you have a debate with a bunch of jw young people (19 and up) about which "G" rated movie is the most appropriate to go see.
during class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!
you have a debate with a bunch of jw young people (19 and up) about which "G" rated movie is the most appropriate to go see.
facts to consider
internet advertising seem to be getting stronger again.
presen economic situation for newspaper is not bright, they include the new york times, boston globe international, herald tribune gannett co., (100 newspapers including usa today), ew scripps (21 newspapers) dow jones & co./the wall street journal.
every morning then i do my crossword
going back to a kingdom hall?.
recently i've had a couple of visits from jws while i was at work.
each time they left a message that the co was going to be visiting this week and that it would be good if i went to the meeting.. i was really surprised at the strong reaction i had to the thought of going to a meeting again.
I only go into Kingdom Halls for funnerals of family members.
during class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!
Man after reading the above I am so glad I had "Spiritually Weak" parents!
i just wonder if any here from an area, say within 100 miles of fort wayne indiana interested in getting a small informal group together?
i have not been able to find any xjws in my immediate area.
i have gone to the meetup sites - still nothing.
I'm new to Indiana, how far is Fishers from Fort Wayne?
"god is just an imaginary friend for adults.
" - morgan freeman, the big bounce
"Excuse me while I whip this out." Richard Roundtree ~ Blazing Saddles
I love the scream after he says that.
... in california that wanted to commit suicide by getting his vehicle in the way of an on-coming train?
the coward/idiot/nut/moron, changed his mind when he saw the train coming towards him and jumped out of the vehicle.
as a result, several people lost their life and about 100 or so were seriously injured.. what a coward!!!!!!!!!!
from what i heard on the news the coward might get his death wish because of special circumstances he could possiblly get the death penalty
this came to my attention this afternoon, i wonder why?
"it is important for men to remember that as a women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger.
when you notice this, try not to yell at them.
though i haven't been in the mood to discuss jws lately, i had to post this one.
it's a keeper and shows how fanatical they can get:.
on my way to work in our city's downtown area i regularly see a pioneer walking up and down the street, holding up his magazines.
i would have called the cops
hm i'm not what you could define as an apostate (never baptised) but i do live kinda close to ya in Indiana.