Periodically, we post about what we realize were good fables that were spoken as "gospel". Smurfs running up and down the aisles of the Hall is a well known one......Any you remember????
What Are Some of Your Favorite Urban Legends About JWs???
by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends
the one about the two big bulky angels protecting a sister from being raped when she knocked on some maniacs door......I'm foggy on the details but that one has been around for a long long time.
Everybody knows somebody who bought something at a yard sale, strange things started happening, and then the object wouldn't burn.
franklin J
to the best of my recollections from 25 years ago.....
1) Brother Knorr ( former WTBTS president) flying first class on an airliner and sitting next to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton ( famous American movie star celebrities at the time) . Story was that he gave them a "good witness" and left them with a "Truth" book ( at the time; the new publication " The Truth that leads to eternal life" was the answer to all Bible studies).
2) That Michael Jackson and his family were Jehovahs Witnesses. Honestly with all his gad publicicty lately ; I am inclined to believe this one.
3) That the United Nations ( back in the 1970s) had some secret agenda worldwide against Jehovahs Witnesses; and was going to interfere with the great preaching work .
4) That the persecution was going to start anyday. We would all be tortured.( sick to teach this to a child; any child)
5) MOST DISTURBING: that Jehovah ( and his cloak of protection) could be summoned simply by calling out his name. Was this some kind of SUPER HEROE joke?
A woman in our congregation smashed her TV because it glowed for quite awhile after turning it off, and she just knew it was demon possessed. (All TV's used to glow for awhile as the old picture tube cooled down.) That woman and one of her friends were seeing demons around every rock and bush. They were quite a pair.
That after being baptised people in the hall are still interested in you.
franklin J
LOL, Mulan, that is a good laugh!
How could I EVER forget the DEMON stories.....I was not allowed to watch "I dream of Jeannie" or "Bewitched" because of the dreaded Demons!
Franklin----It's always, "WATCH OUT. THEY'RE GONNA GET US! BE ON THE ALERT!!!" No wonder we're all fruitcakes!
jt stumbler
Yea when the "sisters" went to a male householders door and he had nothing on and they kept their eye to eye contact.. right
fleaman uk
1) Brother Knorr ( former WTBTS president) flying first class on an airliner and sitting next to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton ( famous American movie star celebrities at the time) .
Dont say that too loudly if you ever go to cardiff!