thank you guys so much! I got what I needed.
JoinedPosts by PaNiCAtTaCk
Im at work and I need a quote please
by PaNiCAtTaCk ini need the quote from the watchtower that says only jehovahs witnesses will survive armageddon.
thanks in advance!
Im at work and I need a quote please
by PaNiCAtTaCk ini need the quote from the watchtower that says only jehovahs witnesses will survive armageddon.
thanks in advance!
I need the quote from the watchtower that says only Jehovahs Witnesses will survive armageddon. Thanks in advance!
Just got back from the 2004-2005 circuit assembly here are a few thoughts.
by PaNiCAtTaCk inupon arriving i ran into lots of old friends and really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting.
they dont know that im currently struggling with doubts about the organization and they think that im the same old zealous brother.
i couldnt help but feel a sence of guilt visiting with them about our current number of publishers and how many we had pioneering ect.
You said "As for the head of Oxford University; I do not doubt your accurate telling of the story. But logically speaking, why would ANYONE from Oxford University ( much less the headmaster) or any other legitimate center of Higher Education quantify ANYTHING the Jehovahs Witnesses and the Watchtower teach.
I am telling it exactly like he did. I didnt think that it sounded right either. Something that I left out was the fact that this man was interested to know if our organization had any schools. So of course he said YES! We have the theocratic ministry school and he wanted to see the book we study at this school so they brought him one back. After reading the theocratic ministry school guidbook and a few magazines the man said that our publications were on a college level and that we were getting a college education that would have costed thousands of dollars for free.
"TO MY KNOWLEGE SHE IS PLANNING ON GETTING BABTISED. OR TO MY KNOWLEGE THE SISTER WITH AIDS IS NO LONGER WITH US" (I started thinking most of these stories didnt sound like they had been validated. Except for
the oxford experience that he had. -
Just got back from the 2004-2005 circuit assembly here are a few thoughts.
by PaNiCAtTaCk inupon arriving i ran into lots of old friends and really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting.
they dont know that im currently struggling with doubts about the organization and they think that im the same old zealous brother.
i couldnt help but feel a sence of guilt visiting with them about our current number of publishers and how many we had pioneering ect.
OH I also forgot another experience that he gave.
Their were 2 sisters who after getting all the regular pioneer hours in thought they would go on a relaxing cruise. So they are on the ship having a great time and at the end of one of the days one sister retired early and the other sister thought that she might have a drink and listen to the calypso band. Well this really nice guy approached her and started visiting with her and he was just so nice. He bought her a couple more drinks and they continued to visit. Well they ended up dancing a few songs just really having a great time. Well when it time for bed our dear sister didnt go back to her room. She spent the night with this man she had met. Well after the alcohol wore off the guilt set in. The remaining day or so on the ship was very difficult for her on the ship. Well they pack all their bags and they are fixing to disembark the ship when this nice guy she had met yelled out for her saying "Wait I want to give you something for you to remember our nice time on the ship together." He gave her a little box with wrapping paper on it and told her not to open it until they got home. By the time she got on the plane for home she just couldnt take it anymore she just had to open it right then to see what it was. In the box their was a
little coffin with a note in it that said "WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF AIDS" (the whole audience gasped for air!) The talk was about remaining clean and obedience to the organization.
Oh and something else I remembered. My sister-n-law asked me if our special needs talk was about sideburns? I said what are you talking about? No it wasnt on sideburns! She went on to say that their special needs talk was about sideburns and how you shouldnt wear them below the ear lobe. Lots of the spanish brothers are wearing long sideburns now. She then went on to ask me if I thought it was wrong to go the oposite and cut them off. (its hard for me to contain myself when others ask ridiculous questions like this! She asked me this sincerely. I guess i should have warned her about questioning the society because that is how it starts with something small like sideburns! The next thing you know your skipping meetings. ( I have noticed though that recently the awake magazine has been showing more brothers with longer sideburns. So gradually they are introducting them to us a cenimeter at a time. -
Just got back from the 2004-2005 circuit assembly here are a few thoughts.
by PaNiCAtTaCk inupon arriving i ran into lots of old friends and really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting.
they dont know that im currently struggling with doubts about the organization and they think that im the same old zealous brother.
i couldnt help but feel a sence of guilt visiting with them about our current number of publishers and how many we had pioneering ect.
When the District overseer was telling the story of the oxford man he really draggin it out and of course he had a strong accent and he had retired from being the head man at oxford university. He had retired and probably moved here.
