Wishing you a speedy recovery Megan!
JoinedPosts by bikerchic
Megan is in Hospital...
by KW13 inin a sense its my fault, i made her take a look in the loft to see what she wanted me to take down.
anyway while she was perched on top of the ladder, she slipped back and banged her head/neck/back.
she is ok, up, smiling and joking compared to before when things looked quite serious.
Did you ever have..One of Those Days?
by OUTLAW inthe "water delivery pipe" burst on the well again..so..yesterday we dropped new heavy duty pipe 350ft below the ground..that took most of the day,but we were done before dark.....finally!..i can shower,flush the toilet and run the dishwasher!..no more paper plates on what seems an endless picnic!..lol!
!..so..i go to the power box and turn on the pump..we have running water!.......about 5 minutes later we notice water coming from the main floor,running down the wall and over a light switch....and..the water is frigg`n bright blue!!..wtf!..lol!
!..it`s the toilet over flowing..i`ve got bright blue toilet water all over the bathroom floor and pouring over a light switch in the basement!..this isn`t good..so,i turn the water off to the toilet..i`ll fix it later....it`s time for my workers to leave..i wander down the ranch driveway with a flashlight and the dog to open the ranch gate..i get the gate open and the truck and trailer pass through the gate..i figure the trailer is through the gate and let the gate swing shut.....bam!!
Awe sorry for your troubles OUTLAW, you however are made of some tough stuff and still have your great sense of humor........you kept us laughing all day yesterday even amidst your own worries! I would have never guessed you were having such a bad day of it.
Oh as far as one of those days.....I seem to be having one of those years! I can't wait for '08!
Way to go junior!
Flufftastic Queen + Paul Rodgers
by RisingEagle injust a little fluff, i'm waiting for my wife to go to bed to post my other topic o' the day.. i got home last night just in time to catch a special program on our local pbs station.
it was queen + paul rodgers.
for those not familiar with paul rodgers he was a member of free in the 60's and 70's, bad company in the 70's till 82 and then went on to the band the firm.
. Roger May wrote a lot of the songs.
yes and so did brian taylor
john mercury contributed one or two aswell
but none were as good as freddie deacon
Did you mean John Decon? I was confused so I looked it up here is what Wikipedia says about John Deacon:
John Richard Deacon (born August 19, 1951, in Leicester, Leicestershire) is an English musician, best known as the bassist for the rock band Queen. Of the four members of the band, Deacon was the youngest, last to join, and wrote the fewest songs; however, several of his compositions were big hits, such as "You're My Best Friend", "Another One Bites the Dust" and "I Want to Break Free". He also played rhythm and acoustic guitars on several albums as well as occasional keyboards. He was also the only member not to sing.
Deacon retired from the music business in the late 1990s, and has chosen not to participate in the Queen + Paul Rodgers tour.
I had no idea he was the writer of some of my fave Queen songs.
Flufftastic Queen + Paul Rodgers
by RisingEagle injust a little fluff, i'm waiting for my wife to go to bed to post my other topic o' the day.. i got home last night just in time to catch a special program on our local pbs station.
it was queen + paul rodgers.
for those not familiar with paul rodgers he was a member of free in the 60's and 70's, bad company in the 70's till 82 and then went on to the band the firm.
I heard about the program but have yet to see it. I'll be checking my local listings to see if and when it will air I would love to see it. I've been a Queen fan for years and thought rock really lost a great one when Freddy Mercury died. Thanks for posting about it.
When will THE END come?
by Fisherman inthe bible speaks about the end of the world.
do you feel that someday god will intervene.
the blind will see, the deaf will hear the dead wlll rise or will the bible be shown in error..
My life used to be so non-stuff! (Guy-grumping)
by onacruse inwhen i was a bachelor, i had a very simple life: a bed, a tv, a computer, a stereo, and a couch.
no storage rooms, no closets full of stuff: everything i owned was straightforward and functional.. now?
well, bikerchic is having me haul around all these boxes and totes and piles of stuff for christmas, and i swear we must have about 47,000 tons of stuff that even she doesn't know where some of the stuff came from.. it must be genetic.. .
LOL oh honey just deal with it!
It must be genetic.
Everyone knows women are in charge of "stuff". Men get to haul it around for us.That's why we love strong men!
Cat pee
by noni1974 inomg i'm so pissed at my cat baby.he has this thing he does when the cat box needs changed.he pees on my clothes and on my bedding.i usually don't know he's doing it till it's to late.. last week i had just changed my bedding and put my 300.00 comferter on my bed for winter.i just climbed in my bed to go to sleep.my cat gets up on the bed and pees on me.. i know what your thinking get rid of the cat he's got a problem.but i can't who would adopt a cat who's a known pee er?
