For purps , bikerchic, and ozzie , here's the link to the post that led me to start this in 5thGen 's honor...
Awe well shucks nvr thanks for the link. Yep that was the thread I was avoiding......I came from the generation that used corporal punishment, I did, my parents did, my grandparents did, my great grandparents did and so on......we all lived and I don't think any one of us liked getting spanked but darn well knew we deserved to be punished.
FWIW my own children are not spanker's they are time-outers. My grand kids are pretty well behaved as I was as their parents were. Now I would not use spanking as a means to punish a child there are plenty of other things to do to get your point across and I do think it encourages or teaches them to hit their siblings.
Heck they ought to be a law passed that you can lock all teenagers up until they are 20 and the raging hormones have quit raging! I really can't imagine spanking a teenager by that age they should know how to behave and if not lock 'em up throw the key away!