Truth be told, I had alot of good times there. I got my hands on the keys to the electrical room and used it to have some fun of a carnal sort with the receptionist!
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
What's your worst job experiences?
by missy04 ini don't have too many crumby experiences, but i was just sitting here thinking about when i worked as a hostess at a local restaurant.
it was kind of a family-owned restaurant, and whoever had worked there for a long time still worked there no matter how @$@#^ their attitudes were.
i tried and tried to just be polite and have conversations with them but they didn't like me and were antagonizing me to the point of being in tears from the start.. there was one particular waitress who the men would walk in and specifically ask walk up and whisper in your ear..."put me at a----'s table, please" wasn't too big of a mystery why all the men asked for her.. and one particular waitress made a habit of throwing the menu's at me when she wanted them put back after being walk by me and throw them over her shoulder and i would be trying to catch them all.. there was also alot of he-said-she-said bullcrap.
Your favorite quote about religion/God?
by formerout ini was going to add this to a comment to a post of mine in rune's topic "why?
" (if anybody was paying attention to it) but i figured i would start my own thread on it.. i have always liked quotes, especially very profound life lessons revealed in a short quip.. one of my favorites is by michel de montaigne: .
"man is surely stark mad.
Here's my favorite God quote from Hollywood:
First Blood
Sheriff Teasle: Why would God in Heaven make a man like John Rambo?
Col. Trautman: God didn't make Rambo. I did!
And a close second:
Are they profound? No. But fun to say. Try it; you'll see what I mean!Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Kirk: What would God need with a starship?
If God did have a new system..would you want to be there?
by happehanna ini was a witness for over forty years and for most of that time the "new world" "paradise" was not a place i ever wanted to live in.. there are many aspects of life in the 21st century that are great and i wouldn't want to give up.
tv, internet, blues/jazz clubs etc etc.. i may be shallow.
but there were other better reasons millions of people would have gone, wiped out by god: this never sat easy with me.. i told my elder father that i wouldn't want to live five minutes in god's new system, knowing that people i loved, had been killed by god because they didn't love him in the way he wanted.. just telling my father that has made me really wake up to how i really feel about my ex religion.. does a paradise earth as jw's depict appeal to you?
Can you imagine?
"Goddammit! The lion is hogging all the bird seed again. >>banging on window screem<< GET OUT OF HERE!!! Go on!"
Yeah, I remember coming to that epiphany at a circuit assembly once. In a crowd of 1,200 people, I never felt so alone. I looked around and thought these are the people I want to spend forever with? No way.
What's your worst job experiences?
by missy04 ini don't have too many crumby experiences, but i was just sitting here thinking about when i worked as a hostess at a local restaurant.
it was kind of a family-owned restaurant, and whoever had worked there for a long time still worked there no matter how @$@#^ their attitudes were.
i tried and tried to just be polite and have conversations with them but they didn't like me and were antagonizing me to the point of being in tears from the start.. there was one particular waitress who the men would walk in and specifically ask walk up and whisper in your ear..."put me at a----'s table, please" wasn't too big of a mystery why all the men asked for her.. and one particular waitress made a habit of throwing the menu's at me when she wanted them put back after being walk by me and throw them over her shoulder and i would be trying to catch them all.. there was also alot of he-said-she-said bullcrap.
Actually, I had a similar experience at Target and walked out one night after two years, which I understand got me blacklisted from working at the company. Big deal, right? In the mean time I went to and graduated college, and guess what? All kinds of good corporate jobs in my field keep appearing at Target Corp,, etc!
What Are Some of Your Favorite Urban Legends About JWs???
by minimus inperiodically, we post about what we realize were good fables that were spoken as "gospel".
smurfs running up and down the aisles of the hall is a well known one......any you remember???
