Triple A, when you use Yeshua in its "common anglo form Jesus," you are in effect saying that it's okay to use an artificial anglicized translation of a prominent Biblical figure's name. You yourself allude to this.
However, JWs freely admit "Jehovah" is an artificial anglicized translation of the tetragrammaton, and never has the Watchtower Society taught that biblical figures pronounced the name of God as "Jehovah." And frankly, on this point alone, the NWT is a more honest translation of the OT than a Bible that replaces it with the terms "LORD" and "GOD." It's like replacing every occurance of "Jesus" with "the SON." While nobody is saying not use Jehovah, this webiste, and many Fundamentalists, say that it's incorrect, a logic they do not apply to the name "Jesus." Like the NWT translation of John 1:1, it appears to be doctrinally motivated.
Also, by your own logic, the NT authors did use "Jehovah" in their writings, every time they use the name "Jesus," which means "Jehovah is salvation."