I'm not sure if I've phrased the question correctly, but what is it that you think gives God or whoever else the right to ask (or demand) the worship of us humans.
What gives any being the right to be worshipped?
by dh 30 Replies latest jw friends
Do you demand that your pets or your children worship you? If you had an ant farm, would you demand obeisance from them? It seems highly insecure and egocentric to me. God could use some therapy.
Worship = Stupidest. Concept. Ever.
What is great is that we are all made with free will.
If you chose to worship, fine. If not, fine as well. People need to do what works for them.
Respect, on the other hand, I do believe is deserved and at times expected. That is completely different than actual worship.
We had a really neat discussion on a similar topic not too long ago:
Why does God need to be worshiped?
I suppose if one believes in a God that created everything and imparts life to you, you might feel obliged to worship that person as your maker and as the one who has power over your ultimate destiny.
If you don't believe in God then you don't need to worship God. Right?
Love, Scully
Humans are social animals with an instinct to form a social hierarchy. We instinctively select an "alpha" who will lead a group we are a part of. We also view our leaders as having "alphas" of their own. This hierarchy process keeps stacking one leader on top of another until we get to the "highest" leader...
A "god" is an ultimate "alpha" in which people assign ultimate authority.
Basically, a "god" is the social hierarchy instinct gone overboard to the point of making up imaginary leaders.
What is your definition of "worship"?
"What does God need with a Starship?" Didn't Kirk ask that?
It is a sick, insecure human quality that has been projected onto a supposed supreme being: that being that the God, with "Phenominal Cosmic Power" has no realistic sense of self worth, and requires that simpler life forms "must"give him LOVE to validate his "itty-bitty" wounded ego.
Then again, it could just be a *shhhh* secret that humans desiring alpha positions of power, fasion a deity, with characteristics that mimic their own, and use said GaWd, to live like parasites off of their contemporaries.
IT would be almost laughable, but people are murdered for this.
Good to see you around dh.
This is what Ven. Louis of Grenada wrote in The Sinner's Guide:
"If we treat a king, even out of his own dominion, with respect and honor purely because of the dignity of his person, though we owe him nothing, with how much more justice should we render honor and service to this King and Lord, who, as St. John tells us, bears written "on his garment, and on his thigh: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS"! (Apoc. 19:16). This is He who hath "poised with three fingers the bulk of the earth." (Is. 40:12).
All beings are in His power; He disposes of them as He wills. It is He who propels the heavenly bodies, commands the winds, changes the seasons, guides the elements, distributes the waters, controls the stars, creates all things; it is He, in fine, who, as King and Lord of the universe, maintains and nourishes all creatures.
Nor is His kingdom acquired or inherited. By His very nature it is for Him an inherent right. Just as man is above, the ant, for example, so is the Divine. Substance in an eminent degree above all created things, and the whole universe is no more than one of these little insects compared to Him. If this truth were so manifest to the Epicureans, otherwise unworthy of the name of philosophers, how much clearer ought it not be to us, who have been illumined by the light of true Christian philosophy! For this latter teaches us, in fact, that among the innumerable reasons which oblige us to serve God, this is the greatest; and though men were endowed with a thousand hearts and a thousand bodies, this reason alone should be sufficient to cause them to devote them all to His love and service."
As I said, worship = Stupidest. Concept. Ever.