Aw, quit pickin' on the poor guy.
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
Pathetic JW Web Site
by DevonMcBride in.
this guy needs a friend...and a life.
definitely a few fries short of a happy meal..
Reggie White died :(
by xenawarrior indead at the age of 43. a sad day indeed.
i had the pleasure of working with reggie and his wife sara on several community projects when they lived in green bay and he was an awesome human being.
huntersville, n.c. dec 26, 2004 ?
Big Tex: I woke up at 7:00 AM on Sunday and sporadic reports were coming in. Not much more was put together for the 10:00 PM news. The station likely had more images to air of Reggie White than of the tsunami, so they adjusted their coverage accordingly. This makes the news more eye-catching, which improves ratings, but as a side effect dumbs down most viewers by only presenting TV-friendly news. Sports has everything to do with the tsunami because both are considered news events. Why are the results of a game considered news? It's ludicrous to consider an event like the kind of megadeath that took place akin to a sporting event, yet the sports section takes up ample time and space in news programs and newspapers. What if half the newspaper was devoted to soap opera updates?
11,800 died in the Indonesian eathquake. Let's not forget that just because a ball player died on the same news day. And I mean no disrespect to Mr. White, but his reasons for notoriety are insignificant compared to the equivalent of 4.5 September 11's.
I know, I know. Guess who's not a footbal fan.
I don't see any condemnation or finger wagging. At least not from my post. Could you please show me a specific quote, if you have one?
Xena: It's awfully naive to think Reggie White is getting any attention for anything other than his football career. Perhaps as a football player he set himself apart with being an "outspoken Christian" as someone said, or doing volunteer work, etc., but his football career is the only reason his death is a news item, and his personal life is but an anecdote to anyone who didn't know him. I'll prove it: what if Dennis Rodman died? Would he get any less attention? No, unfortunately Rodman's "bad boy" image garnered him more notoriety than White's philanthropist reputation. If Rodman was just another freak off the street, and he died, would the nation pause to notice? Of course not. There are many freaks in the world, and there are many devout Christians who do volunteer work. But only when they're famous for something else, ie doing tricks with their respective balls, do you hear about it on the evening news. You knew him, so your perspective is different. But if I asked 1,000 people on the street "Who is Reggie White?" how many do you think would respond with anything other than variations of "he's a football player?" Was he a good man? Sure, if you say so. I never once implied otherwise, did I? If I did, show me.
Reggie White died :(
by xenawarrior indead at the age of 43. a sad day indeed.
i had the pleasure of working with reggie and his wife sara on several community projects when they lived in green bay and he was an awesome human being.
huntersville, n.c. dec 26, 2004 ?
None of my comments about the media were ever directed at any members of the forum or this thread. Sunday night, when I wrote my initial post, I was desperate to find information on the earthquake. It wasn't there on my local 10 o'clock news. Granted, information was scarce for both stories, but someone had plenty of time to put together a montage of newsclips and soundbites from Reggie White, complete with music. I don't think they even showed the the Indian Ocean on a map. You all know Americans are at least occasionally guilty of turning a blind eye to international matters, and I was loathe to see this happen. Read my initial post as a reminder not to forget the big picture. Did I make any personal attack on anyone here for memorializing Reggie White? I don't think so. If anyone thinks I did, I apologize; that was not my intention.
Reggie White died :(
by xenawarrior indead at the age of 43. a sad day indeed.
i had the pleasure of working with reggie and his wife sara on several community projects when they lived in green bay and he was an awesome human being.
huntersville, n.c. dec 26, 2004 ?
Okay. Yes, I absolutely feel that lives of the 28,000 (new death toll) far outweigh the life of one man. I find America's obsession with professional sports distressing, when tens of thousands of lives are ended, and one man's death gets equal attention in the media because he can do tricks with a ball. That kind of celebrity worship is the ultimate act of condescension. Entertainers are no more human than the rest of us.
Humans on other planets
by Truth2Me inthrough research over the years, it seems to me that aliens do exist, and even it some of the alien abductions are "demonic" or "ginn activity" as many claim, there are still many tales of humanoid beings from other planets that have been seen on earth.
this is something i've struggle with for years, because jw and mainstream christians alike write it all off as demonic etc.
anyone have thoughts on reconciling belief in god with aliens, even humans on other planets?
I think the JWs are right insofar as suggesting a serious conflict between the Bible and the possibility of intelligent life on other planets. However, since I no longer believe the Bible is the Word of God, I think it very likely that other civilizations exist, though not very many given the evolutionary odds against it.
WB&TS Horror Stories for Children
by OUTLAW in.
when i was a very young child my mother told me the government would one day be rounding up j.w`s and putting them in concentration camps.when we were collected,i was to wear my warmest coat and boots,as we would probably be there until god destroyed the wicked at armageddon.i was told never to give up my belief`s,even if i were forced to burn my parents any good "wb&ts childrens horror stories" to share?...outlaw
I too was told that someday people might "drag us out into the street and shoot us." Since my father wasn't a JW, I always wondered if he would side with us. And what about our extended family? Would they turn us in? Would my classmates grow up to be prison guards? So horrible.
Revelation 11:18 ("bring to ruin those ruining the earth") Meaning?
by AlmostAtheist inhey folks,.
just curious, any concensus on what john actually meant here?
i doubt a guy in the first century could honestly envision a time when mankind could genuinely "ruin the earth" if the idea struck them.
Yeah, he's just talking about people ruining the earth by being total @$$holes.
just curious, whats wrong with the smurfs?
by embeth2525 inwas reading the older posts and noticed a christmas display with smurfs, why don't jw's like smurfs?
i guess i wasn't informed about that one.
My sister-in-law swears that "Smurf" means "demon," backwards, in French. All she has to do is look up "demon" in an English to French dictionary to learn that, in French, the word for "demon," is, are you ready.... " Démon!" And yet the rumors persist.
If You Could Write Titles For The Watchtower & Awake! What Would They Be?
by minimus inthis could be a lot of fun!
How about a swimsuit issue?
"Magazine placements have gone up 12,000%! Praise Jehovah!"
Child Abuse- A Balanced View
WE BELIEVE IN NOAH'S FLOOD: A Lesson in Humility for our Members
Poorly Documented Ghost Stories: Proof of Demon Harassment
Positive about jw
by one inthere are many thing i dont regret about jw
learning from jw about cristmas is one of them
the jw were very open about cristmas, going against the "system" require some strenght and that in itself attracted many to the jw org.
There are many positive things about the JWs. True, few or none are exclusive to the bOrganization, but then again neither are the negative things, eh? Do they have a patent on hypocrisy? No. Are they they only ones who think they're always right? No. Are they the only religion that practices shunning? Nope. That shelters child molesters? No.
I fully agree with the assessment that teaching us the true origins of Christmas can encourage critical thinking later in life. I was in grade school and knew not only that the other kids were gullible for believing in Santa, but that their parents were also for thinking Christmas was the Picture of Unadulterated Christianity.
The WTS is pretty good at calling a spade a spade, as long as they're not the ones under the microscope. Well I could see through their act, and I'm sure it's because I followed the precedent set out in a critical examination of Christmas. Plus I'm a kick-ass public speaker, and that's the number one fear in America, or so common perception goes. Finally, they have done much in the way of promoting free speech in the courts, although we all know that's not the case inside the Kingdom Hall.