Believeing Jesus is God is not something that can or should be formulated out to reach a conclusion. Realizing that Jesus is or is not God, involves what the person is already inclined to believe....Their natural philosophy of how they think things are.
JoinedPosts by Ianone
Strategy: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity.
by Odrade ina certain catholic xjw (jeff schwem) and i have been following the same blog for several months.
in this blog, the young woman has been documenting her conversion to jwism.
i have not always been so kind in my comments as jeff has been, but i have been honest.
Strategy: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity.
by Odrade ina certain catholic xjw (jeff schwem) and i have been following the same blog for several months.
in this blog, the young woman has been documenting her conversion to jwism.
i have not always been so kind in my comments as jeff has been, but i have been honest.
Odrade. I agree with you. I don't talk about this with JWs. I like Randy's approach at the underlining issue which brought them to accept such a totalitarian cult in the first place. MISPLACED SECURITY.
How to destroy the Watchtower Organization
by saved in.
destroyed like bankrupt, unable to function as an organized religion, or whatever that will make all jws really wake up and think that this organization isn't what they think it is.. ideas?
More indictments against the pedophiles, medical instutions/doctors/JWs involved in all the blood scandals, molesters and child abusers, and whatever else dirt we can dig up on all the corruption among the leadership.
Strategy: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity.
by Odrade ina certain catholic xjw (jeff schwem) and i have been following the same blog for several months.
in this blog, the young woman has been documenting her conversion to jwism.
i have not always been so kind in my comments as jeff has been, but i have been honest.
Odrade. the Divinity of Christ is the soul target of the JW cult. There is a large cabal behind not only the JW's but all Christ denying religions.
btw. I am a Modalist. Which differs from trinitarianism. I believe modalism makes Jesus more personal, since God is not three seperate persons, but is one person, revealed three different ways.
research, Monarchian Modalism (Sabellianism)
Subortinationism (JW adhere to this)
Trinitarianism (Pagan Catholic creed) - but at least it does not reject Christ's divinit, so I believe God accepts these people.
Arianism of Arius the heretic (also accepted and practiced by JWs) -
How Did Watching Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" Make You Feel?
by Ianone inalthough i am not a catholic i found this movie to be the most powerful and uplifting thing i have ever watched.
for those of you who watched it, how did it make you feel?
Skinny boy, that is a bunch of Jewish propaganda you have there. Coming from haters who call Jesus a bastard and the son of a whore, in their unholy books, the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah.
How Did Watching Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" Make You Feel?
by Ianone inalthough i am not a catholic i found this movie to be the most powerful and uplifting thing i have ever watched.
for those of you who watched it, how did it make you feel?
You bring up some good points and some errors. I assure you. Christian "Evangelicalism" is not Orthodox Christianity and the Apostolic faith. Protestantanism is a Kabbalistic-Rosicrucian-Freemasonic creation while, Catholicism is a Kabbalistic-pagan creation. Both are bad and both do not represent the truths that Christ brought to this world. Come out of Churchianity As for the Kabbalistic tetragrammatron JEHOVAH (YHVH) I agree that it is Satan. However I worship Jesus Christ and not this JEHOVAH.
Russell is to Freemasons as "Apostates" are to JWD
by watch the tower inyour latest russell freemasonry fix here.
this makes perfect sense to me.
stop trying to look for hard evidence just short of russell being raised from the grave, grabbing a bullhorn and shouting "i was a mason!".
Nothing but smartass comments from "know it alls" who know squat about Freemasonry. Masons are commanded to lie when asked about the composition of membership, rituals, and oaths. How do they lie? By using misleading information and presenting as truths.
People on here who claim to know Freemasonry, really don't. They read a couple of books and all of a sudden they think they know how the Lodge works.
Few will address the evidence presented in this excellent post. -
Rumors about Russell
by Lady Lee ini am getting rather tired of all the russell scandals.
however, if there is something to find out i'm all for it.
i have a connection to one of russell's followers.
Daystar said: "hmm.. I think I'm going to put a bunch of Masonic symbolism on my tombstone so everyone will think I was secretly a Mason too..." Criminals love to brag. Only the elightened pick up on it.
Watchtower and Masons book?
by Goodboy inhello all.
i am trying to locate a copy of fritz springmeier's book, "the watchtower & the masons".
can anyone help me locate a copy?
Unfortunately the book has officially gone out of print. Try looking on ebay or Have to find a used one. Two other good books by the same author are "Bloodlines of the Illuminatti" available at and "Be Wise as Serpents," both talk about the Watchtower in depth. Not sure if the later is out of print but Bloodlines is a best seller right now.
How Did Watching Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" Make You Feel?
by Ianone inalthough i am not a catholic i found this movie to be the most powerful and uplifting thing i have ever watched.
for those of you who watched it, how did it make you feel?
As a matter of fact, in the Babyonian Talmud (The Jewish Authoritative Text in Judaism) the Rabbis take full reponsibility for killing Christ and the Romans are not so much as even mentioned.
TOLDOTH JESCHU as an example of one section about Jesus.
The Kabbalah also makes numerous blasphemous references to my Lord.