I hurried and deleted it so he couldn't subscribe, again!
okay pile on...... i' know i'm going to get laughed at with this one!.
ever have one of those times where your brain just doesn't kick in?
me, i sitting here wondering why i've made out a check to better homes and gardens magazine for a subscription when i have not one but two good housekeeping magazines coming to my house one in my name and one in hubbies name.
I hurried and deleted it so he couldn't subscribe, again!
Well since you're suffering the *itch*.....I think you can be excused!
decorating tips for christmas trees
you've go the christmas tree, but now what?
browse these pages of tips and ideas on setting up your tree, keeping it fresh, and decorating it beautifully.
dear bikerchic...
"You and I are past the age where we would need to use the item the mouse is made from"...
NO WAY!!!...
I don't want to say "how cute" but I cant stop myself...
I think you've got it!
decorating tips for christmas trees
you've go the christmas tree, but now what?
browse these pages of tips and ideas on setting up your tree, keeping it fresh, and decorating it beautifully.
I entered the craft fair at my university with a little agave stalk (looks like a mini christmas tree) full of mice...
This year I made them with scarves and jingle bell. Also there were Hanukkah mice...
Awe Kudra pic please! I would love to see that!
oliver has skin cancer and he is bleeding all over my mom's house.
oliver is suffering so bad and all we can do is hold him now.
later today he will be put down and i don't want to do it.
You have our sympathies Brooke, we had to put our dog down a month ago and it still hurts thinking about him. We sure were attached to our dog as I know you are yours. In the grand scheme of things it's the kind, responsible thing to do. No living breathing thing should have to suffer.
Hang in there.
heya all,.
had my ultrasound yesterday everything looks good and is where it should be, we didnt find out this time what we are having, we figured we have one of each it would be nice to have a suprise.. here is one of the pics.
baby is looking straight at you and has one of its little hands near its face!.
How cool! That's the first time I could actually tell it's a baby in the ultra-scan! So happy for you Es!
what has happened to this place??!!.
i left this board a while back to reorganize and get refocused.
the vibe of jwd was changing and the forum became "unbalanced" (for lack of a better word).
Frank two words then I'm so through with you. GROW UP!
what has happened to this place??!!.
i left this board a while back to reorganize and get refocused.
the vibe of jwd was changing and the forum became "unbalanced" (for lack of a better word).
Come on, now, BikerChic. Admit it. This is FUNNY stuff.
Yeah funny like a flat you see why he has only 3 posts left!
Buy a clue Frank, sigh.
what has happened to this place??!!.
i left this board a while back to reorganize and get refocused.
the vibe of jwd was changing and the forum became "unbalanced" (for lack of a better word).
I think one of the reasons may be the mods. Their playbook seems to be loosely based on the Watchtower KS book combined with the Vagina monologues.
over the past few days... someone who i'm no longer associated with has been out on vendetta to discredit me.
it started with a mass mail to my myspace friends, which caused nothing more than a few eyebrows to be raised.
that was the reaction of people who know me in real life.
If there's a legitimate grievance a letter from a lawyer could probably accomplish far more than a thousand posts on the internet, which could worsen matters by contributing to negative publicity for Seth's business.
True! Best way to handle real life issues. Nothing can be done via the Internet except to spread gosip.