I never had a good time like that!
i never had a good time like that!.
I never had a good time like that!
chapter 37. passing it down line.
how did i rationalized everything i had experienced growing up and what i saw at bethel?
no one wants to believe their whole life is a lie.
I agree with New Boy. Brooklyn was different than the Farm in the food department. The food at the farm was a cut above, plus I had a key to the cheese room. I remember once at Brooklyn they served pizza in the evening and they made it with sliced bananas instead of pepperoni. YIKES! one slice and I decided to go to bed hungry. At the Farm they would serve peppers stuffed with rice, etc. We called this stuffed monkey's butt, not to bad when you are very hungry. In Brooklyn I went from 185lbs. to 133lbs. in 5 months.
chapter 33. starving outside the load’s house.
there is no fanfare when you leave bethel.
they didn’t care about you while you were there so why would the care about you now you are leaving.
I can relate to your experience. I left the farm in 76. As soon as I turned in my notice I was pulled off the press and put into the subscription dept.. Sorting labels. The department overseer came up to me and said I had to sort faster. I said.....SO? I only had 30 days left and should have walked out at that time. No one at the table would speak to me when they learned that I turned in my notice. I had sat at this table for two years. Great way to treat someone who just spent four years VOLUNTEERING with out pay. Unlike your experience I had a car. I was intoxicated with freedom as I drove away with my whole life ahead of me. Like you I determined to not be a MS or elder. No more control, rules and slavery.
chapter 32. jerking off on the subway .
"you boys want any soup?
you boys want any soup?
Old lady Margaret..........that brings back memories. She once came up to me and said: I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR FACE OFF WITH A RUSTY TRASH CAN LID !!!!!!!!!!!! Ah the good times.
my friend jim pipkorn, worked at a funeral home in the lower east side of manhattan.
it was always fun visiting him at his place of employment.
one saturday afternoon, i went to his funeral home to pick him up to go to a movie.
I go fishing with a mortician and he tells me that "people are dying to to be with him."
so this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
For those still confused:
The generation that was the generation is not the generation but was replaced by the new generation that is the generation for the generation that was foretold to be the generation.
How good it is the be in the spritual paradise and have such new truths revealed by Jehovah's faithful slave. We know this is from god because the FDS told us (they deliver the food at the proper time) and as we know they are anointed because they told us.
I told this to some new people at the RC this summer and they ran. Did not come back for the rest of the convention. Too bad. They missed all the rest of the spritual food. The RC are a fine time for witnessing.
slimboyfat, it appears that wts is going, gone digital.
can you show your view what is wts next move after they are completely gone from kings county and settled in warwick?
- this thread is your if you want it..
I think that later on you may see a subscription service to the for all the literature. Some free for the public. Most magazines do this already. So if you want the truth as revealed by Jehovah's appointed faithful and discrete slave you must pay to subscribe.
Also as mentioned in many post in the past is the fact that the org is getting older. At the last RC in USA, my location, I could not help but notice that in 10 years maybe 30% won't be there and in 20 years 70% gone. I'm sure the WTBTS knows this and has a plan to address the issue. I would just like to know how. It should be simple marketing but the geniuses on the GB with all their marketing knowledge and education just don't get it.
Not talked about much is the fact that there are organizations within the organization. Minority groups, cultural groups that are currently (that appear to be) assimilated in the org, would easily leave if things changed from a doctrinal stand point or better yet someone with charisma who is high up and from the same cultural. Take away the kingdom halls and this would happen fast.
I don't see the government going after them (WBTS) but rather a crumbling from within.
here is an article in the current study copy of the wt.
tell me your thoughts and i will tell you mine.!
this is a topic that i am very sensitive about, as i could never see not protecting my family, even if that meant using whatever means at hand to do so!
So if we don't have a gun to protect ourselves we should call on someone who has a gun (police) to protect us. The WTBS would do this in a heart beat if trouble happened at Warwick.
Jesus didn't tell Peter to throw the sword away, but to just put it back into the sheath. Jesus was well aware that Peter had the sword.
For those thinking of fading this would be a way of getting out of responsibility. Let the elders know you have a gun and bam! you no longer are a elder or MS.
so you’re working about forty six hours a week at bethel.
monday night was the bethel watchtower study, tuesdays and fridays nights were your meeting nights at the kingdom hall.
that was your free time.
Dam Sparky! I wish I knew you were good at pool. I guess the subject never came at the hall, go figure.
so you’re working about forty six hours a week at bethel.
monday night was the bethel watchtower study, tuesdays and fridays nights were your meeting nights at the kingdom hall.
that was your free time.
I really like the Plymouth Deli not far from Bethel. As far as health, thank god I did not have a problem.
I G-jobbed at the farm and not in Brooklyn. I strung barb wire on a sheep farm, mowed lawns. Even hustled at pool in one of the road houses in the mountains. After all I had a car to support.