Warm responses such as these help show that others comprehend the feelings & grasp the situation- thanks to all of you :]
Some time ago- out of desperation- I was contemplating a return. As if being punted out isn't disheartening enough, only to discover after you return, you are still mere garbage... I stumbled upon a copy of the 'elder's handbook' pg 130 'Pay Attention to All the Flock'
---> 'Priveleges can be restored progressively when it is judged by the elders that such will not be offensive to the congregation.'
Inquiring to an elder the meaning of the 'lost' or 'prodigal' son [story #86 Greatest Man book] about the return of those to the org... 'father put a robe on his son, ring on his hand, sandals on his feet, slaughtered the fatted young bull- complete party with music & dancing'-
how does this compare with being 'offensive to the cong' when one returns- after all, the book itself makes reference to this scripture being applied to those that return??
Elder's response: 'such a party would be clearly inappropriate.'
yeah. right. whatever.
Not to take up space with further details of other similar related events at the kh during my last attendances, only to say that for a religion that boasts their own humulity & modesty and preaches endlessly about humbling oneself before God, they sure do a lot of self-exalting...'we're so humble & modest that you're not good enough for us to extend mere human kindness or common courtesy to'.
As in other tragedies of life, healing & recovery takes place over time & when one keeps busy, I suppose. This is a great board. Thank you all for the kind words. Truly appreciated.