To anyone who has anything negative to say:
What kind of BS do you think your family is going to put on your obituary?
here is an obituary from my local paper.
i have removed all personal info before posting.
her loving husband thanks jehovah god that he had x .
To anyone who has anything negative to say:
What kind of BS do you think your family is going to put on your obituary?
a few years ago i started my little "collection" in a small container in my bathroom.
evertime i find a grey hair in my beard i pluck it out and put it in the container.
so far the collection has been quite "modest".. now it looks like they grey hairs in my beard are starting to gang up on me.
Now Brother Elsewhere, if you look around the Hall you don't see any other men with beards, do you? In our area, most men don't wear a full beard. Doing so might cause one to stumble, and we don't want that, do we? No. Why, you could incur bloodguilt, and misss out on the paradise! That's not worth it for a beard, now is it? You'd do well to heed the words of the Bible "If one of your body members is causing you to stumble, cut it off." I look forward to your next comment at the Watchtower study.
just curious if jw urban legends are the same all over the world...?
i remember growing up in canada, there's two that really stand out in my mind.
1) the smurfs walking out of the kh.
Some Witness youths defied the Watchtower's Bible's counsel and went to a KISS concert, which, everyone knows, of course, stands for Knights in Satan's Service. Well, the band, in full regalia, bursts onto the stage to the frenzied excitement (which is idolatry) of the croud.
And none of the equipment works.
So Gene Simmons says to the audience (I guess they must have quieted down quite a bit, since NONE OF THE EQUIPMENT IS WORKING), "There must be some Jehovah's Witnesses in the audience!"
And so, the Witness youths have learned their lesson and leave the evil Satanic concert, and sure enough, the concert proceeds as planned. And of course the story is true, it comes straight "from platform" at the Janesville Assembly Hall!
reading the thread about the jw postal worker killed, made me think long and hard about the truthfulness of what cipic was stating, that the society allows for ones to work in the post office but frowns upon driving a truck for a major company like coca-cola, because the possibility that one may have a route that goes to a military base for instance.
or maybe to a strip club for that matter, i mean the possibilities are almost endless.
what kind of guidelines do they use in such cases?
I knew an elder that worked on a military base. I agree with Carmel that all the talk bandied about which jobs are okay and which clients one can take are meant to keep Dubs second-guessing themselves. Remember, the rule is a JW plumber can accept a one time emergency service call at a church, but accepting a building contract is a different matter. Again, this didn't stop another elder I knew, whose boss was also a Witness.
It all reminds me of 1984, where pornography was distibuted by the government because the masses incorrectly thought it was illegal and Big Brother wanted them to feel like they were getting away with something.
in the same vein of minimus' thread, who would be the greatest sport's antihero?
you know, the nasty guy that always got the job done, who wasn't liked by the fans, but when the game was on the line, would show up and win?.
i'll have to say charles barkley.
hello everyone i am a new poster but have been lurking for quite some time, i wanted to know if any of you ever heard the following illustrations at meetings.
1) when i was a kid going to spanish meetings here in so cal i often heard speakers talk about satan being like a roaring lion ready to devour all humanity, then i would here the illustration of how lions hunt by roaring towards the ground this way the roar went everywhere and the prey would be easy pickings.
problem with this is once i studied in the fourth grade how lions hunt, found out lionesses are the ones that hunt and rely solely on stealth, ambush, the element of surprise to bring down their prey.
Yeah, every now and then you'll hear a lengthy discussion about lions and their hunting habits, and how lions sometimes roar and why. Pitiful.
In the last year or two there's been a big deal made about snakes and whether or not they can hear (they can't). Psalm 58 implies that they actually dance to music played by snake charmers, when they actually just react to how they hold their flutes. But sure enough, the scholars at Watchtower found some yahoo with credentials like "Assistant Clerk at the Reno Poison Control Center" to say that snakes can "hear" vibrations transmitted through the ground that have direct contact with their jaw. Firstly, that doesn't apply to snake charmers, and secondly an animal's ability to percieve sound doesn't mean it has the rhythm to dance to it! And yet this was even a question on one of the last written reviews.
religion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows?
there could be a plethora of jw characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!.
for example, what about bill lumberg (the boss) from the movie "office space?
Don't encourage me dammit! I'm having too much fun as it is!
Look around you, Neo. The world... Is set against you. The governments... The schools... The churches. All part of a system beyond our control. All around us, millions of people, living their lives within this system see us as a threat to their very existence. That is why they refuse to believe, Neo. They blind their eyes. Come with me if you want to know the Truth.
religion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows?
there could be a plethora of jw characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!.
for example, what about bill lumberg (the boss) from the movie "office space?
Actually Fight Club isn't all that different than being a Witness. Weeknight meetings, special campaigns, recruiting new members from town to town. Except the First Rule of Being a Witness is...YOU MUST TALK ABOUT BEING A WITNESS!!
religion is rarely covered in poular entertainment, so who knows?
there could be a plethora of jw characters in popular televison and movies, and we don't even know it!.
for example, what about bill lumberg (the boss) from the movie "office space?
Great responses, everybody!
Snowcrash: Don't you think Napolean would love the Revelation book for its illustrations?
No Apologies: Spot on, man.
Shamus: I actually had a brother in my Hall a few years back that looked quite a bit like MiIlton. TRUE STORY: He once took a leak on a not-at-home's front lawn during service. In a subdivision!
What about this? He's uneducated, means well, and doesn't know when to be quiet.
Did yousa hearen bout dat bombad latest battle in da Clone Wars? (allows for response) Many people dyin! You knowsa, da BIBLE been a-foretellin' times like deez for a longo time. (reads Matthew 24: 6&7) Isa got some magazines here dat be tellin' of happy times a-comin.
i have spent a fair amount of time in court lately.
lawyers and their so-called absolute "logic" is interesting.
they lie and call it "justified reasoning" in order to comply with their most important oath of doing the best for their client, axe murderer or not.
I've noticed quite a few people from a particular religion are complete a-holes. They lie, stab people in the back, spread rumors, steal, cheat on their spouses, and worse, but they are quite active in their church. This particular religion teaches that if you confess your sins to a man with a funny collar, he will tell you to repeat a few nonsense phrases and all will be forgiven. You can go back to being an a-hole and all will be forgiven. But if you don't believe in God, then look out!
Personally, I think that even the WTBTS instills a stronger sense of decency in its members than this other, quite large religion. My best friend is a member of this religion, as are several of my close friends. I'm not stereotyping all of the members, but I do feel this theology is detrimental and spiritually immature.