The guy who could use the force to open his drapes got that way reading about UFOs, if I remember correctly. When I heard that story, I thought, "Cool!" -Source: Public Talk
On a variation of Winston Smith's story, a group of elders approached the owners of a stadium to rent it for a DC. When the time came they found a large Satanic banner for an upcoming rock concert. The owners refused to take it down. Well, along came a thunderstorm and "ripped the banner in two." -Source: Circuit Assembly
A sister in Japan was preaching alone and came upon a bar known as a hang out for a motorcycle gang. Bravely, she went inside, and the response was so great that she didn't have enough literature to place. So, one ofthe gang members offered her a ride on the back of his motorcycle to the local branch office to get more books and magazines. When the branch office was unable to help, the motorcycle guy slammed his fist down and demanded they give the lady some decent customer service, much to the amusement of the Jainseville Assembly Hall. Of course, most of the gang became Witnesses in short order. -Source: Circuit Assembly
In another incredibly foreign country, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, once upon a time, Brother FakeName witnessed to the local prison population. Sure enough, the biggest, meanest, nastiest prisoner on death row became a die-hard JW. Special permission was given by the warden to baptize him. Well, he apologized to the guards for his former behaviour, but the sentence was never commuted. The Brother FakeName accompanied the prisoner to his hanging, and as the trap door fell away, the prisoner whispered, "Jehovah, help." BUT... the guard closest to him heard what he REALLY said, "Jehovah, help Brother FakeName." Aww. -Source: Circuit Assembly
EDIT: Blondie, you are so awesome for finding that Rwanda story! Once again you've demostrated your reputation.
Celebrating Wedding Anniversaries
by steve2 indoes anyone know the history of celebrating wedding anniversaries within
the watchtower society (i.e.
in celebration of wedding anniversaries.
The line of reasoning is that since those in the Bible celebrated weddings, it's okay to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding. The logical fallacy is that Jesus' birth was celebrated, and Witnesses continue to celebrate births through baby showers, etc. So why not mark the anniversary of one's birth?
It's really sad to see these JW Chirstmases held on married couples' anniversaries, where the whole family exchanges gifts. And the "potty training parties." Just celebrate frickin' birthdays already. But God's people didn't do it? Herod, despite being characterized as a monster, was still debateably one of "God's people," and as far as Pharoah's birthday, the Isrealites who wrote and read the account were sure familiar with the custom, weren't they?
New KM, With New Procedures!
by Doubtfully Yours inin the newest kingdom ministry publication comes the information of how they're combining the 'no blood' card and the 'health proxy' document into only one card.. the card will have pertinent information according to the region where the person lives.
publishers will only need to change this card if personal information changes, otherwise one can keep the card forever instead of the nonsense of having to fill one out at the beginning of each year.. the wtbts sure is simplifying matters as time goes by.
Maybe they're simplifying the paperwork, but...
Blood transfusions= bad
Blood components= bad
Blood fractions= good
that's like saying
blood transfusions= bad
b l o o d t r a n s f u s i o n s= bad
b l o o d t r a n s f u s i o n s = good
Fine, I'm bleeding to death, so doctor, I can't have a blood transfusion, but if you could mix every single blood fraction inside my body and make a kind of blood coctail, that would be great. Thanks! -
What Are Some of Your Favorite Urban Legends About JWs???
by minimus inperiodically, we post about what we realize were good fables that were spoken as "gospel".
smurfs running up and down the aisles of the hall is a well known one......any you remember???
-Hitler's mother was a Witness.
-A Hutu/Tutsi family was captured by the Tutsis/Hutus. The whole family was about to be slaughtered, and the young daughter asked to pray before being killed. She prayed for forgiveness for being executed, because that would mean she couldn't go out in service anymore to spread Jehovah's Word. Upon hearing this, the executioners were so moved they spared the whole famn damily!
-Frozen mammoths are proof of the Flood.
"New system" questions
by JustTickledPink indo you remember all the hype about the "paradise" and then the natural questions that followed that no one has answers to... like,.
"will we have cars in the new system?
" - uh, well jehovah will provide us with whatever we need.
You HAVE to build your own house. No exceptions. But people can help you. For their help, you can give them cucumbers you've grown. But what if they have cucumbers, and want tomatoes? They can trade cucumbers for tomatoes. Not having to haul around produce like this was why money was invented in the first place!
What was Jesus's real name?
by gumby inmany of you migth know the archetypal jewish hero was joshua (the successor of moses) otherwise known as yeshua ben nun (?jesus of the fish?).
since the name jesus (yeshua or yeshu in hebrew, ....ioshu in greek,...( source of the english spelling) , originally was a title (meaning ?saviour?, derived from ?yahweh saves?
)......what was jesus's real name?
Probably something like Ramierez, Vasquez, Rodriguez, etc.