Just got back from the 2004-2005 circuit assembly here are a few thoughts.
by PaNiCAtTaCk inupon arriving i ran into lots of old friends and really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting.
they dont know that im currently struggling with doubts about the organization and they think that im the same old zealous brother.
i couldnt help but feel a sence of guilt visiting with them about our current number of publishers and how many we had pioneering ect.
Upon arriving I ran into lots of old friends and really enjoyed seeing everyone and visiting. They dont know that Im currently struggling with doubts about the organization and they think that Im the same old zealous brother. I couldnt help but feel a sence of guilt visiting with them about our current number of publishers and how many we had pioneering ect. It really made me feel hypocritical because I hate putting on a false front.
I couldnt help but notice as soon as I opened the program that during the afternoon symposium there would be a talk entitled Be "Ready to Obey" Organizational Direction it was the 4th talk under the title "Manifesting the wisdom from above in our life" and of course the wisdom from above works through
an organization that we should be ready to obey! 2 years ago I would have never given this a thought. I immediatly pointed this talk out to my wife and she gave me a look of dissapointment. I wish I had never pointed it out to her because she is confused about whats happening to me and my doubts. No doubt she would have never noticed it. The 2nd to last talk on Sunday was entitled " Do not become wise in your own eyes" I knew this would also be a talk that hit home. Listed below are some things that I wrote down that I thought were interesting.
Our district overseer came from Michigan. He brought out that during george washingtons day they had a procedure called "blood letting" where they would rid the body of blood. Now they have blood transfusions.
He made mention that both of these were harmful and that true christians have been protected from things like this. He read Col 2:8 where Paul warned not to follow philosophies of man and that this reasoning should be paramount in our life "Being led by Gods wisdom." Of course later this day we would have a talk on being ready to obey organizational direction. I wondered If I was the only one who was bothered by this contridiction in the whole place.
He also said " As long as we are preaching the good news regularly we wont have time to get involved with the things of the world."
Several times during the assembly they warned strongly against the internet and PORN. They asked the question "are we avoiding the snares of the internet?" Col 3:5,6 says deaden your body members. They brought out that many witnesses have gotten addicted to porn and have become slaves to it like drugs.
They warned against stumbling our brothers. The brother advised sisters to ask themselves before they wear something " Is this too low cut? Is this going to cause someone to have unclean thoughts? (I almost laughed at that!)
They warned against being to critical of our congregation. Used an example of one circuit overseers wife who was always critical of everyone and there excuses for low hours ect. but that now that shes older and has problems shes understanding and compassionate.
We were encouraged to set reasonable goals and that Jah knows our limitations. ( I was actually kinda suprised that they would say this. I figure they would think we would get lazy or get the wrong idea.
Just a little earlier they encouraged us to stay very busy in the ministry to keep us out of trouble.)
IN the ready to obey talk they mentioned that when we get direction from a trusted source we do it "right then!" Doctore ect. ect. He said a well trained soldier responds quickly and the King saul was given dirction from the prophet samuel but that king saul disobeyed and it cost him. He brought out that not listening to Jehovah means we dont trust him. Gen 6:8 ( of course Jehovah in this situation means governing body) It was said that Noah did all that Jah told him to and that he was good example for us.
OR USE THE BIBLE. (in that order) He said that the publications were based on bible principles. Went on to give example of a local couple of gave up their succesful business and laid off all the employees to
move where they were needed more and do Jehovahs work. It was mentioned that they had some serious money problems but they are now doing ok with the janitorial jobs they picked up and that some brother was renting them a house where they moved in clayton nm.
The district overseer said that he was visiting with a man at the door and he read some books from the society and that they were college level quality. He said that we were getting thousands of dollars worth of education for free and come to find out this man had been the HEAD MAN AT OXFORD UNIVERSITY.
(everyone in the audience gasped with excitment at this point)
It was said that Jehovah gave us the privelege to preach and that Jesus set the perfect example for us in
his preaching by "keeping things simple". Simple teaching and simple reasoning. He said "we need simple truth" (i was thinking at this point that our message is completely diff from what Jesus taught and not simple at all!)
They interviewed 91 year old sister who hardly ever misses meetings and who has been zealous for most of her life.
He asked "are we slacking in the harvest work? The brother brought out that during a real harvest even
the children are expected to help. He said people have questions and we have answers. He asked if others are having to carry our load? (several times this assembly it was mentioned that finding people
at home is almost rare and that we need to go where the people are(business territory,phone witnessing ect) He said we went from 88 pioneers in 2003 to 125 pioneers in 2004. He mentioned that we were living in the last days and that "we can have godly wisdom"
in our needs of the circuit talk it was based on changing our circumstances and the preaching work.
