Me too. I've always been interested in science and I became obsessed with proving the Flood, even though to call it a long shot was a supreme understatement. Proving the Flood meant proving the Bible. Well manybe it wasn't global, I thought. But that's not what the Bible says. Maybe all the animals weren't on the ark, I hoped. But that's not what the Bible says! It's just simply not possible. One geologist whose name I cannot recall stated that "Around the globe, there is only overwhelming evidence to the contrary."
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
The Global Flood
by coldfish ini've just read an intersting article on the flood to do with dates and whether is was truly global or a regional flood..
my father used to be an elder for many years and the flood was one of the things that made him walk away not just from the jw but also belief in the bible.
he was hung up on issues like the flood taking place about 3500 bc and how that fit in with the pyramids.. i don't know much about egyptian history or the ages of the big pyramids, but his reasoning was if the flood wiped out every human on earth except noah etc then at 3500 bc there were only 8 people on earth.
buy nothing day!
by Realist infor 24 hours, millions of people around the world did not participate -- in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture.
we paused.
we made a small choice not to shop.
...And we stocked up the day before and splurged he next!
Profit making..
by Gill indoes anyone have any accurate information on the profit margin the wtbts has on all its publications/cd's etc?.
even my loyal jw relatives are complaining about the constant moaning from the platform for more contributions.
i'd like to be able to give them some accurate knowlege for a change.. thanks everyone!.
It's amazing how quickly false prophets turn real profits.
Another Stem Cell Victory
by metatron in.
it's those "puny humans" again, curing the ills that the watchtower made those 'pie-in-the-sky' promises about.. .
Great news. I keep hoping that more and more people will realize that stem cell research is already helping little mammals.. time to move on to the big ones.
It's not helping all little mammals. Little mammals are being killed in the process.
Maybe one of you can help?
by Lostreality in.
can someone email me the link to the 'other' site?.
What other site?
Which three books would you have taken?
by MungoBaobab inat the end of george pal's 1960 classic "h.g.wells' the time machine," the main character returns from 1899 to the year 802701 to rebuilt civilization.
mankind has forgotton about science, religion, technology, art, agriculture, everything.
after he has left, his housekeeper notes that the only things the time traveller took with him are three books.
Interesting condition, Jeff. I'll say no, because if you had a time machine you could come to late 2004 and stop by Barnes & Noble on your way to infinity.
What happens when you die??
by mysterio91 init's been over a year now since my dad died.
i feel sad about it a lot because i don't believe i will never see him again.
i realised today that being raised a dub has closed my eyes to different views on death.
The same thing that happens in the other forum!
Which three books would you have taken?
by MungoBaobab inat the end of george pal's 1960 classic "h.g.wells' the time machine," the main character returns from 1899 to the year 802701 to rebuilt civilization.
mankind has forgotton about science, religion, technology, art, agriculture, everything.
after he has left, his housekeeper notes that the only things the time traveller took with him are three books.
At the end of George Pal's 1960 classic "H.G.Wells' The Time Machine," the main character returns from 1899 to the year 802701 to rebuilt civilization. Mankind has forgotton about science, religion, technology, art, agriculture, everything. After he has left, his housekeeper notes that the only things the time traveller took with him are three books. She asks his best friend if that seems important.
"I suppose not," he answers. "Only, which three books would you have taken?"
What happens when you die??
by mysterio91 init's been over a year now since my dad died.
i feel sad about it a lot because i don't believe i will never see him again.
i realised today that being raised a dub has closed my eyes to different views on death.. what do some of you believe happens after death??
What happens to the programs running on your computer if your computer is destroyed?
Do "Born-Again Christians" lie on JW's to put them in a bad light?
by booker-t ini was reading a book on early church fathers and early christian doctrines.
i could not put the book down.
i noticed that some of the early church fathers "denounced" war frowned upon celebrating holidays and also "birthdays" some of their arguments sounded exactly like jw's and if you did not know you would have thought you were talking to some jw's.
Reading so many lies about JWs made me sick before and after I left. Before, because somebody was spreading falsehood about my religion, and after because diluting so many vaild criticisms with the "lies and half-truths" the WTS warns people about destroys the credibility of real arguments. An article in Time or Newsweek entitled "Worse than Waco" (referrring to the Branch Davidians) written by a former witness taught that Witnesses believe the "lake that burns with fire an sulphur" of Revelation was a literal place of torment akin to hell. My ex-fiancee's nut-job Baptist sister insisted JWs remove the Song of Solomon from their Bibles for being to sexual. Another hang-up she had was constantly talking about "salvation-through-works" this and "salvation-through-works" that. That's more of a doctrinal thing, of course. Let's not forget that Kevin Costner flick with the little JW boy whose religion forbade him to eat cotton candy because it was candy.