You're calling JOHN the lazy apostle? He's the only one that didn't plaigarize the whole thing from Matthew!
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
JOHN - The Lazy Apostle ?
by Lampokey infrom the gospel according to john , 21:25 new world translation :.
"there are , in fact , many other things which jesus also did , which , if ever they were written in full detail , i suppose , the world itself could not contain the scrolls written.".
well , john , here you are , charged with the responsibility to relate the life and times of jesus , and you do not tell us what these "many other things" are.. why not ?
Do you believe in ghosts?
by Country Girl ini am posting this because i know there are many people that have had experiences that cannot be explained by natural means.
i am a ghost hunter, as a hobby.
my hobby is to disprove ghosts.
If ghosts are real, then why aren't they productive members of society?
I know that sounds like a smart-ass question, but I'm completely serious. I find asking questions to be an effective way to get to the heart of a matter.
Couldn't the ghost of a singer continue to produce new recordings? Couldn't a ghost serve as a anchorman on the evening news? Couldn't one at least be interviewed on the evening news? Run for office? Certainly ghosts would make ideal astronauts. They don't weigh anything, so that would save on fuel. They don't need spacesuits, since they don't breathe air. They don't need to take any food with them, either. Ghosts could also serve in the military, doing advance recon. Their intel would lead to quicker victories and fewer casualties on both sides. A supernatural display of power would also seriously demoralize the enemy. Wouldn't the ghost of a soldier killed in battle owe it to his squadmates to watch over them like this?
Seems there are two kinds of ghosts you normally hear about: a recently departed loved one or someone from c.100-200 years ago. Why don't we have ghosts of Aztecs and Indians running around? Ghosts that don't even speak English. Are there still Roman ghosts in Italy? If yes, how far back can you go? Do ghosts of austrolipithicines haunt the plains of Africa? If so, can a chimpanzee produce a ghost? What about a monkey? What about a dog? What about a crayfish?
I cannot believe in ghosts.
" LOST" NEW TV SERIES- I missed an eposide help
by wednesday inanyone else watching this?
i missed the eposide where the pg lady gets killed.
if anyone saw this eposide, please fill me in on this one eposide i missed.. weds
Lost is an extremely captivating show and I watch week after week.
But does anyone else feel that when we finally figure out what's going on and have all the answers we're in for a huge disappointment? I mean, how long can they keep the charades up?
Look at JJ Abrams' other show, Alias. The show has completely transformed several times over, to the point where it's almost back to square one. And this show has quite a few contradictions and unresolved plot threads. And cliffhanger-ending letdowns.
I love and keep watching both, though.
A question about the Bible?
by kls inas far as i can remember there was nothing ever mentioned about dinosaurs existing .
why to you think it only has the beginning with adam & eve and nothing before that even tho we know by fossils and skeletal remains that they did indeed roam the earth.
in jesus day they must have come across some skeletal remains or fossils but there is no mention of it .
The Green Bible, aka The Gospel According to Fred Flintstone? Gone the way of the... Well, you know.
Do you still Pray?
by Dustin insince i stopped being a jw i haven't prayed.
so the other day i went to supper at my parent's house who are still jw's, and they prayed before we ate.
it was a very strange feeling, and it stirred up alot of weird feelings.
I talk to myself sometimes. Same thing.
Ghostly WT Illustrations
by prophecor inis it just me, or do the illustrations in the watchtower and other related material have an eerie, almost ghostlike appearance?
especially the ones that depict the new system.
the spirit that's reflected in them is of an almost mindless, robotic stepford wives type of mentallity, or maybe irobot, i don't know.
never mind
GB are reading out posts?
by Gill inrecently i was reading and writing posts of why lot would offer his daughters to the men of sodom and someone else was asking or commenting on why uzziah was killed for trying to stop the ark of c. from falling.
well, lo and behold, the feb 1st watchtower addresses both of these questions and suggests that we should not be questioning these events as god knows what he's doing?.
are you listening (or reading) gb or gb representatives.
Nah. I bet those poor old men can't even turn on their VCRs.
Stupid questions require stupid answers
by Norm inchristians always tell us how loving, caring and just god is, how he never ?forgets?
they also claim that god is omnipotent and everything that happens is his will and that it has a ?purpose?.
lets pay attention to what the watchtower say next as we will come back to it later:
The JW model for why suffering exists is but one straw man in field full of scarecrows.
President Bush donates $10,000
by yesidid in.
it has just been announced on cnn that president bush has contributed $10,000 of his own money to the tsunami victims.. poor guy he obviously doesn't have much money.. .
whoa. I have no idea why you're so hostile toward me
Which came first- the chicken or the egg? You walked into this thread with this:OMG I was JUST coming here to post about this.
It appears that you had just read or heard about it and couldn't wait to post about your anger about it. I guess we both have some hostility on different sides of this.)(!*&%~&^$~!!!)(&!*&%!.
that's all i have to say about that.
The difference is Fleur's post was the second one on topic and didn't personally attack any forum members for thinking otherwise. Fleur doesn't see the differing opinions of others as a personal attack against her. She doesn't stoop to swearing at people to make her point.
Who Is The Most Beautiful Woman or Man In The World???
by minimus inpictures would be nice, too.
Actress/model Nalini Krishan... That thick, black hair...Those sexy curves...That honey-colored skin... Now that is a woman!