Buy it and send it to your fav stuck up going nowhere fast Brother or MS for his birthday
i found this book for sale on the internet.
the writer lives at bethel.
the forward made me laugh.
ive been on two cruises in the early 90's with large amounts of witnesses.
one cruise we had around 85 and the other 175. one night on the larger jw cruise there were 50 or so of us watching this comedian.
he started getting a little crude using words like penis so we all got up at the same time and walked out during his act.
ever knock on a door and have an outstanding call for what ever reason,good or bad.?.
i cant name names because i'll end up giving my old congregations name / area away and i don't want to do that.
i was out one sunday afternoon with an elder we were doing a nice area but having no interest, we knocked on a door and a scruffy looking bloke came to the door (i recognised him straight away), the elder presented the mags and got a no thanks and started to put the mags away as the door started to shut.
just read in another thread how a youngster moved many many miles from his old congo, where he had 'fessed to "self-abuse" (how many of the gb were in the early boy-scouts, i ask?
anyway, the new book study conductor took him to one side after the meeting and asked how successful was he in dealing with his "problem".
this is what gets me so much about letting hlc see your records - they have no sense of tactful kindness or privacy.
I for one NEVER revealed any "problems" that i was "dealing with" while i was a Witness, not even to my Elder father. One, i was too ashamed to admit that i was gay,
Clever you.
I knew someone who was DF'd for being gay, afterwards there was a witch hunt by the elders, all his male associates in that congregation and others he visited where hauled into the library one by one and questioned about their friendship with him and asked if they were gay too.... he wasn't very popular afterwards lol
Even if you had fessed up about having those feelings you would have been un officially marked. Trips to the swimming pool with brothers would have been a no go for you because of the changing rooms and brothers wouldn't want to be alone with you in-case the elders started thinking stuff with their dirty little minds
if you could be a fly on the wall at any event in history, which three events would you choose?
it could be anything, eg birth of jesus, seeing the beatles live, listening to a c.t.russell speech, battle of the little big horn, etc.
you don't even have to be a fly; you could participate if you liked .
is it ever better or ethical to let someone go on believing in the truth even though it is a lie?
I'm in two minds about this more so after reading some experiences on this site. For some its helped liberate them and they have gone on to have happier lives (Me included) whereas others on this site have found that their lives have suddenly turned to a mound of steaming poop.
Its a hard call and you have to weigh up both sides and figure out where that person will be happiest.
If I could go off on a slight tangent and spin this topic on its head, I always felt bad about "ruining" peoples lives when interested people would start to question their established faiths and start to loose their faith because of things i said on doors or at work.
Wouldn't wearing any 'garb' from any nation in particular be considered, 'national pride'? if not, why?
Actually Tartan in the UK is / was associated with nationalistic pride so much so that after the Jacobean war (Scots Independence fighters against the English) the wearing of Tartan was made a criminal offence in Scotland because it was associated with this fight for freedom.
Even today during international football matches hoards of Scottish football fans know as the "Tartan Army" will turn up in their kilts to support their national team.
The way the org likes to split hairs on things like this plus the "no undies" thing associated with kilts I'm surprised they haven't tried to ban them. Thinking about it though If they did try to ban Scotland's nation dress and word got out in Scotland you wouldn't see any new faces in the congregation again.