He said that we are fulfilling bible prophecy ps 110:3-you people will offer themselves willingly!
He said in israel some would fish at night because thats when the fish were biting and that some were doing evening witnessing in the area. He mentioned that some gold mines are being re-worked because we have better techniques. We can also use better techniques in the preaching work.
It was mentioned that the book studys were being skipped by alot of brothers and that it was ironic that we are studying the "draw close to Jehovah book" He said "this is exactly what satan doesnt want us to do!!" He mentioned that many say its the best book the society has put out in years. He read a poem called "daddy wouldnt go" about a father who quit the meeting and his little girl turn into a complete loser all becaue daddy wouldnt go.(you could hear a few sobs from the audience. I couldnt help but think of several friends whos daddys did go and they still turned out losers!)
They directed a large portion of the assembly to the young ones(I think lots of young ones are leaving and they are trying to really encourage them)
something interesting that I noticed was in the watchtower that we will study this weekend on alcohol. I will quoute it exactly in the 21 paragraph "Do not drink at all. That is what a woman whom we will cal Irene resolved to do. After almost two and a holf years of sobriety, she says, I began to think that just one drink might be all right, just to see how I would handle it. But the minute I feel that way, I immediately take the matter to Jehovah in prayer. I am determined not to have another alcoholic drink until the new system-if even then............>>>>>>>AT LEAST THEIR WILL BE ALCOHOL IN THE NEW SYSTEM!!!!! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IVE HEARD THIS!!!!! -
Can you help please? Re: JW grandfathers funeral
by Lily888888 inhi everyone, i am new to this forum so sorry about any mistakes.
i have just had the terrible news that my grandfather has passed away.
he and my grandmother (still alive) were both jehovah's witnesses.
I think you will find the funeral very peaceful. They will mention faithful years of service to Jehovah and mention how many years babtised and then they will talk about paradise conditions and a time when everyone can live pain and death free and how we wont have to experience things like this again. I think you will find it peaceful. Their wont be any loud screaming and crying unless its from a non Jehovahs Witness. When my Grandparents died we grandchildren read poetry and even said a few words. This is done at graveside though. Please dont show up with a chip on your shoulder it wont be as bad as many here have expressed. I am currently an active JW that is struggling with a few issues just to let you know where I am coming from. Most people on this board left the JW because they were wronged or felt wronged in some way so you may be getting biased advice. They will know immedietly your not a JW and they will all be very friendly to you. They are nice people and they will come across that way, Most witnesses care about you and caring means delivering the truth to you by converting you to a JW. They may say something like "wouldnt it be wonderful to be with your grandparents in the paradise right here on earth?"
Whether I stay a JW or not I do like the message that they preach. Dead conscience of nothing. Paradise on earth. No burning hellfire.
New here (sort of)
by TheListener inalthough this is my first post i must say that i feel like i know so many here very well.
your posts have helped me tremendously.
as i become more comfortable i hope to join in the topics and begin to share more about myself.. for now i'll say that i am currently a jw that began researching information about two years ago to improve my faith and knowledge.
Hi, I am also having doubts but still trying to hold on. Have you altogether decided "it just isnt the truth" or are you still considering the possibility that even though they are not perfect as the apostles but that maybe Jehovah could be using them still? It is very difficult to leave when our belief system is all that you know in life. I am very scare and undecided. I have taken the advice of some here and I am not rushing into any one thing. I am just kinda setting back for once in my life and trying to look at the big picture. I still feel a strong need to be a part of a brotherhood and I just dont see the brotherhood any where else. I am so confused!
Why Do People Become/Stay As Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus inwhat makes a person leave their religion and join the witnesses?
what makes a doubter or better yet a jw that knows this isn't really the truth, remain a witness?
i believe most stay on because being a witness is like being a member of a club.
Most of you know that I am doubting and that it was a big step for me to even talk on an apostate board like this. The reason its hard for me to just walk away right this second is that.
Even though I have found things wrong with our beliefs the question is still in my mind. "Maybe Jehovah is still using them he used the apostles when they were imperfect and didnt understand things correctly.
I still believe in GOD no matter how you say his name. The scriptures seem to indicate their is some brotherhood I should be with.
I have helped with two JW promoted hurricane relief groups and been to many many quick builds and have always thought to myself " This has to be the truth! brother so and so doesnt even no me and lets me stay in his house."
These are just a couple I have to go to work now. Im not trying to argue im just giving you input from an active witness struggling with doubts. -
Im and active JW struggling with doubts plz read my post in the priv area
by PaNiCAtTaCk inhello plz see my post in the private area.
Hello plz see my post in the private area.