What do the Mormons have to offer anyone? I mean, unless you have cause to doubt the Native Americans are descended from Asians who crossed over the Bering Strait...
Oh, wait. Polygamy. Right on, Scully! Right on...
guess what ??
i just discovered i have posted my 2000 number.
love orangefatcat.
What do the Mormons have to offer anyone? I mean, unless you have cause to doubt the Native Americans are descended from Asians who crossed over the Bering Strait...
Oh, wait. Polygamy. Right on, Scully! Right on...
are men cashing in on the female body?
mbulawa moyo
1/13/2005 8:00:56 am (gmt +2)
You took the words right out my mouth, Fe2O3Girl.
God made men physically much stronger than women which is why he made them head of the family.
Talk about your scientific balderdash and a 100% about face. I think he's mocking the Watchtower because their article was more well-written than his. There are plenty of ignorant statements made in Watchtower (don't get me started...), but when was the last time the Watchtower writers, masters of underestimating the intelligence of their readership and captains of pointing out the obvious, saw fit to point out:
But God is not stupid.Profound, man! And then the statement about smart women not being attractive, and men not being beautiful. I'm a hell of alot better looking than most women I know!!!
hey guys,.
" you say, "no you don't, you mind-controlled idiot.
tell 'em to fark off.
EDIT: Well in that case, never mind! I hope your in-laws come around and decide to live in this life instead of gearing up for the fantasy paradise and ignoring their real family. It's a sad world, Almost.
do jw's now believe in heaven?.
"to me it looks like a ghost," matt says.. .
I once saw an episode of Jenny Jones about "Out of Control Teen Daughters." Tres sophistique, I know. Anyway, so this mom comes out with her 13 year old daughter dressed like a skank, dropping one bleeped-out F-bomb after another. The audience is eating it up. So Jenny Jones asks the mother about their "religious troubles." The Out-of-Control-Teen-Daughter interrupts and screams "I don't want to be a Jehovah Witness!!!" The audience all laughs. Then I noticed something: a silver cross hanging from the mother's neck. They were trying to pass her off as a JW with a cross around her neck! Some prop master obviously didn't do his research very well.
To the public, ignorant of JW beliefs, Witnesses are a stand-in for ultra-conservative Christians. Talk shows, ghost stories, and other forums where factuality can take a back seat to sensationalism depend on this kind of stereotype to spice up whatever it is they're trying to sell us, the public. Either this guy was misquoted, or the whole thing is made up. Given my perpetual skepticism, which manufactured details like this only serve to reinforce, I'm leaning toward the latter.
this site has some cool graphics shots from the latest star wars movie.
these are high resolution promo pictures with lightsaber effects done.
Sith Lords sucked compared to KotOR. All I got for my ending was Kreia reading off some pre-death obituaries for the crew of the Ebon Hawk, then she keeled over and died for no apparent reason. That's it. THE END. Gone are the grand vistas of KotOR, like the Taris skyline, Selkath oceans, and the pristine tropical paradise where the final battle takes place. Instead we gat a claustrophobic, primer-gray space station over Telos, two rehash levels on Korriban and Dantooine, and a closed-in Mos Eisley stand in on Onderon. Oh yeah, and Nar Shaddaa, which was the most annoying level of any game I have ever played. Surprise! You know that character you pawned off all the crappy weapons on? You gotta fight two bounty hunters with him, all by yourself! The story was totally disjointed, too. The Dark Lord sends a Sith assasin to kill you, and after you beat her...POOF! She joins you, and is 75% on the Light Side of the Force.
Now, as far as that demo for Republic Commando... That game is going to be almost orgasmic!
today on the news i heard jimmy carter use the phrase that so many other world leaders have said for so many years.
he was speaking of the election of the new leadership in palestine and happened to mention those three words.
it's the three words that every jw goes chicken little over.
I remember it very well, because they interrupted Battlestar Galactica to show the signing of the treaty. I would have been pretty pissed off if it had been for anything other than the harbinger or Armageddon
Now that is a crime. Especially if it was the one with Count Iblis or the Battlestar Pegasus.
last night, i'm lying in bed, getting all sleepy and comfortablehuge spider in the corner of my room!!!!!!
i rush from my bed and grab the vacuum cleaner and flip the switch...........and voila he's sucked up safely and hopefully very dead inside............feeling much safer and again serene, i climb back in bed and pass an uneventful, peaceful night.
Okay, I have a confession to make.
I have a spider fetish.
I think there are few things sexier than a woman, totally unafraid of spiders, who lets a large arachnid crawl across her bare skin. Grrrrrrr!!!
if you are a christian, a jew, or a muslim, you belong to a revealed religion.
you believe that an angel, a prophet.
or other divine being came to earth and truthfully explained what your place in the universe should be.
It's worth noting that there is a great conceptual difference between believing in intelligent extraterrestrial life and believing that UFOs are alien spacecraft, and that their pilots abduct people late at night.
For one, that a species could evolve independently from our own on another planet and look exactly like us, only with bigger, blacker eyes and pale skin without deliberate intervention is utterly untenable. As another poster already pointed out, such depictions of aliens are too similar to past supernatural figures to ignore their psychological, archetypal significance.
Put another way, extraterrestrials would look a whole helluva lot different than we do. They'd probably have some kind of fur and eyes, since these evolved several times independently on Earth, but there the similarities would end.
on the bus.
we have kingdom melodies and tapes to show on the bus as well as some approved worldly movies.
the bus stops every few hours for meals and washroom breaks.
If he really managed to pull off a threesome, he's the coolest futhermucker you know! j/k
I wonder what the "approved wordly movies" are?
i was thinking of how the watchtower always seems to be using a scripture and somehow applying it to themselves.
let's take some bible verses or passages and have a little fun with making our own interpetation........example# 1.....matthew 25: 13, "keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour"......"keep on the watch" refers to our continuous reading of the watchtower magazines and watchtower publications.
"you know neither the day or the hour" but the "faithful and discreet slave has insight into such matters and that is why we must always be on the alert and listen to them!.........example # 2.....mt.
Ecclesiastes 12:12 As regards anything besides these, my son, take a warning: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.
2 Timothy 3:5-7 having a form of godly devotion but proving flase to its power; and from these turn away. For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, always learning yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.