"Dey must've been Holy Cheeps...or zomezhing."
Check the deleted scenes!
...he's out to prove he's got nothing to prove.
great film!
"i like your puffed sleeves".
"Dey must've been Holy Cheeps...or zomezhing."
Check the deleted scenes!
and i will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat one the flesh of his friend in the seige and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lifes, shall straiten them.
nah.....god wouldn't do that.....would he?
Yeah, well, remember he appoints the blind and the lame, too. Of course, he just "tolerates imperfection." Well dammit if he's going to keep tolerating something he's so against why doesn't he tolerate polygamy anymore? 'Cause damn, if I had two wives the first thing I would do is
[admin_edit: post contained graphic depictions of strong sexual content]
i'm not sure if i've phrased the question correctly, but what is it that you think gives god or whoever else the right to ask (or demand) the worship of us humans.
I would expect beings in my charge, especially beings of my creation, to do as I ask of them. I would expect them to apreciate what I do for them. That being said, with every resource at my disposal I would help them out as best I could, and I'd do a hell of alot better job than to allow tsunamis to wipe out my beings by the tens of thousands.
that from the very begining, the society starts its indoctrination and seperating you from your regular life and family from day one.
i remember how newly interested ones were strongly encouraged to profess to their churches leaders and others that they no longer are members, to point of having their names removed from memberships.
also the warnings that we may receive heckling from friends and relatives if we continued to study, and how we should come to expect that as being normal.
NO!!! Dan-O is an evil apostate seeking to mislead others. I, MungoBaobab, have The Truth. Do not send your money to him, send it to the one you know has The Truth. Remember, "God loves a cheerful giver!"
i was just wondering if any other people here have this same problem at walmart!?!?.
first of all, every single time i go to walmart, i see at least one person that i don't want to see.
it's just a rule evidentally.
Well, I don't carry a purse, namely because I'm not a crossdresser, but I've seen a few people I didn't want to at Wal-Mart before.
the light faded for me when i was twelve.
i asked my uncle what happened to all the people who couldn't be reached by the "truth" in far off lands, or little kids whose parents didn't believe...ect... "would they still die in armagedon?
" he answered yes, and from there on, whether it was bs or not, i couldn't believe.
No problem. Say, what's up with your avatar? Kind of like Peppie Le Pew.. Only not.
i took this list from http://www3.sympatico.ca/jenoff/obit.htm some i knew some i didnt know had passed.
kaye, author best known for the far pavilions, died january 29 at the age of 95. jack paar, talk show pioneer, died january 27 at the age of 85. bob keeshan, better known as captain kangaroo, died january 23 at the age of 76.
Don't forget Reggie White!!
new-years eve my husband and i went to my sister's house to bring in the new-year.
my sister knowing much about jws cornered my husband and said " happy new-year don" and he replied" yep it's a 2005".
i have been away from the bs of jwism for a long time and for the life of me i can not remember why it is wrong to celebrate a new year.
The Jews (WT Speak: "God's People") celebrated their new year; Rosh Hashanah. So did Jesus. The only reason the "pagans" celebrated at a different time was because they had a different calendar.
And I think there is some confusion among JWs (ain't that an understatement!) about wishing someone a Happy New Year's (holiday) and a happy new year, which, essentially, is wishing somebody a good day 365 times.
the light faded for me when i was twelve.
i asked my uncle what happened to all the people who couldn't be reached by the "truth" in far off lands, or little kids whose parents didn't believe...ect... "would they still die in armagedon?
" he answered yes, and from there on, whether it was bs or not, i couldn't believe.
That would be when the August 1, 2002 Watchtower came out. I remember reading it on the left side of my sofa. It was midday. I was floored at the nonsense. Read about it here:
i think it's kind of funny.
how do they explain more people this year than lasts?
i thought the number was suppose to get lower as they died off?
Apparently, some have failed to properly discipline their young ones (Prov. 29:15). These young ones, unproperly trained, may have partaken of the emblems because they felt snacks were being offered. Or perhaps some older ones have misinterpreted the illustration of "the proper food at the proper time." (Matt. 24:45) Regardless, just because it seems as if another one of our doctrines has failed to come true, this does not make Jehovah's Witnesses false prophets.*
* See the book Jehovah's Witnesses- Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) for a whitewashed history of God's people in modern times.