What Has Happened to This Place!!??

by journey-on 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    What has happened to this place??!!

    I left this board a while back to reorganize and get refocused. The vibe of JWD was changing and the forum became "unbalanced" (for lack of a better word). I assumed it was just me, so I left.

    I checked in now and then to see if anyone had pm’d me. I would scan the Active Topics and if something caught my eye, I would open it and read it. But, it no longer pulled me to it as before.

    The last few days, I popped on board and began to read the latest stuff and "catch up".

    My god!!!! This place has turned into one BIG SOAP OPERA. It’s like reading "As The World Turns"…"The Young and the Restless"…"Days of Our Lives"…"All My Children"……all rolled into one!

    I started thinking of some new titles, but decided not to post them for fear of stepping on someone’s humorless toes.

    Oh, BTW, hello everybody.

    Okay, I’ll post one: "One Life to Live"-----"A Double Life to Live"

    One more: (Oops...better not post that one. Somebody will start a thread about how unkind I was to expose such a thing.)

  • R.F.

    Hello journey-on....

    Yes this place has changed very much. It's ALOT different than when I first started posting here. Don't be afraid to post what you want, go right ahead.

  • truthseeker

    I think we forget that this board is about people of varying backgrounds, abilities etc.

    This fourm for me is a godsend.

    This forum is more than a community for many people, it's a lifeline.

    I find some members make this board an extension of their family and you will get the strange soap opera like things happening

    as people are more willing to be open and frank with their lives.

    New stuff gets posted here every other day, whether it's ancedotal evidence, WT scans or Bethelite stories.

    Respected posters such as Hillary_Step, Farkel and others continue to offer their insight.

    Bottom line - it's still a great place for newbies.

  • *summer*

    Hello journey-on...

    I haven't been here for very long, so I cannot really compare.

    But I find a mixed bag here...some fluff, but also some serious and doctrinal topics. If I open a thread that does not suit me...I simply move right along to the next one. No one is twisting my arm to read or agree on any given subject.

    (Oops...better not post that one. Somebody will start a thread about how unkind I was to expose such a thing.)

    Hey, it's your forum. Express your opinion...and let the chips fall where they may:-)

    If we all had the same opinion, this place would be very boring...and pointless.


  • DJK

    Tis the season IMO.

  • wanderlustguy

    As the stomach turns.

    One double life to live.

    The meeting days of our lives.

    The dumb and the listless.

    Shall I go on?

  • Zico


    Err... I mean, though there are a few 'old' posters still here, a lot of new ones have started to post more regularly of late, and so the board has certainly changed since I first came here, which will happen as new personalities enter the board. I assume this has happened a lot in it's history. Different doesn't mean bad though! Maybe you just need time to get used to the new people, or maybe you don't? If you don't enjoy the board, I wouldn't think there was much point wasting your time posting on it, as you won't single handedly make it the place you want it to be, not that I'd ask you to leave the board, do what makes you happy!

    Ah yes... and, hello!

  • journey-on
    If you don't enjoy the board, I wouldn't think there was much point wasting your time posting on it, as you won't single handedly make it the place you want it to be, not that I'd ask you to leave the board, do what makes you happy!

    Damn! If that ain't a mouthful..................LMAO!! "The Bold and the Beautiful" ---- "The Lost and the Incoherent"

  • mrsjones5

    I'm not surprised...my life is a soap opera too...updates will come later...

  • moshe

    I don't watch soaps and I don't bother with melodramatic threads- like "what's his" name that turned out to be a faker and convinced kind-hearted Mouthy to send him some money.

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