Each one of us is encoded with a moral law that is shaped through contact with the society in which we live. Unless a person is sociopathic or has some other mental defect, he is well equipped to know what society demands and the course of actions that benefit society. And that, my freind, is plenty of qualification.
John, John, John, I hope you never have to eat those words and find yourself "in the system" Google Social Security Disability and read the horror stories of those who were honest hard working people benefiting society and then they had an accident or contracted an illness that kept them from working. You think SSI is there for you (after all you've paid into it for years) until you go to collect it. Then you get caught in the system a catch 22 and these are some of the very people on the street corners begging for money. They've lost all hope and this system this freaking society has let them down.
I hope you never find yourself in that kind of situation, yet life has a way of grabbing us by the balls and demanding attention, teaching us lessons we would otherwise never wish on anyone.
It never hurts anyone to be kind, or to lend a helping hand without asking anything back, giving generously when you can comes back in great ways, being a pompous ass comes back to kick you right where it hurts.
Peace and out.