of Martin Luther King and his contribution to society by addressing the issues of his black heritage...
But even the sharp attacks by more militant blacks, and even such prominent critics as Muslim leader Malcolm X, have not diminished his stature. However, criticism did not consist of mere blind attacks. Stokely Carmichael was a separatist and disagreed with King's plea for racial integration because he considered it an insult to a uniquely African American culture
King was definitely NOT a separatist. He was proud of his ethnic background, BUT he understood the benefit of integrating into society comprised of all other ethnic groups (read up on the DIASPORA at Wikopaedia)and NOT be Afrocentric.
I hope you do more research into the spokesman of Obama's Trinity church.... Dr. Wright.
The term diaspora (in Ancient Greek, d?asp??? – "a scattering or sowing of seeds") refers to any people or ethnic population who are forced or induced to leave their traditional homelands, the dispersal of such people, and the ensuing developments in their culture
I found this at Wikopaedia..... very interesting information there for another thread on DIASPORA and other ethnic groups.
I forgot to highlight this statement which I thought was telling...
Advocates politically and socially on behalf of African countries.
Again.... The President of this country serves all kinds of people in this country - many ethnic groups and religions. There's no place for advocating one group over another.
I just read your words now lisa....I copied the entire page.
Africa Ministry - I Peter 2:9
REMEMBER THESE WORDS APPLIED TO THE 144,000 OF THE JWs? Do you feel warm and fuzzy w/people being set apart like that? I don't.
Our Mission
Facilitate cultural and spiritual sojourns to Africa for members and their families under the leadership of Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.
Our Vision
The Christian Education sojourns to Africa are designed to provide an experience that will help participants affirm their personal, cultural, and spiritual connection to Africa as her daughters and sons. The trips will also give vision to the tasks Trinitarians have been chosen to do in support of and advocacy for Africans in the Diaspora.
As an outgrowth of these spiritual sojourns, the Africa Ministry has specific objectives inspired by Dr. Wright that call us to:
- Create or enhance an Africentric identity
- Create an awareness and sensitivity to the joys and concerns of Africa
- Make contact and have dialog with African Christians and those of other faiths
- Open the way for ties that will link African Christians with their continental sisters and brothers
- Provide support for African institutions and causes on the continent that empower the self-determination and development of their constituents, consistent with the theology and mission of Trinity United Church of Christ
Our Purpose
The world was created in Africa and Ethiopia became the first Christian country in the world. Africa and her children gave birth to the cultural and educational heritage of the world!
The strength of the African people in our ability to resist and overcome our oppressors provides inspiration for liberation everywhere especially the sons and daughters of Africa here in North America. Just as those of Jewish heritage advocate on behalf of the state of Israel, and those of Irish heritage advocate on behalf of Ireland, and those of Polish descent for Poland, so must we of African descent care about the land of our heritage—the Continent of Africa.
The Africa Ministry is comprised of eight subcommittees that provide insight into those issues facing the continent and its people today. These subcommittees work to identify, affirm, and support the following areas:
Advocates politically and socially on behalf of African countries.
Africa Travel
Coordinates and plans the Christian Education sojourns to Africa and the African Diaspora.
Communications & Ministry Promotion
Promotes awareness and informs members of ministry activities. Works to involve the church in ministry activities through promotional campaigns, a newsletter, website, and new member packet.
Works to educate the congregation and community about Africa and those issues that impact the continent today.
Interfaith/Mission Collaborations
Works collaboratively with other denominations and faiths around issues that impact Africa and African-American people.
MA'AFA and Related Special Events
Plans the MA'AFA biennial production/performance and conference. Provides the congregation and community with Lessons from the MA'AFA throughout the year.
Works to create awareness among Trinity youth and young adult ministries with respect to our African heritage. Encourages youth participation, representation, and membership in the Africa Ministry.
Come! We Invite You to Participate
The Africa Ministry is a growing ministry—diverse in its focus—but unified in its goals and as all other ministries at Trinity, it is open to any who desire to participate. In addition to receiving the reports of ongoing activities of the subcommittees, the Africa Ministry focuses on a particular country and issue at each meeting. The entire congregation is invited.
Ultimately, we seek to fulfill a small part of Trinity’s Mission Statement mandate which states that as a chosen people through our African-focused witness "&ldots;acknowledge that we will—building on this affirmation of who we are and whose we are call men, women, boys and girls to the liberating love of Jesus Christ, inviting them to become part of the church universal responding to Jesus’ command that we go into all the world and make disciples!"
Ministry Meeting Dates for 2005:
- February 24
- March 18
- April 15
- May 13
- June 17
- July 15
- August 19
- September 16
- October 21
- November 18
- December 16
*Meeting Time: 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Location:
Trinity United Church of Christ
400 West 95th Street
Chicago, Ill 60628Lessons from the MA'AFA Series
Lesson I
The Mis-Education of the Negro
by Carter G. WoodsonLesson II
Before the Mayflower
by Lerone Bennett, Jr.Lesson III
Race Matters
By Cornel WestLesson IV
The Debt
By Randall RobinsonSite by WinW
actually read about it in a Time or Newsweek mag..... just Googled the church info today.
one of my nearest and dearest "sisters" for years always used this argument at the door to stress the evils of participating in the electoral process>>>>> if you vote for a candidate and then he/she does something in office that leads to deaths ( or whatever.... ) then the people who voted that individual into office share the blame/guilt/bloodguilt..... .
how do i deconstruct that to prove that no one is responsible for a decision other than the decision maker ( or decider as in a new vernacular term) ?.
Either way, voting or not voting, you share equal responsibility for what happens.
sort of like lies of omission and lies of commission..