?he only does this when the cat box is really bad.i'm usually on top of it but there are times when i get home and i'm too tired to change the cat box.. so now i'm trying a new cat litter.i tried feline pine.now i'm trying a cat litter made of recycled news paper.it's called yesterdays news.so far i like it better then feline pine because i hate the smell of the pine cat litter.it smells like i have giant hamsters living with me.. now i'm left with cleaning up the pee smell out of my comferter.i bought some vinager because another poster told me it gets pee and other oders out of fabric.i'm soaking the comferter in it now and i will leave it soaking till monday.my comferter is too big to just throw in a washer and wash.i need to take it to a laundry mat and put it in a washer that can wash 4 loads at once.. does anyone else have any tips for me.number one to get the smell out if the vinager doesn't work and number two to get him to pee where he's supposed to..
Oh as far as getting the smell out of fabric who ever mentioned the product to break down the uric acid has my vote. Vinegar may help but it won't do a really good job and I hope you used white vinegar it is better for cleaning than apple cider vinegar. Fabrize will just mask the oder and eventually it will come back especially on a hot humid day. Plus you run the risk of the cat re-using that spot to potty again.
Another idea is you might want to take it to a professional dry cleaners they probably have a good remedy for cat urine.
Why don't you keep the cats outside?
Cat pee
by noni1974 inomg i'm so pissed at my cat baby.he has this thing he does when the cat box needs changed.he pees on my clothes and on my bedding.i usually don't know he's doing it till it's to late.. last week i had just changed my bedding and put my 300.00 comferter on my bed for winter.i just climbed in my bed to go to sleep.my cat gets up on the bed and pees on me.. i know what your thinking get rid of the cat he's got a problem.but i can't who would adopt a cat who's a known pee er?
?he only does this when the cat box is really bad.i'm usually on top of it but there are times when i get home and i'm too tired to change the cat box.. so now i'm trying a new cat litter.i tried feline pine.now i'm trying a cat litter made of recycled news paper.it's called yesterdays news.so far i like it better then feline pine because i hate the smell of the pine cat litter.it smells like i have giant hamsters living with me.. now i'm left with cleaning up the pee smell out of my comferter.i bought some vinager because another poster told me it gets pee and other oders out of fabric.i'm soaking the comferter in it now and i will leave it soaking till monday.my comferter is too big to just throw in a washer and wash.i need to take it to a laundry mat and put it in a washer that can wash 4 loads at once.. does anyone else have any tips for me.number one to get the smell out if the vinager doesn't work and number two to get him to pee where he's supposed to..
Outside is where all the fleas, ticks, hairballs, worms, and diseases are. My vet said that indoor ones are healthier. This is interesting.
I always had my pets vaccinated and or treated for outside pests it's easy to do and is what you have to do to keep them healthy. The point my uncle (the Vet) was making about indoor verses outdoor animals is that when a pet is kept indoors they don't have a chance to go through the natural process of thickening up their fur for the winter months or properly shedding for the summer months. When they are sent outside to potty or for a walk to keep them exercised they catch cold easier in the winter months just like we do however they don't have a "coat" to put on to keep them warm. He saw a lot of sickly pets because of that.
Hairballs? LOL Gotta watch those hairballs out running around!
Cat pee
by noni1974 inomg i'm so pissed at my cat baby.he has this thing he does when the cat box needs changed.he pees on my clothes and on my bedding.i usually don't know he's doing it till it's to late.. last week i had just changed my bedding and put my 300.00 comferter on my bed for winter.i just climbed in my bed to go to sleep.my cat gets up on the bed and pees on me.. i know what your thinking get rid of the cat he's got a problem.but i can't who would adopt a cat who's a known pee er?
?he only does this when the cat box is really bad.i'm usually on top of it but there are times when i get home and i'm too tired to change the cat box.. so now i'm trying a new cat litter.i tried feline pine.now i'm trying a cat litter made of recycled news paper.it's called yesterdays news.so far i like it better then feline pine because i hate the smell of the pine cat litter.it smells like i have giant hamsters living with me.. now i'm left with cleaning up the pee smell out of my comferter.i bought some vinager because another poster told me it gets pee and other oders out of fabric.i'm soaking the comferter in it now and i will leave it soaking till monday.my comferter is too big to just throw in a washer and wash.i need to take it to a laundry mat and put it in a washer that can wash 4 loads at once.. does anyone else have any tips for me.number one to get the smell out if the vinager doesn't work and number two to get him to pee where he's supposed to..
Well I'm not a heartless pet owner on really cold or hot days I let the critters in but they are trained to poty outside where animal waste belongs imho. I think it's really dirty to have litter boxes indoors where little kids can get to them plus the cats track all that grit everywhere even on counter tops if they are climbers, ugg talk about dirty!