My kudos go to restrangled for having the kahunas to open up this can of worms and get to the bottom of it.
Many of us have made judgements for or against Richie and rightly so I totally agree with what restrangled's husband said:
And whoever keeps throwing out the Judgemental Card likes its some double secret ultimate zinger....that just applies in JW circles....if you don't use your judgement on a minute by minute basis you'll never make it out of the house in the morning...and you'll be eaten up and spit out by lunchtime. Its not a curse...its a basic survival skill.
Richie you're young I hope you've learned a lesson from all of this and go on and make a nice life after all it's all I expect of you to do is to learn from your mistakes and move on, lesson learned. Mistakes are errors in judgement, I for one am not saying that YOU Richie are a mistake but it seems you have made an errant decision and you can do better than that Richie, you been brought up to do better. You'll have to someday you'll have others that depend on you to be honest and forthright for their sakes.
Now go and make yourself a nice life and hopefully the rest of us can get on with our lives and put this baby to rest.