This truly was a trend, I remember hearing kids screaming outside, as their parent was beating on them. It scared me at the time, I grew up had my own kids, never laid a hand on them. Children are children, they are young, and their attention span is short many times. They have a real hard time sitting for hours and doing nothing. I always felt sorry for them, and can't blame them one bit if in time when they grew up, left the truth. I think such treatment for little ones is terrible. Now you would think if that goes on someone should report such loving and caring parents to the authorities. I mean you can spank a child, then you can beat a child. Most of what I heard was on the line of beating. I wonder how the parents would feel if someone took them out and beat the crap out of them. How awful it must have been for so many kids when there was an assembly and they had to endure that all day long. It even got worse when there was a talk on disciplining your kids. MAYBE SOME PARENTS NEED A TIME OUT.
JoinedPosts by bigfloppydog
by Rags ini am 36 yr old female originally from toronto ontario canada.
was raised jw till i was about 14. has anyone else had this happen in their hall?
the mom's (thank god never mine!
CONGRATULATIONS What a beautiful little girl.
Post a message to Sharon Roe(Janet Bryant's sister
by seven006 insharon like her sister janet was also raised a jw.
she left the religion three years ago just about the same time as robert and janet.
her husband is not a jw but did attend the occasional meeting.
Sharon, my most heartfelt condolances to you and your family. Although some may not know exactly what to say at a time like this, may you find some comfort in knowing that there is many of us who are thinking of you and your family at this time when such a tradgedy has happened. We want to let you know, we care, we are good listeners, and will try to help in any way we can. Plan and simple Sharon WE LOVE YOU.
Thowing away WTS Publications
by Judith inin the past weeks, i have been throwing away my 32 year library of books.
the feeling of freeing myself from the weight of the lies contained within the pages was my objective.
i have always been afraid of letting them go just in case it was the "truth.
It took me awhile, but finally I gathered most of my books, only kept a few. I took them to my JW sisters house, knocked on door, said she could have them, she asked if i was not coming back to truth, I flat out said no. She took them.
The meeting did not go well.
by Danni init would have taken more much more time to tell it all.
he told us the meeting would began as soon as the other brothers arrived.
danni: i will give you two.
I have learned witness stick togeather like glue, and use every excuse in the book to hid and sweep under the rug anything that goes on. If it is something wrong that they have done, they are always in denial. But if you do something wrong, look out because they are the first ones knocking on your door. Part of the reason I left, because I knew some were doing wrong things, and got away with it. So glad I don't have to see or deal with that anymore. HOW CAN ANYONE BE ON THE SIDE OF SOMEONE WHO HURTS CHILDREN, AND RAPES WOMEN. What a sad situation, and they should be exposed.
3/24 - A Special Day
by Amazing insunday, the 24th, will be my mother's birthday.
had she lived, she would have been 95. she was 44 when i was born.
she died in july 1966, when i was 15. she would have turned over in her grave had she known that i had ever been a jw.. her first contact with the jws was when i was still in the womb.
Amazing, your mom sounds like she was a very special lady,how nice to have had her in your life, and to be so loving, I wish I had a loving mother as she, you are so fortunate to have had her. HAPPY B DAY TO YOUR MOM. Thank you for sharing your lovely story of her.
Meet my Lil Man:)
by mommy inhey all.
i just got home from the hospital earlier this evening, but i wanted to post a few pics of my lil man for you.
i can't believe he is finally here!
Congratulations to you he is adorable.
Hey, I'm new here
by Disposable Hero ini have frequented this site quite a bit, but i now have finally joined.
since i seen many other people's posts i will tell.
i grew up with my mother in the "truth" but my father was not.
Your best money saving tips here, please
by LDH inlarc's thread on coupons gave me this idea.. we all know coupons can save you a few dollars or more.
but how do you save real money???.
do y'all have any tips that you wanna share?
When you buy something with cash (bills) take the change you get and store it away, I was saving 50 dollars a month just with toonies. I also had pennies, nickels and dimes to roll. Every little bit helps.
by teenyuck inlast week i spoke to my mother-in-law for the first time since visiting her ugly ass, at christmas, in florida.
i, unfortuantly, picked up the telephone without checking caller id.
it was not her usual sunday evening call.
Your MIL sounds like my mother, what a tyrant. I get along better with my mother-in-law, I have no relationship with my mother, told my sister I would not take care of her any longer, since I took care of her for many years and she only emotionally abused me.I carry a good sense of humour with my MIL and we laugh alot. She is 80 and a real sweetie. I think if you have her live with you, you will become emotionally damaged. Send her to a home.